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the garden of words — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Kino’s head bowed embarrassedly at her reaction to his suggestion, his cheeks heating below his pale pelt. ”I mean...they’re white and their insides are dark. Usually it’s the other way around, right? So...I mean...okay I never said I was a great name picker...outer...wolf,” he huffed, giving her a playful glare. ”Moving on.” Plopping his rear onto the ground he watched her move around with an amused expression as she thought. He could watch her all day, truly. Her expressions, her movements, the way her eyes scrunched when she was really thinking. His blush came back full force and he cleared his throat, looking away quickly. What kind of thoughts was he having?

Auds flickered back toward the sunspark and he lifted his topaz gaze to give her his attention as she tried to think of something. Shivering? They trees were shivering? And he was the weird one? Okay. His brows rose but he let it go. If they were going to go with that path then they’d need something better than...shivering. He tilted his head as he thought, watching the trees move. Then, something came to him. “Um, quivering?”

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
since they have a current thread going on I'm kinda just gunna make this one fade-y and you can feel free to reply/archive at your leisure :3 @Kino

"Oh," she breathed, tilting her head until it was completely sideways. These narrow trees, were, in fact, pale on the outside but underneath the paper thin, white bark the tree was dark. And yes, normally on a tree once you tore away at the bark the inside was bright—not quite white, per se, but lighter. "I suppose you're right." That didn't make it a good name, though. She didn't want its name to be so literal, but then again she was asking one of the most literal wolves this side of Serpent's Pass. She snorted.

"Quivering," she repeated out loud, testing it on her tongue with a curious expression. It sounded closer to the idea in her mind but still not quite there yet. The trees seemed to shake in agreement, stirred so easily by the wind. "Quuuuuuiivering." Again, no. Mindlessly her teeth teased her lower lip as she watched the trees as shook and quivered. "I don't want the trees to sound like they're scared. They don't seem scared. Or well, not like trees can be scared," she laughed at herself, not quite sure where she was headed with it all.

"What about Quaking? That sounds cool right? And well, let's see," she turned about in another circle, "We're in a valley right now. So... Vale? Quaking Vale?" Her eyes turned to him, surveying his response, though already in her heart she knew it felt right. There were a few beats of long silence. "I think it's settled. But as much as I like this place it's time to go home," and she made one final turn towards the north, knowing that this time Alastor was coming with her.
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