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everyone must stand alone — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Aponi’s call rang into the air, a different sort of tone set in it but as it was addressed to Spieden he didn’t think much of it. That was, until it seemed that quite a number of scents were following along in the direction of the call including that of Sahalie. His interest piqued, he decided to be the nosey newt that he was and take a peek at what the big deal was. As he got closer, the sound of scuffling, growling, and snarling caught him and in an instance he was picking up his pace, auds flying forward in alarm and shoulders tightening. What in the world..? The brown rump of his friend came into view, wedged to the side of a tree. He took in her tense posture, the scrunch of her brow that he got from her side profile and that combined with the sounds of combat made him sure that whatever was happening was no good.

He came up behind her, the small girl’s ever vigilant guardian though unlike her he didn’t make an attempt to hide behind the tree. His massive frame didn’t allow for such things. His auds remained at attention, topaz gaze slightly narrowed and calculating. It was quite obvious from Aponi’s posture that this was a rank fight, as nothing else would cause the woman to hold herself in such a fashion. But...under what authority? Typically if you were going to test for someone’s rank, especially that of the matriarch, you would need some form of backing for if not then your leadership would be pointless. There was no reason for the rank if you didn’t have the respect that went with it...so who was sitting on the sidelines rooting her on? His gaze scanned the clearing and landed on Serach, standing just a bit farther in than the rest of him. He looked concerned, but the boy had noted that Serach and Aponi’s scents had been intermingling more often and suddenly the pieces fit together. And what a piece it was. The desaturated yearling looked down at Hal with concern. Spieden was the only mother that she had ever known, she loved the woman with a ferocity that only the small spitfire could and should something happen with her...what would she do? He knew instantly, however, that no matter what she decided he would be following along like the lost puppy he was.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Aponi's hit was used to kick Spieden hard in the stomach when she fell on top of her so that Aponi could escape from under her.


The way the words were spat and every inch of Spieden's body language spoke volumes with Aponi. While she had never wanted this to come down to a physical fight it was apparent that that was exactly what it would be. Ducking her head slightly lower to protect her neck further the curled lip turned into a full flashing of her teeth. The Aquila would not be outdid in gestures alone. Suddenly it was no longer gestures and a white hot pain burned through her cheek as jaws connected with flesh. Without even seeing the extent of the injury the silver woman knew that it would scar, a physical mark forever from this decision.

Crimson drops stained the snow as Spieden's weight knocked them both tumbling to the ground. Taking advantage of the momentum Aponi shoved her back legs hard into the attacker's stomach, pushing her up and off of her own body. Rolling up and back onto her feet the silver woman snarled again, shoulder's rolling as she moved to circle Spieden, tail lashing in agitation behind her. She would never allow this to go as far as it had with Aesire but she wasn't leaving this arena without a crown.

Quite a few onlookers had gathered around them but Aponi didn't even notice, the icy blue eyes were so fiercely trained on the dark grey woman. Even if she had noticed she would have paid them no mind, this wasn't their fight.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
Needless to say all Spieden's attempts from here on out are misses. Ghost let me know if I should change anything.

For a fleeting moment, Spieden thought she had the upper hand. With Aponi on the ground, she had more control, and the fight could easily be hers. What she would do afterwards wasn't even a consideration, and in that moment all she knew was that she had to fight, and she had to win. But the position left her underbelly exposed and unguarded, too preoccupied with the hold she had. As the pair tumbled to the ground, she felt something kick hard into her abdomen, forcing her to roughly cough and let go as she was shoved off. 

Aponi was quick, rolling up and already on her paws as Spieden caught her breath. Spieden's paws danced beneath her as the silver female circled, keeping her distance equal from her opponent. The current leader bared her teeth, spittle flying as she snarled. Unlike Aponi, her attention wasn't so sharply focused. Every rustle, every crackling branch, every crunch of snow under paw from behind her made her jolt. While they didn't speak a word, she could smell others, watching... waiting... She half expected a strike from behind.

The direct route was all she knew. She thought she saw an opening and lunged forward. But Aponi was too quick, and Spieden's paws landed in empty space where the female had been a moment before, her teeth closing on air. Spieden wasn't ready for the counter-attack.
(This post was last modified: Dec 22, 2016, 06:17 AM by Spieden.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The cough that wheezed through Spieden's body thankfully forced her teeth to let go of the partially shredded skin that was Aponi's muzzle. In an instant the younger wolf was on her paws, practically floating above the snow as she circled. The dark grey woman was still catching her breath and getting her paws beneath her by the time the Aquila had finished her first circle. Every step was marked by her tail whipping through the air, a warning to anyone who stumbled upon them that this was between the two women and no one else.

Spieden's attack was predictable, she lunged at the first opportunity once she was on her feet. Leaping out of the way as the teeth whizzed past her and into open air her paws touched the now trampled snow for only a moment. Pushing off with as much force was possible Aponi dropped her shoulder to ram it full force into Spieden's side, intending to send her toppling back into the snow. A small huff of air was forced out of her lungs as the pair connected, hard.  

Previously untouched snow sprayed up dramatically as the larger woman's body hit and slid across the ground. Snarling, Aponi's jaws snapped together audibly in warning, she was just getting started. Stepping forward to not allow Spieden the opportunity to collect herself fully she waited for what was to come next.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
It was at this moment Spieden realized this was going to go poorly. Aponi was quick like lightning, and the way she flew over the snow it was obvious she was the more experienced fighter. Spieden was slow to move, slow to turn, even slower to react. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the silver blur she had just missed, and was only able to brace herself as the other female rammed into her. Spieden grunted, losing her footing as her paws slid over the ground trying to catch herself. It was a case of 'the bigger they were, the harder they fell' and Spieden winced and grunted as she landed onto the ground, her shoulder blades digging through the snow that offered little padding and scraping against the frozen earth.

Spieden had learned just how quick Aponi was, and knew she had no time to spare before the woman was ready for her next strike. She struggled up to her paws again, her legs braced in a crouching position. Bits of dirt and grit stung in her shoulder, and she snarled angrily. She wasn't even thinking or strategizing anymore, and again propelled herself forwards to bite at the other female.
(This post was last modified: Dec 22, 2016, 03:42 PM by Spieden.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Please note this is the end/fade of this thread but all reactions and decompression occur immediately after this can be found here for anyone who is interested and wants to post there. That thread will have no time limit and will be where Aponi officially takes over as alpha


Watching the way that Spieden attempted to save her footing before crashing into the snow seemed to move in slow motion for the Aquila. It was that exact moment that she realized despite the other woman's larger body size that she had the upper hand. Objectively in this case speed and experience would win out over sheer size and brawn. Aponi had moved closer so that the other woman would not be able to fully stand without retreating slightly and as a result the alpha struck from a crouched position before lunging. Once again the silver mother was able to dodge out of the way as the snarling teeth aimed for her, greeted with nothing but cold air.

This was it.

Attacking from the side Aponi clamped her jaws around Spieden's muzzle, effectively holding it closed and then forced it to the ground. Twisting so that the dark grey muzzle would press into the snow and churned earth rather than her own the Aquila tightened her grip against every struggle. She held it there, one two three, maybe even five or six moments, she held it until she felt the will to fight back leave her opponent's body. Feeling Spieden submit to her, all struggling stop, she waiting only another second to display her point before releasing her. Only then did she realize that her hold had broken skin and the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, so they would both have scars from this.

Somehow through the whole fight Aponi had yet to take notice of everyone watching around them, just how much of the pack had come to see them brawl....


[Image: AplcUOC.png]