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a knife in the ocean — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
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Alastor Leigh

Watching Spieden was like watching a former picture of himself, of the night that he left the Crest in a panic. He knew what she was feeling, knew it all too well and that was why he wasn’t trying to say anything. That and it wasn’t his place. He knew Spieden, sure, but he was nothing like Hal and the kids. He wasn’t family, he was still an outside in this situation. This was why when Spieden point blankly asked if he was trustworthy he didn’t take it to heart.

Rustling alerted him to the entrance of another and he turned, surprised to see it was Triell. He could see in his posture what he was trying to do, or rather perhaps try to do. He looked like he was about to corner a scared fawn, stay low and make slow movements to try and not spook it. But, the swarthy woman was no scared fawn and he wasn’t sure if there was any amount of coaxing that could fix it. He knew there had been none for him. He listened to Hal speak, trying to make sense of everything and he could only imagine how hard it was for her. A small frown etched onto his maw but he stayed quiet, simply waiting for news on what to do.

Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
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Spieden Coho
Everyone was anxiously buzzing around her, asking questions and all too painfully unaware of the living, breathing nightmare that was unfolding. It didn't matter where they went, as long as it wasn't here. Spieden didn't care, much the same as a panicked animal might flee a burning forest, it didn't matter which direction she ran as long as she was running. Even if it witlessly took her to the heart of the fire. Sahalie's assurance of Alastor wasn't quite assuring, but Sahalie was about the only wolf she trusted at the moment. And just when things seemed like they couldn't get any more overwhelming, yet another wolf appeared. Spieden's eyes locked on Triell's, looking wide eyed at the male. She shrank back, staring but not answering.

Spieden looked to Sahalie as the girl grappled with what to do. While Spieden agreed with Marina's sentiment, she knew she couldn't make Sahalie go like she could make the cubs, she was an adult more or less. It was her own decision. "Okay." She relented, growing more agitated by the second, unable to sit still, her eyes bouncing towards the treeline. "The ferns... Alright... I'll wait for you there." She said, carefully rising and ushering Mako and Marina with her. "At the Vanishing Pines." She added. It didn't settle right with her, to leave Sahalie here. She looked long at Sahalie, praying that this wouldn't be the last time they saw eachother. "Be careful."
(This post was last modified: Dec 23, 2016, 06:34 PM by Reyes. Edit Reason: Tags. )
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Triell took Hal's words and froze. Despite how much he hated to hear them. Feel them put on him as if he was a charging,reckless bull and nothing else, for a change he was just still. He hated to spook the woman more, but he couldn't have very well stood by and done nothing. But, because the weight of the situation, and how helpless he was to change it,he didn't do anything more. Maybe, it was not the right time. Maybe, Sahalie wasn't as much as his as he had thought. Maybe he meant little to the Coho family but for all Spieden was and everything she had done for not just the pack but him, he'd be damned to go on his merry way. Whatever she feared, whatever she thought he wanted her to know she didn't have to go off into the unknown. Didn't need to struggle. But, if he only would make things worse.... he kept his lips sealed,taking it in as the Cohos' fled to the fern forest. A promise to wait for Sahalie. Worry and panic were not a good mix. Or hopelessness. Pain was the worst. If he would be forced to be left behind as the rest of his world crashed again.

A dipped head, and turned ears he did not look upon Sahalie. His voice was quiet.
"Sorry Hal. I just...She's family to me too. I don't understand, maybe I don't need to. I just...I don't want them to go alone. I can't lose all of you. " No matter what his daughter thought he did care what happened to all of them. Wanted to make things right. But, maybe he was nothing any more.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
Marina's pleas were like a thorns in her heart, and she stared wordlessly, mouth open, up at the child who had quickly out paced her in size even though she was less than half her age. "Nothing is going to happen to me," she said, trying to be gentle though her tone ended up sterner than she had intended. Spieden was in a bad way and that was what worried Sahalie the most, but the girl did not fear her own safety in the Bend. Serach would not harm her. Aponi would not harm her. Many things about this day she did not understand, but these were the few things she knew for sure.

"Alastor will be going with you. He'll keep you safe," though Spieden hadn't seemed to sure about him. But sending a mentally broken woman and two cubs out into the winter wildnerness seemed like a foolish idea. Spieden seemed to like little about this idea but did not even feel like arguing. The dark woman was fidgeting and still breathing irregularly and it was best for her to get her legs moving. Sahalie hoped that having something to do would take Spieden's mind off of whatever nightmare that haunted her. The girl waved her muzzle at her silver friend, "Go," she commanded, though she desperately wished that they could all be going back towards the territory.

When they had gone she was left to confront the fact that when the pressure had been on her she chose to trust Alastor rather than her father. The two of them stood alone with the frozen breeze between them. Her stare was hard, "No one's said anything about going. Spieden did but she's out of her mind right now. She's not talking sense." Though Sahalie was uncertain if sense could be talked into her. She had to try, just not here, not now. "You're not losing anyone."

Boldly, she took a step forward, "And what are you even doing? What are you thinking? That you were gunna run away with us? What about Reiko and Treyah?" Did he intend to fetch them and making them wade through the high snows too? "And Naira wouldn't survive the winter and you know it. Oak Tree Bend is changing but you can't abandon it. I'm not abandoning it"— not if she could help it— "I'm just trying to do what's best for Spieden. You leaving wouldn't help with anything. Gosh, it'd probably tear the pack apart." If Spieden, Marina, Mako, Alastor, Sahalie, Triell, Naira, Reiko, and Treyah all left that would only leave a handful of adults. It was not what Serach, Aponi, or anyone else deserved, to have to search for a new home for the winter. There was no reason for anyone to leave at all.

