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When you have a bad day — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Oh wasn't he so bold? Where had he gotten this fire from? This air of superiority? It seemed so very much like @Craw, as though he'd been receiving lessons. Or he'd taken a page from his book. What a dick. Did Lorcan really have to try and walk in his shoes? Follow his lead? Askan tsked as he passed, noting how the Whitestone wolf made a pointed effort to ignore him. How petty, like a child. He wasn't going to give Lorcan the satisfaction of a proper response, he didn't deserve one. Neither was he going to pay attention to his baseless accusations.

Pah, as though Askan didn't have any sense. He had plenty of sense. He couldn't let Lorcan have the last word though, that went against his nature and his pride wouldn't allow it.

So Askan simply muttered "entitled arsehole" loud enough so said wolf could hear and grinned in satisfaction once all was said and done.

He waited till Lorcan was truly gone before he turned to Sahalie, his expression had changed in the blink of an eye. One moment he had been smug, the next he seemed troubled, as though a great weight had slammed down upon his shoulders. As satisfying as that had been, he hoped he hadn't made the situation worse. Perhaps he could have exercised some tact, but it was too late to regret it now. He simply had to deal with the consequences and hope that they weren't too dire. He had never been the sort to worry, he always had such confidence in his actions, but from time to time he remembered it was all a ruse. That he wasn't nearly as self assured as he pretended to be, sometimes the mask slipped just a little and others could see that he was just... Askan shook his head. Nope. He was having none of that shit, not today.

"You probably noticed, but we don't get along. Never have really." He admitted with a shrug, not that he needed to. This wasn't her business and yet he felt inclined to, as though she was owed an explanation.

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Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
archiving this with my post :)
Sahalie wondered if Lorcan meant that he had done no wrong here or ever to Wild Rye wolves. There was a lot more to Askan and Lorcan's relationship than just being "neighbors" and it occurred to her that, when she had asked Askan had not volunteered an answer for what was going on. She wondered if she could get the details out of Askan or if it would have to wait for her talk with Drestig and Jessie, because this was not something she could simply let alone. The tension was serious, though, she wondered if maybe Askan's grumpy attitude had just blown the whole thing out of proportion. Her toothy, helpless smile flashed briefly as Lorcan took his leave, a little emboldened by his approval of her. Perhaps all this situation required was a patient, peaceful touch.

Askan's swearing, she noted with a flinch, definitely wasn't helping.

But as his whole demeanor shifted the girl felt her heart stir sympathetically. Askan wasn't acting this way—caustic, bitter, spiteful—because it was in his heart, because as she stared at his conflicted expression she realized that there was a lot more to him. What, exactly, that was she couldn't fully say. At least he seemed to regret talking so much talk, maybe. That was her guess. "Yeah..." she said absently.

"Not much farther is it? I hope? I'm kind of anxious to see them now.."

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