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Dismantle Repair — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Someone willing to share a life story, with him? He'd seldom felt special, but her words struck a chord somewhere in there, in the dark of his soul. Perhaps she wouldn't mind?

<b>"On the contrary,"</b> he countered the female's latter statement. Turning his head to avoid a shower of ice water, just in case, the black brute smoothly rose to his feet, watching the twisting of her body as she shook the excess from her creamy coat.

Though he felt strangely, he couldn't help but to hope that perhaps the exchange would be carthartic for the both of them.</blockquote>
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: It's.. rather interesting to see how this thread has developed.. lol

Contrary? She frowned, brows knitting together as a single amber eye fixed on his form. Vlarindara had rid herself of the cold water, but it did nothing to stop the moisture that dampened her hide... or the cold fingers of wind that found entry to her skin. The wolf shifted, placing her back to the oncoming wind and settling gingerly into the snow, hunching her shoulders against it. Confusion was written on her face.. After all, she didn't know this wolf - nor he her.. They'd gotten off to something of a rocky start, and now here he was requesting to hear her story? ...Confusing.

Vlarindara shivered once again with the cold before a sigh puffed from between her lips. "I...wouldn't mind hearing yours...as well." Considering that he'd snarled at her upon her arrival into the waters of the lagoon. However, the ivory femme was willing to let that.. kind of thing go - they seemed to be on friendlier terms after all. Though, she had to admit, the male had mettle.

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Perhaps something good will come of their interaction.

<blockquote><i>Fair enough</i>, he thought quietly. <i>His past?</i> The male went still for a moment, the life seemingly slipping from his chilling eyes. Flashes of faint childhood memories - the oldest he could remember - streaked through his senses. <i>The smell of saltwater. Gentle, navy and foam waves lapping upon a rocky, pebbled shore. His footprints in grey sand before being washed away like the rest of his life, or what would have been his life.</i> He hadn't shared his past, his story with anyone - not even Jaysyek - but then again...she'd never really delved that far.

Now emotionless, quieted by the heaviness in his head, he watched the female's mannerisms and the way she attempted to make sense of the confusion he'd apparently caused in her. It was understandable, after all he had been...well...ready to rip her head off, or anyone else's. Although he wasn't the friendliest, or most caring or compassionate being, he was still alive, burdened by emotion and regrets, and <i>memories</i>, as everyone was, in their own rights.

A gentle sigh escaped from beneath his breath as he watched Vlarindara settle into a drift of snow, and the coal figure mindlessly layed down not far from her. He was in no way comfortable talking about things he'd worked so hard to push from his mind and memory, but in a way, somehow, his despair would be safe with her.

<b>"I was born into a small pack, not far from the sea,"</b> he started, his voice monotonously recounting what he could remember. <b>"...Sometimes I still dream of the gulls' songs..."</b> This was torturous. The male gulped down the feelings of weakness. <b>"It was a small pack, my parents and uncle and I...I had two littermates, a brother, <i>Senna</i>, and a sister, <i>Beya</i>..."</b> <i>Names he would respectfully pass to his children, should he ever see fatherhood.</i> <b>"She did not survive to leave the den. My brother- well I have yet to solidify a conclusion concerning his whereabouts, or whether he's even alive."</b> The words were like a whisper as his brows pulled together in a hard line.

<b>"My parents were killed by an expanding pack, unable to fend for us all and our territory after my father's brother was lost during the snows of my first winter."</b> That was all he could offer the female, for lack of concern for the details. It was by no means a tragic end to a notable family, which was the hardest part to swallow; they were simply lost now, gone, as though swept away by the ocean's waves, with no one but himself to care or tell their stories. No one to remember them, no one to learn from their hardships and perseverances...<i>No one to comfort him as he wandered from their demises.</i>

And he did wander, for many seasons, each drawing him further from the saltwater that was the strongest reminder of what parts of the world actually meant something to him. He did not find another home, another pack, until he'd found Jayse and the Hollow that superficially filled the shameful emptiness suffered by the Attaya male. Shame stemming from the lack of a legacy to continue, his lack of meaning.

His eyes slowly looked for her one, a part of him hoping that she would lack judgment of his modest mediocrity.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2012, 07:00 PM by Kade.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

In silence, Vlarindara listened, allowing Kade to have a place to unload his words on.. shoulders to rest them against. She was well aware of the burden it was to carry such guilt and memories alone.. And even in the odd wolves she'd crossed paths with to share her story - it had been enough to lighten the metaphorical load enough that she might continue on through another day. Kades words were..eerily similar to her own tragic story that she felt her heart go out to him, and when he looked up, her expression lacked all judgement, nor did it hold pity. It held...understanding and camaraderie.

