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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
Same! First fight post in a while so PM me with any questions!

The woman watched as he analyzed her, like it was his first time seeing her – might have been his first time seeing her strengths and weaknesses… but not her, she’d been watching him from their first meeting because she simply didn’t trust others and she needed to know how he moved. She was fairly confident in moving that she had the speed advantage, she did with most wolves around her size and over it… the smaller wolves not so much but he wasn’t exactly small. Smaller than her? Yes, but smaller than most? Definitely not. He set defenses first, a good first call before he charged. She noted the way he tried to attack – crude and blunt but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

However, in her analyzing his attack pattern, she almost forgot to move out in defense. This teaching thing was really hard to do at the same time as fighting. As a result, she wasn’t able to get out of the way fast enough. She dug her paws into the ground as far as she could when he hit, her haunches lowering to give her a lower center of gravity to help her hold her ground as her breathing hitched momentarily. “Not bad.” She praised as she thought fast, turning as he made his pass by her and charging, aiming to swipe her paws underneath his to knock his front legs out from under him while also attempting to ram his shoulder with her own to help with the attempt, so she could get him on the ground and have a better opportunity to “attack”, even if she wasn’t meaning to harm him.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

There was praise and then there was a thud. As she charged him he felt her hit him and he stumbled. He almost hit the ground but managed to catch his balance. He needed space between them so he could charge back. The awkward layers of snow beneath them making things even harder to do. Maybe this time he could be a little forceful offer some true retaliation.

The tawny male used his hind legs to push off so he could try to snap the flesh right above her shoulder. His teeth aiming to do nothing more than give a rough pinch before pulling back. He wasn't looking to draw blood from his opponent. Kerberos wanted nothing more than to try and assert some dominance or show mere strength.

Once again he prepared himself for her hit. He held himself small and centered to force his weight in one spot. The Rigel male didn't realize how much adrenaline was pumping through his body. How much his bones were practically aching for him to win this. His desire to prove something to Maera had grown extremely. A gleam of pride and eagerness in his pale yellow eyes. Almost like they were begging for her to make another move.

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
@Kerberos Sorry this took so long - my internet has been out bc our modem went

Apart from having a winner and a loser, in most cases, there was no true de rigueur when it came to fights and spars. It was a complicated business, yes, but it was far from set in stone “do this, don’t do this” and what was what made it difficult sometimes to understand. It depended on the wolves, the aggressiveness of their personalities, the disabilities both sides might face, how they were built… so far she was impressed and for someone who’d supposedly never fought before, he was doing quite well. She liked to attribute that to instinct and instinct alone.

He caught his balance, something that had indeed caught her by surprise, giving her just a moment’s delay to her movement. He pushed off his hind legs and she tried to move out of the way. The delay proved to be her downfall as he caught the edge of her shoulder. There was a pinch, a soft yelp from her in return but she quickly recovered. No blood, no foul, right? It caused a light yet admittedly playful growl crawl up from her throat as she smirked in return. He wanted to play it that way? She rushed him, a full on attack to pull at his shoulder with her teeth. Not to cause blood loss, but definitely to give him a scrape or two. A little pain never hurt anyone – a lot was a different story.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Short, sorry :c feel free to have Mae dominate him now @Maera

Her yelp was almost a sound of satisfaction to the young tawny male. Kerberos never wanted to fully hurt her but her small cry did let him know that his aim had been a success. Perhaps the sound would have proven to be more satisfactory if it had come from someone other than his traveling partner, Mae. He could have felt more pride then.

He was unprepared as the dark female made her rush into him. Her teeth met his shoulder and he gave his own sort of yelp. The Rigel knew there would be a tender scrape or two there later. It was also a reminder for him not to get too cocky or underestimate his opponent. He tried his best to pull back from her as quickly as possible. Kerberos was convinced as long as he could keep creating space he could keep making moves.

He went in running. Perhaps he was going too fast or miscalculated his aim. Whatever it had been was a mistake. Kerberos slipped on the snow, meeting the ground with a gentle thud. He laid there almost helpless and frozen with embarrassment. He was vulnerable now, practically for the taking. Perhaps this would be a good spot for their little teaching to wrap up.
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

For someone who’d never fought before, she had to admit she was impressed – he was doing a good job… the more confident he got, the better it got. She was prepared for his attack, ready to move out of the way and brace against what she might not be able to avoid when he slipped on the snow… it was a miscalculation – what had caused that could have been a variety of things though she attributed it to inexperience, particularly because this wasn’t some sunny day with nothing to worry about. It was winter, there was snow, and the ground was slippery at times.

He met the ground and she took advantage like any enemy would. She stood over him, her jaws snapping at him with her tail waving high in the air. It was a fight, and sure it was training, but it was clear who’d won. If it had been a real fight… he’d be dead, because he froze. He didn’t try to recover or get up. She held that stance for a few seconds before it melted away and the adrenaline started to fade from her system. “That wasn’t bad… for a while it was hard to tell you’ve never fought before.” All in all, it certainly hadn’t been bad. She crouched down, a frown on her features. “But when you fall, and things don’t go to plan… you can’t freeze. You freeze, and you could die.” That was the advice she’d give him to start. He just needed more practice was all.


[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]