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In Perspective — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Hunting Post 4

The praise Vesper received from @Kajika  did wonders causing his pride to soar higher, the intensity fueling each wag of a charcoal dusted tail evidently increasing with each beat. His grin infectious as he watched an equally wide one settle upon the darker man's facial features before speaking up to ask if the patriarch wished to practice this newly learned skill further. Honestly, the idea was a good one considering at this point the agouti male could only get better each time he worked to hone himself and when could he say a prime opportunity to fish in the dead of winter would present itself again?

Quickly offering a tip of his skull in a nod, the tawny man hunkered himself back down along the icy edges of the shallow pool, molten gold irises following the swimming bodies below while addressing Kajika. "Might as well. Doubt a chance like this will arise again anytime soon. Winter is too unforgiving to give out such freebies." A light chuckle following, gaze lifting partially to meet Kajika's for a moment before lowering them again to return his focus to the task at hand.

Lost in concentration, Vespertio watched the fish swim about in circles along the frozen walls of their prison waiting until he felt the perfect moment arrived. Like before he struck out in a flash, muzzle met with the cold shock of the frigid water saturating its length until he pulled his head back. Clamped by the tail a fish dangled from his jaws, but his grip failed underneath the excessive wriggling and managed to slip free, landing with a splash back into the icy waters. Dang it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 06:24 PM by Vespertio.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Teaching post 3/3

The lake kings first attempt at fishing under Kajika's instruction have gone well for the agouti man. The teacher was proud at his student  which he showed by offering the alpha the praise he deserved.  The grins that each man wore weren't just a measure of how proud they each were with the result but he also felt it had to do with the fun they were having as well.  He was glad to have the chance to help his alpha out in this way.  It also made him happy to be able to show Vespertio how he was doing in acquiring his role as teacher.  It was taking a little longer than he had planned but he was sure he would have it with the new pups.  Kajika looked forward to teaching them all they needed to know.

With the first success under the agouti man's belt Kajika thought it might be a good idea to have a little practice.  There were also plenty of fish in the little pool so Vespertio would have plenty of chances. ”I do agree you might not have another chance like this until spring.  You can only get better with practice.” He was pleased when the lake king decided to have a little more practice and move back to the pool.

Kajika settled in as he watched the agouti man prepare himself for the task at hand.  He watched as Vespertio positioned himself and waited. Suddenly the leader took his chance just as before, everything was just as it was before. The lake king came up with a fish but then it went badly.  The dish was wiggling about so much that Vespertio was forced to drop the fish, Kajika didn't find the humor in the situatiin.   "Don't fret about it there are plenty of other fish to try it on.”

(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2017, 07:43 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Huffing from the fight with the flailing fish, molten gold eyes narrowed beneath partially closed lids as they watched the slippery target swim about the small pool of frigid water. Snorting his displeasure at failing first, his attention then shifted upward to settle on the ebony man's face, his own expression softening at the teacher while he spoke. Kajika hadn't found humor in the situation either and that helped to ease some of the student's embarrassment at losing his catch. There were indeed more fish to be caught, but a quick glance skyward revealed that time was gradually slipping away from them. Once blue skies now meshing into gradient shades of pinks and oranges, telltale signs that dusk was upon them.

"You're right, but we should be getting back soon. The sun's starting to set." Vespertio mentioned, shifting his gaze back toward Kajika then down toward the pool of water. Receiving a nod from the swarthy pelted man in agreement, the duo decided today's lesson in fishing was at an end and each male clamped their jaws around the prize they had collected thus far to carry back. Another nod and creamy paws crossed one over another to face home, leading the way to where the patriarch knew the nearest of caches lay so they could deposit today's catch before seeking out their beds within the communal den.
