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I just can't let you go — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Mimi who has 69 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Lena Donata
we yell to the windshield
“i'm finally home, i'm finally home”

Lena's head was swimming with thoughts, but she knew she had to focus on the now—the present was the most important thing, after all. She could only offer a small smile as she waited for the formal meeting to be over and done with. It wasn't fun, feeling so blue, surrounded by so many. Less wolves than there had been before but still enough to make her feel that guilt bubble up again. What could she do, though? Personally apologise for bursting into their lovely little home and shaking it all up with her dramatics? No. Serach had reassured her as best as he could that none of this was her fault.

So why did it still feel like she had a hand in this?

Her spirits lifted slightly when Ice appeared, even more so when he plopped down beside her, offering her a little support to lean into. She took the gesture with a press of her nose to his muzzle—the little family would need one another's support now, would they? She couldn't help but find herself surprised when she saw another wolf sit at her side, with black fur and blue eyes: Lila.

The Donata's heart melted at the way the girl held herself, and whilst Lena might not have known her personally, she was a pack mate, and she deserved support as much as any one else. Without care for social boundaries, she gently nudged the youth's shoulder with her nose, conjuring up a smile as she tried to portray a sense of “things will be okay”.

And things would be okay, sooner or later.

Lena lifted her head when the monochrome woman (she figured, from her and Serach's earlier talk, that this was Aponi) began to talk, and she could only find herself frowning at the words she heard, ears tipping back. They left her feeling uneasy, as if the new lead female was recruiting to an army, not a pack. She glanced at Ice, worry evident on her expression—what do you think?—before her focus turned to Serach and his speech. Now those were words she could actually appreciate and get on board with! None of this we have to be strong crap. Just an honest wolf's way of living, where they could hunt and survive.

And her heart leaped at the idea of being given a proper chance to do some right for Oak Tree Bend's members, and to make up for her lack of doing anything in the time she had been here. “Tell us how to get there, and I'll make sure the message is delivered, uncle,” she replied with a genuine smile, before turning her attention to Lila. Her voice softened so that she wouldn't interrupt Serach in the rest of his debriefing. “You excited? I am.”

art by kydnt, code by mimi
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
we are all part of the same play
lila aquila
we all think we are making our own way

The honey tawny wolf didn't seem to mind one bit she had taken place by her. In fact she acknowledged her, and smiled in assurance. Surprise lit in her blue eyes, and she could not help but smile in turn. How desperately Lila would need a friend, and she felt she had one now.

Mother rose, looking to each. Best she could she sat still and listened to what was being said. It seemed there was a want to add more wolves, secure their numbers. She would like to try if this was what would help. She placed a mental note to be on the watch.

Eyes drifted to Serach as Aponi did. He was in agreement, affirming why more numbers would be needed. There was more, and she found herself surprised. Her and Lena would be trusted with a task? A very important one no less. Had this been his idea or her mother's? Both? She didn't trust herself to speak. She was quite happy to have the trust, but her head was spinning. That was far, and she'd only left the Bend a handful of times. Thankfully Lena raised her voice, seeming to be eager for this mission. Lila felt if she had to go she was glad it was with her. "A huh," she agreed, a beat of her tail. It would be nice to get away from here after everything. She felt she could trust Lena.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Last round!No post order
This will be archived on January 25th so get your last replies in by then!
Whoever is last feel free to pp Aponi leaving with them, or hanging around to talk to Lila or Serach
@Serach @Ice @Dread @Lena @Lila

Serach immediately launched into the plan that they had devised, sending Lena and Lila to the mountain to visit Fallen Tree Cove and later in the season Ice and Tenebrae to Hearthwood River. Icy blue eyes watched her daughter in particular as she was given her task. This would be the first long journey that she had taken without her mother or sister and Aponi wondered how she would handle it now. The dark girl looked unsure until Lena whispered something into her ear and a smile stretched across her maw, she would make sure to speak with her daughter later and congratulate her.

Tenebrae seemed to be in agreement with his task as well and while Ice was quiet the woman assumed he too would be willing or he would have voiced his concerns. Nodding in approval Aponi finalized the orders, "As long as we're all in agreement then the meeting is dismissed unless anyone has anything else to add." The words were said with a smile as the silver shoulder pressed into the co-lead in a brief display of affection, pleased with how the meeting had gone.

Blue eyes watched as the members trickled away one at a time or the occasional pair but she remained until the majority had gone, willing to speak with whoever might need to have words with her.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2017, 05:47 AM by Aponi.)
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
It hadn't been an easy decision on the leading pair's part to send Lila and Lena up the mountains to meet with their neighbors, but at the end of the day they had both agreed that it was necessary. Serach had considered going himself in place of one of the girls, but considering the calamity of instability that had just shaken his pack, he didn't think it would be a good idea to leave the trappings of leadership solely on Aponi's shoulders at that moment. Maybe in the spring he could follow up on Lena and Lila's diplomatic mission himself. He offered the girls a smile and an easy wag of his tail. "You'll both do great, I have no doubt," he told them, reassured by their smiles and burgeoning affection for each other. "We can go over specifics too, of course."

Serach was equally pleased that Tenebrae had aspired to becoming a guardian in his birth pack and was open to the possibility of taking up the mantle again for the Bend. "Excellent," he responded, turning his attention and his smile to the younger man. "It never hurts to have more than one trained guardian in a pack." He looked to his father, sure that the older man would also agree.

Leaning into Aponi, he turned his head to whisper in her ear, "Think that went well. First of many." After this, hopefully things would settle into a more normal routine and they could go on living their lives and leave the hurt feelings from the past few weeks behind them. The meeting dismissed, Serach took the opportunity to step forward and playfully snap at Tenebrae's direction. Tail wagging above his back, he beat his paws against the ground in an invitation to play. "What do you say we get started now?" He asked in an invitation to playfully spar.

Fade out for Serach!
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2017, 01:44 AM by Serach. Edit Reason: Because Serach only has one tail. )
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dread Flint
His eyes drifting to the others, Dread stayed quiet as the others spoke up, to accept their roles in the upcoming plans. The girls seemed happy enough to take on their role to go to the mountain and though Ice was so far silent, Dread assumed he had no qualms about the plans. His eyes turned back to his leaders, once Aponi started talking once again and after a few moments, dismissed them unless there was anything the rest of the small pack had to offer. Dread kept silent, because he had already spoken his piece and felt there was nothing more to add.  

The Dark male smiled back when Serach smiled at him, the other man sounding pleased with what Dread had spoken, with wanting to take up the mantle of a gaurdian.  

Yet he was somewhat caught off guard when Serach playfully snapped his jaws in his direction, tail wagging high and beating the ground with his paws in a show of playfulness.  

"What do you say we get started now?"

Well, Dread was perfectly alright with that He grinned and unfurled his legs from beneath him to return the favour, springing forward and nipping at Search's ear. Dread then spun away before facing him again, landing in a playful bow with his own tail wagging.

fade for Dread!
(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2017, 02:20 AM by Dread.)