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I Just Think, I Just Do — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Emrys! Thank you for being patient <3

Did she have far to go?

He blinked, mind whirring away because Emrys just asked him a good question. The kind of question that made Cottongrass stop everything he was doing just to think. Because good questions deserved good answers, and rarely did he ever have one of those just laying around. So he settled down against the hard snow, resting back against his haunches while letting out a thoughtful hum.

"I don't know." He finally admitted, because Vic was there one moment and not the next which left his mind to fill up the gaps. And his mind said she wouldn't be long, just a few days of him being alone before their search could restart. That was the answer he liked the best, which meant it was the right one. It worked out in his mind somehow. "She probably won't be long, though." Behind him his tail wagged in the snow and he smiled at Emrys. There was just no way Vic would have abandoned him forever, after all. That would be silly.

His head cocked when Emrys asked him another question, and he found that he could only give the man a goofy smile. "A fun one." He chirped, perking back up and straightening his posture. Because pfft, what kind of question was that? It wasn't like he didn't know there were even types of adventures or anything, much less the one he might have been on...

One of his ears twitched and his mind wandered, even if he was pulled back a moment later to the new topic at hand. "Hmm..." He frowned, brows burrowed and ears rolling back against his head while he thought. "Do little animals count? 'Cause if so, I've hunted plenty." His tail gave a thump behind him, and he gave Emrys a curious stare with his head cocked.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

During the time they had been talking Emrys had grown curious about the man he'd found. The first question upon finding out he was waiting for a friend was about the distance she had to travel, would he be waiting long? Was at the forefront of the healer's mind.  It was the middle of winter and if the young man wanted to wait in the same place he might run out of food.

As it turned out Cottongrass didn't know how far she had to travel which didn't ease the pale man's worries. “Has she been gone long already?” Though the young man seemed to be doing well for himself winter became more harsh with each passing day.  The place held for the loners of the lore made it hard not to worry about Cottongrass despite his current condition.  “I hope that she makes it back safely and soon,” he expressed.  The sooner the young man's friend returned the better off he would be, he would have another to help him out. The healer took a moment to make himself comfortable as his new acquaintance had by sitting down in his haunches.

Cottongrass spoke about him and his friend going on an adventure which piqued the healers interest. However, his question was met with another no descript answer, “Well fun ones are always the best ones.” At least that had been his experience.  It has been awhile since he'd been on a really good adventure.

With the scarcity of prey lately and having found the loner Emrys thought asking about the prey situation in the area wasn't a bad idea. The answer he got to that question was much more helpful than his previous ones, “That's good news, I'm hoping that I might have a bit of luck today.” If he did then he might be able to bring back a little more than just one rabbit or squirrel.  Small prey at a time like the notch was having was very valuable.

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2017, 02:47 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Sorry for dragging this along, Kai. I was thinking we could end here with one last post from you?

"Yeah." He mumbled, mind distant and words strained while the smile on his face became forced. Because he couldn't stop thinking about the reality of the situation he was in. Which was that Victoria was gone and he really didn't even know where she had gone to or why. It was uncomfortable. Unsettling. Like someone dunked him into ice water and his body was growing heavy and slow and dumb. He didn't like it. What if something had happened to her and she couldn't come back? Or what if she abandoned him?

He frowned, ears twisting back against his head the more he thought about it. Until finally—he had enough.

"I uh, I think I should go now. I gotta, uh, see if my friend is back, you know?" The words were awkward on his tongue but he forced them out anyway. And without waiting for @Emrys to even react he pushed himself onto all fours, backing away from the man before turning on the spot. The older wolf was nice but Cottongrass found himself quickly growing uncomfortable with the conversation, even if well-meaning. Because Victoria was fine. There was no need to question where she went or why and what they were even going to do once they reunited. He just needed to wait a bit and maybe look around for her.

That was supposed to be that. Without looking back he picked up his pace, intending to head higher into the hills and ridges alone. Where there was no questions that he would struggle to answer about his friend.

Exit Cottongrass, unless pursued.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
ooc: No worries! Just a short closing post.  I will archive after this.

The white male seemed to have grown quieter as the conversation progressed which did worry the healer. He hoped that he hadn't said anything wrong and that everything was fine between the young man and his friend.  Perhaps he had become suddenly worried about her since Neem suddenly decided the he needed to go and see about her. Emrys nodded, “Okay, I hope that you find everything to be in order,” he said offering what he hoped to be an encouraging smile.  Almost instantly Neem was up and off without another word.  Emeys watched him go for a few moments before he finally rose and headed back toward the notch to check in. (This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2017, 03:41 AM by Emrys.)

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.