"I don't want that. I couldn't live with that. It's my home and I thought it was yours too"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
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Alastor Leigh

Thankfully, Spieden seemed to be getting some wits about her. She wasn’t flipping out, though panicking wasn’t out of the question. Even with Hal’s warmth, it would take a while for the older woman to really calm down. His brows rose when she said that he would be going with them, which obviously meant that she would be staying behind. At this thought his brows scrunched and a frown formed, head turning and angling down so he could look at her. He didn’t like the thought of being separated. Even though he was almost completely positive that they wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, he still wasn’t pleased with the idea. But...he understood why she was sending him. They couldn’t go alone, not with Spieden in her current condition. She wouldn’t hurt her children but she wasn’t in any state to avoid somehow hurting herself or to truly pay attention to her surroundings. ”Go,” she said sternly and he paused for a moment before nodding. As he moved past her he mumbled, “I’ll protect them. Do what you have to...but hurry,” then followed along behind them allowing the woman to lead the way.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
The words of his daughter brushed his ears, and how he wanted to believe them. Since, they had formed from her tongue she must believe them herself. How could she be so sure? Believing, wasn't enough, not when already they were fleeing the Bend. Did Hal think she could talk sense into her? Make it all right? He wasn't sure how far optimism would get her.

It was like he was a boy and she was reprimanding him for his own foolish actions. It made the tear between them widen. Sadness seeped in there, and something worse. To see her trust Alastor to take care of them, why he was something she needed to deal with. But, he barely watched the yearling go, knowing she would soon follow, and he should let her. 

He had no intention of leaving his youngest children, nor their mother behind. Abandon. It was a harsh word. It seemed cruel she'd throw it on him. But, she did state it wasn't her intention either. This, he tried quite hard to calm his mind, his heart. Yes, he understood she was trying to help her mother. But, for it to be his doing that tore the pack apart....

He didn't want the pack torn. Other things were changing, not just this. He suddenly felt she would never look upon him as something other than a broken man. He had his own intentions now, but he was done talking, holding her up. He could see another lost cause. He forced himself to be swift in his answer. "I'm not thoughtless. Just go, I'll do what I think is best, just like you. Hopefully, you can help her." Then he stepped away, biting down bitterness, and padding off to the den.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
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Mako Coho
It was strange seeing his mother cower, and equally strange seeing Sahalie jump around like a startled hare. Mako's dark amber eyes shifted towards the peripheral, settling on Triell as the dark man approached. Mako lifted his lips slightly, the tips of his jagged teeth showing in a gesture that wasn't outright aggression, but a warning none-the-less. Though the older male was related to Sahalie in some way, it was evident that he wasn't related to him and Marina in the same way. Another thing that made little sense, was Sahalie not their sister? But the more he thought about it, the more confusing things became. In comparison, the frantic present was a much less confusing place to be. He wanted to act, if they were going to leave then they should leave, rather than standing and blabbering on. He impatiently paced again as a plan was hashed out for them to meet Sahalie at the ferns... 

Mako pressed back against Marina's nudging, a small show of solidarity. Even though she was a whiney baby, he was still her brother, and they would do this together. Mako padded after his mother but beside Sahalie, his long limbs able to keep pace with Spieden's hurried strides.
Played by Ace who has 33 posts.
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Marina Coho
This was all too much – far, far too much. Part of Marina wanted to curl up and sink into the earth with so much going on; the boisterous girl had never felt such things before. She couldn’t even put a name to the feelings bubbling in her gut and constricting her chest. Ears remained flat against her skull as buttercup eyes drifted from Mako to Spieden to Sahalie and back again, uncertain of whom she should focus her attention on.

In the end, she settled for a sigh, pressing equally into her brother in turn. He was an asshole at the best of times, but he was still her brother, and she felt an undeniable urge to remain close to the taller Coho as the scene unfolded.

Remaining uncharacteristically quiet, she followed him, practically shoulder against shoulder as they moved, following Speiden wherever the fallen alpha might lead them. It didn’t particularly matter to Marina, as long as they stuck together, and-- She hesitated for a moment, glancing over her shoulder at her sister.

“Don’t take too long,” she urged, gaze lingering on the Tainn for only a moment before she was forced to turn again, jogging after the other pair of Blackfish wolves.

Don’t let this be goodbye.
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
archiving this now :DDD
The sense of urgency the others impressed upon her was crushing. Her eyes jumped from Spieden to Mako to Marina to Alastor, nodding to them but also tossing her muzzle urging them just to go before Spieden crawled out of her own skin and sprouted wings. Sahalie tried to tell herself that all these wild emotions were just a matter of everyone getting her so worked up: there was nothing to fear, there was no harm waiting to jump her once she set foot inside the borders. Quickly, the small family and her friend disappeared into the freezing fog and snow, behind trees or something, she could not be sure.

Slowly, the dark girl turned back to her dark father, and she stared back at him trying to keep her posture neutral when all she felt was frustration. He waved her concerns away like she was still a child, though Sahalie knew she had no right to order him around. From his frustration it was clear that he had not taken any of her words to heart, that he still intended to leave for reasons that made no sense to her. Best? But best for who? The girl could not even ask because her father was already walking away. Her heart seared with rage and pain. Her father. "When will you stop being selfish!" was all she could hurl back at him before shaking her head and racing away, back to the territory that would lead her on a different trail: to Serach.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
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