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buried in teeth — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Yvly broke her stare at Oula to glance down at Pip, tail giving a wag in response to her submissive greeting. While she did smile at the younger's goofy antics, the situation was too serious for them to footle around. She did, however, appreciate Pip's attempt to diffuse the tension. When Lily arrived the Tawny Leader dipped her head, jaws opening to greet her when Veho appeared and practically threw himself at Oula. Tawny ears flicked back momentarily but she swiftly forced herself to hold a much lighter stance than previously. She would let Veho have his happy moment, not wanting to spoil the mood any further. She, too, was glad Oula was back, but knew her return would only create turmoil for the pack.

Letting her tail uncurl and lower, the Tawny Leader assumed the stance of neutrality. Everyone else seemed overjoyed at Oula's return, and as leader she was an example for the pack, so despite her inner feelings she let the ill thoughts slide. For now. When the creamy women asked about the children Yvly glanced around, slightly surprised they had not come running at hearing their mother's voice. As long as they were staying out of trouble she would not worry, and so returned her attention forward. Like the others she stayed quiet, giving Veho the chance to answer as they were his and Oula's brood. She glanced sideways at Lily, brows furrowed as she stepped closer to feel the warmth of her friend's side against hers. Already she felt a worry at what was going to happen in the upcoming months. Surely Oula wished to climb back up to the leader position to better care for her children, and when the time came, Yvly was not sure what she would do.

296 words

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

The children—

Perhaps he should have thought of that, the man realized a bit belatedly.  Of course she’d want to see them!  He could be away for a day, and it was always the three youngest members of Grizzly Hollow he wanted to check in on first, what, with the absence of Rook and Oula both.  His tail still wiggling behind him, he bobbed is head.  “They are fine, all three of them.  Up to trouble, I am sure – well, perhaps not Joan.” He paused for another moment. <b. “Perhaps not Felix, either…but I will let <span style="font-style: italic;">him tell you about that later.”

Drawing back a few steps, the alpha threw his muzzle up towards the sky to call the cubs.  Perhaps they hadn’t heard their mother’s call; perhaps they hadn’t realized it as a summons.  Perhaps they simply hadn’t recognized it – though he was unwilling to acknowledge that possibility – and made it clear their presence was wanted up and amongst the others greeting their returned pack member.

“As you can see, our yearlings are well, too.”  Tomen and Nineva were each acknowledged with a small greeting. “And Yvly has preformed admirably in your absence.  The pack has changed some – but come, are you hungry?  Do you need anything?”

Oh Veho, my awkward son.  Paging @Opehlia and @Joan.  <3
(This post was last modified: Dec 13, 2016, 06:39 PM by Veho.)
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Felix Macieo

Felix, at least, did not give life to the worst of his father’s fears. A lack of recognition was not the boy’s problem. It was, as it would continue to be for years and years to come, that the child was lost somewhere inside his own head. Numbers, colors – numbers that went with colors, colors that changed depending on where he stood, and how the light filtered through the trees. There were no more buggies to count, so the Macieo lad found other ways to amuse himself…perhaps a little too well. Because Oula’s call came and went, and it wasn’t until Veho’s much more insistent howl echoed through the cedar forest that the boy did snap out of his daze.

Ears pricked as he lifted his head, taking a moment to orient the source of the song. Was something wrong? Why were they at the boarders? Was someone hurt?

Felix broke into an awkward gait, legs still too long as he loped over fallen trees and around large stumps. “Father?” he called ahead of himself, too busy worrying to use his nose properly. “Father, what is it? What’s--”

The boy can to an awkward halt, mismatched eyes falling upon none other than his mother. His heart leapt into his throat as he forgot how to breath – was this a dream? He’d had so many like this, but he always woke up before he ever got to Oula’s side. “Mama?” Felix took a step forward. “Mama? Is this – for real?”

Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

Ophelia would recognize her mother's howl from any stranger's in a heartbeat. Upon hearing it, the pale princess didn't drop what she was doing and immediately race to go greet her. Instead, she took her time. As it was, she was quite busy with chewing on a stick stolen from her brother's stash. It wasn't exactly something she could just drop and come back to later. Well, it was, but that was far from the point.

Not until @Veho's call for her and her siblings did Ophelia finally drop the pilfered treasure and slowly rise to trot towards the howl without hurry.

It had hurt when Mama left. But Ophelia had pretended not to care, had carried on misbehaving - now with even less authority to tell her otherwise - and had grown quite comfortable doing her own thing.

And now Mama was back.

She was almost grown! If Mama thought she could come back and tell her what to do after abandoning them all, then she was in for a big surprise. The pup's lips were lifted with distaste as if she smelled something foul while she approached the group. Rather than joining the others, Ophelia sidled up towards where @Nineva watched and sat beside her. The girl glared at her mother, and her brother in turn for forgiving her so easily.

