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We like to move like we both don't need this — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Like the Rye Queen, Askan was rather baffled by the loner's sudden change in attitude. One moment he had been muttering vague, nonsensical things but as soon as Jessie turned up on the scene he made a swift exit. It was rude, and Askan had half a mind to chase after him and give him a nip or two to teach him a lesson. No one disrespected the Rye Queen, not on his watch. But a quick glance at said wolf made Askan change his mind. He doubted Jessie would approve and seeing as he was trying to win her favour, staying put would likely be for the best. Even if it went against his instincts.

"Sure was."Askan muttered in agreement. What sort of guy showed up and the borders and just left all mysterious like? A weirdo, that's who.

The offer of food was more than enough to grab Askan's attention. So at the Rye Queen's offer, Askan nodded in affirmation and followed her at a close, but respectable distance. The Yukon wolf spared a glance back to Icicle, wondering if he would also follow suit. He didn't spend so much time with the albino so he didn't know whether he had eaten recently. He wasn't as skinny as he used to be, so surely he was taking advantage of the various caches hidden around the territory. Either that or he was doing some hunting of his own, though Askan had yet to see any evidence of that.

Oh well, if Icicle didn't want to eat with them then it was his choice. Askan on the other hand was going to fill his belly.

{Askan exit}
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang
The albino raised an eyebrow at the loner’s sudden change, though it did little to surprise the colorless wolf, little things did these days, wolves were unpredictable. Though, he observed some tact could have been used to avoid any miscommunication or mixed message because indeed, as his companions pointed out, it had been very rude, maybe even offensive to some. Though, Icicle’s only response was a shrug and nod. {b} “Food sounds pretty good to me.”

He turned, stepping off to follow his packmates, his thoughts drifting toward the difficult situations plaguing the pack, wolves in the north, wolves to the west, two possible allies or enemies they could make if they weren't careful. He’d need to talk to Drestig about it, the wraith had a few ideas that could help to improve their tenuous peace of the moment and to turn it into a long term pact that would allow the pack to grow and thrive.

(icicle fade)