Vlarindara shifted, lowering her amber gaze to the snow at her feet, shivering slightly in the wind that slipped through her matted fur. "You...have become much stronger than you were before, haven't you? Carried forth by the burdens you bear, made stronger by the wind of memory at your back.."

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote><i>Relief washed over him</i>.

Vlarindara's words rang true, meeting his ears with a soft quality he naturally associated now with the rolling angles of her silver mask. <i>Carried forth by the burdens you bear...</i> He certainly was, and wondered now if she, too, was propelled through her life in such a way.

A tangible feeling of attachment gnawed at the man's defenses, and a dull tinge of guilt played like an old love song in the back of his wandering mind. In the long months since he'd first stepped foot on the grounds of Relic Lore, not a soul - save his closest companion - had reached out to him, to comfort him as she had in the blink of an eye. Intimidated by the emotion her support had stirred in the muck of his wellbeing, his gaze descended to the ice, dirt, and snow beneath his wide, silver and black toes briefly. She...understood...listened like only one other had, and there was no denying that a good vent was exactly what he needed. A twitch to his right ear and a flick of the tip of his thick tail would be the only outward signs of his anxiety, and a new wave of strength gave him the courage to speak openly with her,

<b>"I have,"</b> he agreed humbly, <b>"though sometimes I fear the same wind will also be my destruction."</b> The dark figure watched the breeze cut through her feathery coat, an unease about him as she shivered. It was on his mind to shield her from the cold, to wrap himself around her body so that he didn't have to see the shewolf - an unsettled, would-be soft spot on his cold, hard heart - suffer, but he would leave her safely in her personal space.

<b>"It sounds like you may endure such a force in your life, as well..."</b> It was more of a question than a statement, his tone as smoothly serious as his piercing metallic orbs. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2012, 04:01 AM by Kade.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Sorry for delay in reply - My teeth are finally kinda not hurting as bad.. :3

Vlarindara listened, her haunches gathering beneath her as she tilted her head, listening to the other wolf and his words. "You.. will just have to see to it that you don't let the winds devour you.. Turn your back on them.. let them push you along, but don't let them take the breath from your lips." She was speaking from experience .. and when he commented on that, the white female merely nodded, her ears folding back over her neck.

"You aren't incorrect. I've my own winds.. that force me on the path I'm on." Vlarindara hated it sometimes.. but she managed..if barely to keep her footing. "You just have to keep going - keep forging on..">= In some cases, it was the only thing to do.

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
No worries, our four month thread is marvellous :) Not to mention I am a walking time degenerate. Annddd, this is like my 6th post of the catch-up day, so it is short :(

<blockquote>He considered her reply solemnly, marvelling in the white lady's wisdom. <i>Yes,</i> he thought to himself, <i>you are right</i>. After all, if it were not he to keep himself from being overcome by his own burdens, <i>no one would</i>. But the words she'd spoken did little to satisfy his inquiry, and he hungered to hear more of her story. More directly, what pack she'd formerly belonged to?

<b>"Vlarindara...Where did you once belong, in Relic Lore?"</b> The last thing he wanted was to push the woman, but he felt comfortable enough with her at this point to refrain from holding back.</blockquote>
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Gonna wrap zees up ^__^;

The conversation had taken a turn that made the she-wolf uncomfortable.. and she shifted, her paws carrying her towards Riddle Heights - where she'd made her home. The white female couldn't NOT tell him, however.. so she paused, her head lowered as she glanced at him in silence a moment. "I used to be one of the founding members and Second of Grizzly Hollow." Her ears rotated to lay against her nape before she returned to her walk. She had once helped found the pack.. protected it. But in the end had done it a terrible disservice. Shame weighed heavily on her frame before she slipped away from view - leaving the dark pelted male alone. It was her own burden to bear, and one she wanted to do so alone.


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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>He'd felt a little <i>too</i> comfortable.

With little hesitation the scrawny shewolf had risen to her feet silently, and he knew in an instant that he'd come too close for comfort. The man watched as if from the sidelines as Vlarindara faded into the white scene as if she'd been a part of the snow and ice to begin with - a haunting spectre.

He was left in a bitter solitude to remember what it was like to be <i>all alone</i>.</blockquote>

{and so it ends}