(This post was last modified: Dec 21, 2016, 11:14 PM by Ophelia.)
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson
@Amaryllis - I believe you're up! <3

Pip was far from fooled. Though there were smiles abound for her playful behavior, the tension was palpable and thick in the atmosphere in the undertones between the females. Pip, as always, would be readily unaffected by these shifts and changes in hierarchy for she would ever be at the bottom where she was comfortable. Even the pups were given grounds to step all over her when it suited them. Ophelia it suited more than most.

Despite having no aspirations towards leadership, the mute had never been comfortable with fighting within the pack. It was unnatural. They were family and stronger when united.

Thankfully, @Tomen was a welcome distraction himself. She gave her friend a welcome, soft smile and gratefully accepted his nudges and brushes, offering chin licks in return as per her norm. Selfishly, she kept close to him, drawing comfort from his calm presence and watched the reunion between @Oula and her mate with a hopeful heart that all would be well.

Felix, by far the gentlest of the pups in Pip's opinion, approached his mother as if she were some specter from the dead. Wouldn't it seem like that for one so young? She had been gone a long time. In the span of the pup's life, she was probably gone as long as she had been in it. Her heart felt for the boy and she could easily see the hope in his eyes that it wasn't some trick.

Hearing another arrive, russet ears flicked back and her orange gaze fell upon Ophelia settling near Nineva. Ah. Not a relationship so easily repaired, she surmised based on the girl's face. Pip had no doubt the youngest of the Macieo's would always be the most outspoken and opinionated. She could only hope the girl would try to be understanding.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Staying by Yvly's side, Amaryllis watched as first, Veho came bounding up towards the group, happily aiming for Oula and inviting her to come in, as if Oula had simply left for a short trip and had not disappeared for a while. The leader then sent a call out for the pups, which with a quick glance around, Amaryllis was somewhat surprised hadn't already arrived. She would have thought they'd be happy to see their mother. But it was only at their father's beckoning did they appear and even then, only Felix and Ophelia appeared. Where was Joan? She wondered, watching Felix look confused briefly before his eyes landed on his mother. Her heart went out to the young wolf. It was clear he wasn't sure what to make of this.

Yet Amaryllis couldn't find it in herself to fault Veho at least for being estatic in seeing Oula. She was the mother to his pups and it was obvious he cared for her deeply. Yet it seemed the pups would need time before anything else.

Not wanting to interrupt, Amaryllis stood quietly at Yvly's side, bowing her head slightly and knocking their muzzles together gently, silently letting her know she'd be there for the tawny leader. Yes, she was grateful for Oula's return and happy to see her return but she also understood the turmoil that would rise within the pack now she had returned.Yet Amaryllis was somewhat torn while she held no held no ill feelings towards Oula if she did, she knew Oula would most likely wish to challenge her way back to the top. But at the same time, she'd been gone for some time.

With a tightened jaw, Amaryllis just glanced back at Veho and Oula and wondered what would happen.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark
oula whitebark.
with a hunger that feeds the fire

Oula breathed a slight sigh of relief when Veho stated that their children were fine. She watched quietly as her partner tilted his head back and called again for the trio.

She nodded as she regarded his words, again looking towards the current alphess of the Hollow. "Yes, I truly owe my thanks to her for taking good care of my pack, and family." Oula stated loudly enough for the other woman to hear, looking her in the eye.

Oula's small round ears twitched, her tail swishing as she heard her son's voice. "Felix!" She called, stepping forward to meet the boy and enveloping him in a rain of kisses. "Yes, I'm really here. Later, I'd love to hear what you and your siblings have been up to." She said with a warm smile.

She almost missed Ophelia's approach, only seeing a pale shape out of the corner of her eye. She looked up, smiling at first before she noticed the dour expression on the girl's face. "Ophelia, I've missed you." She said, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

Oula felt disheartened to see Ophelia stand off to the side and aloof as she did. Her eyes skimmed the trees for Joan, and for a second she nearly mistook silvery coated Nineva standing off in the distance for her daughter. It pained her heart that the little firebrand was nowhere to be seen.


Oula grit her teeth. She hadn't expected a hero's welcome, but the lukewarm response from even her cubs were unexpected. And most of all was the unpleasant surprise that only two of her children came... and not at her voice, but the urging of their father's. At least Felix seemed happy to see her, but it was plain to see some damage had been done, damage that she fully intended on patching and repairing what she could. It would take work, even if she had to bow to Yvly and eat crow in the meantime. "Famished, in fact." She stated in answer to Veho's question. "I just need some rest, is all. It's been a long trek..."

