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Oh, How the Shadows Grow Darker — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
Becca gave me permission for the slight PP of Kerb and what he was gonna try and do ^^

She raised a brow at the idea of names not being important. “Without a name, a wolf is just a figure in the wind.” She reminded him, standing tall next to her companion, her tail lifting just a little bit, declaring dominance and her chocolate eyes narrowed. “If I wanted to find you, I could ask around for Kobe… since you gave me your name… and yet, if you wanted to find me? What do you have? Black wolf… it won’t get you very far, that much you can count on.” Of course, since he’d only had this one interaction with her, and he was arrogant, he didn’t know that she didn’t normally act this aggressive so the personality markers he might have would be off as well.

It’s a shame, really, that he couldn’t see the other side of the argument and that he seemed too convinced at the idea that he was “perfect” that he couldn’t realize that he wasn’t. “Perhaps, and maybe then you’ll get your head out of your ass.” She shot back in return, her voice flat and dull as she took a step out, in front of Kerb who looked ready to lunge at him. “Don’t… let him go, for now.” She muttered softly as she cast him a glare. He wasn’t worth it. He’d lost whether he realized it or not.

She gave his shoulder a nudge before heading in the opposite direction, away from the forest rather than deeper into it like Kobe was doing.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Mind doing one more round so Kerb can get three posts in? @Maera

Had the male just insulted Maera? A loud snarl rippled through the air. It was a rare sound to hear from the tawny male. "Brains don't do you good if you're being torn at the limbs!" The Rigel male's words were a harsh threat as the dark male took his leave. Kerberos's tail was fluffed and lashed behind him angrily. Had it not been for Maera's body in the way and her voice in his ear, he would have taken off after the male. His teeth practically ached to feel the flesh of the arrogant creature. Who in the hell thought they could go around talking like that?

"Mae." Kerberos whispered once the dark male was far enough away to not hear them. "You should've let me go after him. He shouldn't be talking to you like that. No one should." His voice strained with concern as he looked at her. Yellow eyes held almost a pleading look. His hackles still raised with adrenaline and a partial fear that the rude male would return for more.

Kerberos trailed alongside Maera. His shoulder faintly brushed against hers. "Don't think I should leave your side for a bit." He mused softly with a smile. "You know, in case that arrogant male decides to show up again." His nose offered a bump to the side of her forehead. "Why was he being so rude anyway? If you wanna tell me, of course."

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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
Exit from @Kerberos and we're good!

She was glad that she’d stepped in when she had, because Kobe’s behavior was almost like he was spoiling for a fight, and she wasn’t going to give him the pleasure of letting him try and sink teeth into her or her travelling companion. No, she’d leave him be to screw with some pack wolf and let him see how idiotic he was acting. “That’s what he wants, Kerb.” She responded in an eerily calm tone, her eyes narrowed at the dark male as he ventured farther away, her voice a soft whisper. “Sometimes the best way to win a fight is to not start one in the first place.” Was he disrespectful? Maera certainly thought so… but he definitely wasn’t worth it.

She continued to take her leave in the opposite direction, a soft grin at him. “If it’ll help you sleep at night then be my guest… we need to find dinner anyway and we’re almost back to the den.” She was referring to the one that they’d dug back out back when they’d first started hanging around each other. For now, and to her, that was home and home was a place she’d very much like to be… particularly because home wasn’t creepy and filled with arrogant wolves. “He gave me his name… and I didn’t return the favor… he thought I was hiding something.” She explained in a half amused tone. Oh, she was going to rant about the encounter the entire way back.

-Maera Exit-

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
@Maera feel free to archive once you've read! <3 @Kobe don't forget to claim LP once it's archived c:

She was the more calm between the two of them right now. It would be a rare moment for them. "Fine." He chuffed in a rough tone. "I'm not going after him only because you said so." The Rigel male's tones were more of a grumble than anything else. Maera was the only thing that would sooth his nerves right now.

"Of course it will help me sleep better at night." His more gentle tones returned to his voice. "Let's hope something shows up so we can take it easy the rest of the day." The tawny male wanted nothing more than to curl up in a warm spot, at home, with his company and a belly full of food.

The young male's ears listened to her words carefully. His brows were quick to furrow and a frown pulled on his lips. "If that's how he reacts to a small situation I can't imagine how he handles real situations. Surprises me that someone else hasn't ripped into his hide yet." He smirked at his own words. "I still wish it was me, or even you, who had to chance to do such a thing." It was harsh of him to feel like that but that's just how he felt currently.

His paws followed in suit with Mae's as the pair made their way out of the dismal forest. Kerberos would gladly listen to her rant and chat the whole way back home. That's what he was there for. He was supposed to be someone she could trust and work with. So that's just what he'd try his damnedest to be.


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