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little daisy boy — The Wildwood 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Hunting/Tracking 2/3  Becca you can keep moving them forward in the chase. : )
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

At the sight of Kerberos he was hopeful he had. Sure enough his tail seemed to move with anticipation. Renier's own gave a couple beats to the air, a half smile ghosting his lips. "That's fine by me." Hunting always took some form of effort, and at least now they had a trail to follow. Renier didn't mind bringing up the rear as they followed after.

As the scent grew stronger,  with it his eagerness for the chase. It would be a nice surprise to bring deer meat back to the Ridge again. Prove once more he was doing all he could for it.  His gold eyes caught the little herd ahead. He halted beside Kerb, an ear turned upon the loner to listen. He didn't mind making the choice. Quickly assessed the herd. They all seemed in good health, and all about the same size but one.  "Think that smaller doe must be a yearling or so. Let's try for it." He kept his voice low, waiting for the other to catch on. It would be their best choice, as at least for now there seemed to be no buck. Since they'd never hunted before he wanted to know exactly what they were going to do. "I was thinking we'll just have to catch up, chase and attack together..." But, if his hunting companion wasn't confident, they'd try another way.

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(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 06:08 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
hunting 3/4

He listened closely to everything the older male said. His tactic seemed well enough so Kerberos nodded his head softly. "Works for me." He said with a soft whisper and smile. The tawny Rigel was excited already. He could practically taste the deer even if there was more work to be done before that happened.

Kerberos moved over to get as close to the yearling doe as possible without being spotted. He waited for Renier to get into his own position before moving. If they were going to do this right they'd need to be well timed with everything they did. With a slow deep breath, Kerb nodded his head in a silent signal he was ready. He was confident that Renier would follow the plan because, well, Renier had been the one to basically make it.

He launched himself towards the young deer to begin the chase. His pale yellow eyes never left the deer because he was almost positive that the Willow Ridge wolf was either right next to him or right behind him. He made a few lunges forward to offer some rough nips to the doe's hindquarters and back legs. She would surely need to be weakened a bit first.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2017, 09:03 PM by Kerberos.)
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Hunting/Tracking 3/3
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

Renier could not help, but smile in turn. Perhaps Kerberos' was simply catching, or the Lyall was just as eager to taste some blood on his tongue. He as rather optimistic he'd have something to bring back to the Ridge. Another way of keeping his promise, he was there to keep it alive.

They broke off, him to one side, and Kerb to the other, he took his time getting into position. He would not let his eagerness ruin their chances, and it took great effort to keep his frame hidden. So far, so good, and he he took in one last long breath. Gold eyes locking in on his hunter partner in time to see him nod his head ready to go.

Muscles coiled tightly, and as Kerb would leap, he lunged in unison, quickly pushing himself to the doe to cut off any route on his side. He kept readying himself to take a snap, but a leg had been thrown his way, and he ducked out of its way. Losing a bit of distance. With Kerb planting more successful bites, Renier threw himself forward again. Jumping up to lodge his teeth into her shoulder. It wasn't a good grip, and he released, spitting out a bit of hair. Ready to try again, but still mindful of those wicked feet.

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[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
note: kerb was loner at time of thread~ hunting 4/4

Kerberos was pleased that Renier had followed suit but then again he wasn't extremely surprised. They both had something to gain from this hunt. He kept up nipping at the skin of the deer's hind. The tawny male moved back every now and then to avoid the legs of the scared animal. The last thing he needed was a nasty injury.

He watched from behind as Renier launched himself but pulled back with only a mouthful of fur. The dark tawny male moved himself a bit more to the side of the doe. He kept pace for a few moments before he launched himself attempting what his hunting partner had tried. He felt his teeth make contact and something felt like it punctured but he was quick to release and move back towards the rear of the wounded animal. It did appear that Kerberos had landed a blow. He figured the animal wouldn't make it much further before it fell to the ground.

The tawny Rigel kept herding it in case this was some wild super doe. His tail waved behind him in a sign of success. He wondered if Renier was just as excited as he was. A glance was casted over to the Ridge wolf just to see.
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Feel free to get them to the death
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

So the race continued. Renier could see the doe's sides were heaving, mouth open with tongue raised. Signs her own stamina was fading. But, how much further could she go on like that? He did not know if she would fight endlessly, or see it was better to give in. They would soon find out.

Kerberos had better luck breaking the skin, and it throttled Renier to try again. This time he bit into the side of her haunch, finally drawing blood. He did this again and again. Tearing more wounds. The stride of the deer seemed to lessen, and for a brief moment his eyes met that of his hunting companion's. Renier had the making of a grin on his blood tainted muzzle, and his own tail beat in turn. Now they needed to finish her off. Though he would spend the rest of the day to accomplish it, he felt it was more merciful to do the job quickly.

A rough bark rose from his muzzle, trying to inform Kerb he was going to change it up. He pushed himself a hair faster, then forcefully raised up, crashing into the doe's shoulder, where his teeth reached for the side of her neck. Onto her knees she went, but he'd need help keeping her there.

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[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
hunting 5/4 feel free to fade with your next post @Renier

He watched as Renier tore into the hind and it made the hunt all the more exciting. Kerberos noticed the deer weakening but he still kept herding it as his hunting partner kept delivering blow after blow. The deer wasn't going to make it much further with them biting away at it like this. As if Renier had read his mind the tawny male went for the neck. The Rigel male quickly acted to help bring the doe down finally. He launched himself and bit down on the shoulder to get her all the way down. Once the prey was down with some struggling Kerb latched his jaws around the neck to bring a swift end to the deer's suffering.

His tail wagged with pride as he looked across the doe at Renier. "Thank you." Kerberos nodded his head. as he went down to take a bite. He knew Maera would be joyed that he could bring home such a nice meal. Then again he hoped that Renier's pack would feel the same about a deer being brought home. As he swallowed the meat his smile returned and he lifted his head. "Take what you'd like." Sharing the meal had been part of the deal.
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

What a team they made. The loner knew exactly what to do next, and set into action. It took effort to keep a hold of their prey, but Kerberos made the difference, putting the deer to death with great accuracy. Finally, there work had paid off. The small ache to his sides though had been worth it. More for him to bring to the Ridge. Maybe, meat was not the only thing he had gotten today.

"Couldn't have done it without you. You're a sharp hunter," he praised in turn. "If you plan to stick around here, maybe we could do it again some time." He wished to rather give him an invitation to the Ridge, but for some reason felt to hold off. The man's companion he had spoken of didn't exactly seem open to the idea. He would hate to cause a conflict or something.

Renier nodded, and began to tear away a hindquarter. Once it was free, he paused. "Till we meet again." He dipped his head in a respectful manner of goodbye, then began to drag the leg home.


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(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2017, 07:21 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]