(This post was last modified: Dec 27, 2016, 03:57 AM by Oula.)
[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Siki who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tomen Attaya-Lyall
This should have only been a happy thing. The faintest of frowns crossed Tomen's face as he watched Yvly's obvious body language and all it broadcasted, all the tensions it implied was being spawned by this singular event. Oula hadn't vanished, she'd gone looking for Rook - who might not have been worth the effort, but Tomen understood why she'd gone nonetheless - and it had never been in any doubt in his mind that she would resume leadership upon her return. Perhaps he had questioned whether or not she truly would, as a wolf who had endured several abandonments, as a wolf who had friends who had experienced the same... but Oula was not the same as the others. He'd expected this moment. Had not Yvly?

From Amaryllis' stance and choice of where to stand, Tomen thought it also clear where she stood, and suddenly worried for Oula's easy reintroduction to the Hollow. It looked like she would have a hard ride back to the top, if that was what she wanted...

Too caught up in what was happening ahead to spot Nineva silently appear, Tomen whined softly to Pip in continued mutual comfort, support, unable to tear his eyes away from the invisible power struggle which was being born before his very eyes. Ears pricking as he heard Veho speak, nodding absently as his presence and wellbeing was acknowledged (and only then realising that Nineva had arrived, shooting her a lopsided smile) and then the children were summoned to greet their mother, and yet another hiccup emerged. Felix approached with reverence disbelief while Ophie was markedly less impressed - and of the two, he sympathised with her the most, though his younger self might have reacted much like his more forgiving brother. His heart ached at the idea that the wickedly sweet and spirited Ophelia might be so disenchanted already, so young! It was just another cut at the sanctity and importance of family, at the folly of it, at how terribly easy it was to be hurt the most by those by those you were supposed to love... and who was supposed to love you.

Veho invited Oula home, for something to eat, and Tomen's tail wagged in spite of his inner thoughts, glad that one of the adults was able to just treat this like the happy, normal thing this event was supposed to be. Was the concept of family so messed up that even a reunion could be something sour? Outwardly he made sure he was neutral and content, respectful of all those around him - making sure to dip his head in Yvly's direction in acknowledgement of her current rank, whether it was temporary or not.

He reached down to nibble at the soft fur behind Pip's ear, taking comfort from her presence and predictability, but still remained silent, waiting to see which direction the others would go in before making a move himself.
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Dark amber eyes rested on Veho's grey form as he spoke happily of the pups and throwing out another call specifically for them. Maybe now they would come running at their father's call. Tawny ears pricked up at her co-leaders praise directed towards her which Oula had seemed to pick up on from what Yvly could gauge on her loud words and heavy stare. She stared right back but dipped her muzzle in respectful acknowledgement and thanks, though she did pick up on the my's used. The Tawny Leader felt a prickle of irritation; how could she call it her pack when she had been gone for so long. Of course she understood why Oula had left, but she felt her extended absence had lost the creamy the right to call it her pack.

She observed silent as Felix arrived, his awe and hope at seeing Oula quite apparent, and then Ophelia who sullenly sat beside Nineva and glared openly her mother. Yvly let out a soft chuff at Lily, the slightest smile appearing on her maw barely lifting up the corners of her mouth, but it was there. She was glad to have her friend beside her, figuratively and literally. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tomen dip his head in her direction, and she responded back in turn, happy to see that at least outwardly they still accepted her as leader. The Tawny Leader tipped her head back to look up at the sky as the snow continued to fall heavily on the group. "We should head back to the den before the weather gets any worse," she stated evenly, picking up a paw and turning her body to face towards the pack den, waiting for Veho to move first. Although they were leading beside each other she still looked up to him.

308 words

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

Hm.  Where was Joan?

Perhaps the girl had found herself something interesting and zoned out.  Of the three children, after all, he found it least likely that his first-born had gotten herself into trouble.  (Then again, he hadn’t exactly predicted Felix to be the one to stumble across a bull moose in rut, but he supposed he should have realized the boy’s curiosity would only grow with age.)

Veho gave himself a soft shake, saving all these thoughts for a later time.  No need to overwhelm Oula even further.

Glancing over at Yvly, he gave the other alpha a small nod.  “A wise suggestion,” he agreed, glancing at the others.  Most of the pack was out now – which surprised the male slightly, but only in the most delightful way.  As it were, it wouldn’t do to get everyone stuck in the weather, so he took the female leader’s advice to heart.  Tipping his head to nudge at Oula’s shoulder, he moved to start heading towards the heart of Grizzly Hollow’s territory, hoping the others would heed the suggestion and follow after him.  There was plenty of food in the caches to feed everyone, and plenty of time to catch up with Oula from the safety of the pack den.


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