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pitter patter gave a rather rinse and lather feelin' — Hidden Tree 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

Maera didn’t really know how long they’d last. At first, she hadn’t been optimistic or hopeful, and more wary about whom he was, but the more time went on, the less those seemed to matter. Instead, he was arguably her best friend, and definitely the first person she’d started to trust in a long while, since Kael and her mother rejoined the pack they never should have been forced from. She worried sometimes that she couldn’t handle the trust that came with living in a pack, that she was going to be the major problem, not the pack or how it was structured.

There had been a time not too long ago that she probably would have bit his ear off for being remotely near her and yet she actually found comfort in it.  He was right, there was nothing to lose because they could always leave if they needed to… sometimes she felt like that was quitting but if she truly didn’t belong there, then she could leave… she’d never do that though, not unless Kerb felt the same way. They were friends, and she wouldn’t leave her friends or her family behind unless there was no other option like there’d  been with her family.

“Not that I know of. She said they were all hanging in the Grove until they figured out what they were going to do next.”

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
This can be a fade unless you want another @Maera post <3

The way she accepted his touch was rather nice. He felt trusted by her more than ever in this moment. She had opened up to him in a way tonight he never imagined she would have. The talk of joining a pack was so monumental for the two of them as a friendship landmark that he swore he'd remember this night forever. Did he have the bright stars up above to thank? The cold breeze maybe? Whatever or whoever he was supposed to thank he silently did.

He nodded his head gently at her words. "Well, I guess at this point in our decision we can sleep on it for the night. We can prepare ourselves and really solidify our decisions." The tawny male's voice was soft and gentle like it had been for most of the night. "Then we should visit them and talk to the adults about our choice." He let his head look back up towards the bright stars. His pale golden eyes watched as some twinkled brighter than others.

The Rigel male leaned into her side. He would be content to watch the stars all night. Or at least until the two of them grew too tired to hold their heads up and eyes open.
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