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At Long Last — Lost Lake 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
This will be Vesper's last post so feel free to PP him leaving the scene afterward with Namid or whomever.

Brows quirked up curiously as the agouti male listened to Tagg begin to plead his case and admit that he had no way to prove in that moment he was indeed trustworthy, yet that would not stop him from doing his hardest to show that he was should he be blessed with a second chance to become a member of Fallen Tree Cove again. Silence soon fell between those gathered and molten gold irises shifted from Tagg to Namid then Moonshadow while his mind rolled over and contemplated the words his ears were filled with. From what he could recall the man before him was a reliable member of the pack when he had been a member formerly and there was nothing to suggest he wasn't capable of being such again if given the chance.

Eventually Vespertio knew that a verdict had to be given and a sigh fell over his inky lips. "I can hear the sincerity within your words as you spoke and having known the type of member you were before I have no proper reason to turn you away, but do not mistake my kindness for weakness. Should you dare leave us again you can rest assured Fallen Tree Cove will not welcome you with open arms for a third time, but with that said I'm glad you've come back." A trace of smile soon found its way onto Vesper's face, the agouti man taking a couple steps forward to brush his shoulder against that of his newest subordinate to cloak his fur in the scent of the pack, marking him as one of them again.

Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall
@Namid if you and @Moonshadow want to do one more post, I can archive it.

Word Count: 242

As his words faded, there was silence.  The silence seemed to stretch on forever, pounding against the soft fur of Tagg’s inner ear.  When Vespertio finally spoke, the scarred wolf let out a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding. The earth seemed to sway around him as the leader passed the pack scent back onto his pelt – the scent of home.  I did it.  He almost paid no heed to the agouti male’s warning; it wouldn’t be an issue.  

“Thank you.” He said, voice breathy.  “Thank you so much.  I wouldn’t let you down.”

He stood still for a moment, not trusting his legs to move.  He’d been looking forward to this moment for so many months, and now that he was finally here again it seemed like a dream.  How could it be real? How could he have survived everything to come back to this peaceful little stretch of lakefront?

Tagg desperately hoped his past wouldn’t follow him.  Yes, he’d made friends, but this was his family.  He couldn’t afford to be torn.  He’d made his choice, and now he would stick with it.  He cast one last glance over his shoulder, back the way he’d come, almost as if he could see the territory he’d left behind. Let that be the end of it. He thought, turning back to face his future with confidence in his stride.

At long last, he was finally home.


"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

A small smile curved onto her lips as her husband spoke, happy that he had done what she knew was best. Things were beginning to look up for the Cove. She herself was beginning to feel much better and hopefully Tagg would be the first of many wolves to show, maybe even the first of many to return. Winter always made things bleak, but with spring just around the corner things had a way of making themselves work out. The pale woman watched as her husband remarked the one-eyed man, her smile growing wider and the happiness she could see in him. Once family, always family. She knew things might be weird for him upon his return, after all many things had changed in his absence, but she was sure that he would get the hang of things again.

She moved forward to give the man a bump. “Welcome back, Tagg. We are glad to see you well. I am sure plenty of surprises await you,” she said with a chuckle. Turning her attention to her mate she gave him a playful shove, “Come accompany me on my rounds,” she said. Turning away she moved back into the territory with Vespertio in tow, offering a dip of her head to Moonshadow and a look that told her she’d done a good job.

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! @Tagg wanna start our own thread so they can become acquainted?

So her feeling in accepting the man at their front door wasn't off base. Vespertio had come to the same conclusion as herself and she imagined that Namid had/would have as well. A surge of pride filled the ebony wolf for having the same feelings on the subject as the Vuesin couple. Mercury hued eyes watched as the lake king moved to mark Tagg as one of their own - again. His acceptance went differently than her had. She remembered the agouti man taking her muzzle within his own to claim her. Maybe that was because it was her first acceptance or Maybe because she was a yearling. She didn't know nor would she dwell on it. All she knew was that the cove had another within their ranks. Namid gave her welcome to the man before she and Vespertio turned to leave. The dark woman caught Namids smile of well done and gave one in return with a wag of her tail. Silver eyes then looked over her newest packmate as she gave him a warm smile. "Welcome back. My name is Moonshadow." she greeted with a small dip of her head. She turned to head back to the heart of the territory. She would walk with him if he so chooses or she would allow him space it was up to him.


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