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Ursa Major — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

Despite what Askan thought of her having no one, being alone to face the world. She truly was never alone. Nobody was ever alone. Her mother and father were always with her, in spirit. She would always search them out within the stars even if Askan thought it was a silly thing, it gave her the comfort she needed to keep going. The stars kept her aligned and sane before she came to Relic Lore. Before she found her home within the Rye fields. Before her home was within Askan and the others. Now though, the stars simply gave her the comfort and memories of her parents when she needed it.

Though she didn't exactly expect Askan to comfort her in any way. She never expected it. But, instead he surprised her with his own attempt. Turning her gaze to his, she smiled softly. She was truly grateful for him even if he didn't feel the same for her. He was a steady presence that never wavered to show he had her back in some way. Even if he wasn't the most affectionate and sappy lad, he meant well.

"Yes, I've never told anyone that. But it's in the past. I'm here now."

And she couldn't be happier that she was here instead of in her birth lands. Perhaps if she had stayed any longer, she may have been dead by now. Whoever was taking out her family line would have went for her next. Though, perhaps they still were?

Shooing away those trivial thoughts, she turned back towards Askan. Her curiosity getting the best of her this time. "Why did you end up leaving?" She asked softly, her mismatched eyes patient to see if he was comfortable to open up to her again.

and there's beauty in everything
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

That was true. There was no use in lingering in the past. Letting it get the best of her when she had the here and now to focus on. The importance of the fact she had never told anyone about this wasn't lost on the Rye guardian, his ears actually twitched a little at that and he turned to look at her, as though to say, 'really?' Of all wolves why did she choose him? He wasn't a good listener, he didn't know what to say in these sorts of situations, his previous words were proof of that. So it was a sign of trust then? Pft. Kind of stupid of her really but whatever. It was her choice.

"I was once told you shouldn't look back, that it distracts you from the present. From what really matters."Wise words, but then again his Father did have a knack for that. Like he just always knew what to say. Such a shame Askan didn't inherit that trait.

Her next question wasn't so well received and Askan couldn't help but scoff in contempt. Like he'd tell her that. He'd been unwilling to talk about his family before, so did she really think he would divulge such information? Hell no. Like he said, the past didn't matter. He wasn't that man anymore, he was who he was. He could have sworn they'd had this discussion before. Ah well.

"Cause I felt like it." Came his simple, stiff response.

It wasn't a lie, not technically really. He had wanted to leave and he had done so of his own free volition. But it wasn't as simple as he was making it out. It hadn't been easy. He hadn't just walked off beyond their borders. It had been painful. And never did he ever want to feel that again, in fact he was certain that if he did his heart in his chest would cease to beat, for it was too much to take. Hence, he was so being so shift, so unwilling to respond properly. Lest talking of it bring up such feelings. Crossing his front legs, Askan gave Adelayde a long hard look.

"Does it matter why I left? I'm here now and that's that."

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 08:35 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

He was right in his statement that she shouldn't be looking back into her past. But she had ran away from her past and never truly dealt with it and accepted it. Perhaps it was because of the lingering feeling that her past was not truly in the past just yet. However, she took his words of advice for now and tried to set aside the thoughts of her past. Maybe that is exactly what Askan has done. Maybe he wasn't looking back at all. 

As soon as she let the question roll off her tongue, she could feel him stiffen and the openness quickly shut off. Ade didn't regret asking it however, she now knew it was a sore subject for him. A subject she'd be wary to ever bring back up again. Clearly, Askan wasn't going to tell her the truth or well maybe the whole truth. She couldn't really know if it was the truth at all, but it was all she was getting from him. 

Ah," was all she said in response to his simple, gruff reply of he just felt like leaving. Sure, she just felt like leaving too when she did. But her reasoning was more based on the fact that it may had been do or die. His heavy gaze fell on her as he gave her a long look. Her eyes only flickering over to his before focusing back on the horizon. 

Truthfully, it matter only a little to the whole scheme of things. If it didn't seem like such a prudent and important subject that he was trying to avoid, she would have left it alone, trusted that he purely left because he felt like it. Nobody just left their birth pack just because they felt like it, unless you were an emotionless being. And Askan was certainly not emotionless. However, tonight was not the night to push the sore subject any further. 

"Sure, that's that."

and there's beauty in everything
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
One more post from you, then fade?

For a moment Askan feared that she would press the issue, that she would insist that he spill his guts for all the stars to see. But he wouldn't, that wasn't who he was, and if she wanted someone like that in her life then she'd better start looking elsewhere. She wouldn't find it in him, not now, not ever. All those worries were moot though, as Adelayde was quick to agree to his statement. She didn't sound entirely convinced mind you, but it was better than nothing. And Askan had no intention of arguing his point needlessly. The way he saw it, this conversation was over and done with, finito.

Askan climbed to his feet and shook off the dusting of snow that clung to his belly. It was late, he'd spent far longer out here than he'd initially wanted to. But he supposed it was too late to regret it now, he simply had to deal with the situation, and by that it meant he had to call it quits for the night. Bowing down into a stretch, he opened his mouth in a long, unabashed yawn. Yep, he was pretty damn tired at this point, and the warmth of the den seemed pretty damn inviting.

He'd been about to head back, to scale down the side of the lookout when he glanced over at little Mrs starry-eyes. As tempting as it was, the Selwyn knew he shouldn't leave her out in the cold, all alone. Whether she wanted it or not she needed to sleep, otherwise she'd be useless tomorrow. And so he strode up to her and prodded her side with his snout, then huffed.

"Come on, get up, we're going to bed." He commanded, his voice not leaving much in the way for objection.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

Her attention drifted from the burly Rye beta, her mismatched eyes taking in the glistening horizon once again. Adelayde felt that she had no choice but to leave her birth pack when she had. She had no siblings, no parents, and barely any friends. There was nothing else for her there, nothing but danger and plaguing bad memories. Too much death and suspicion that she could be the next target. Her sole reason from fleeing her birth pack and finding Relic Lore. Now that she was here, in the Rye, she felt safe and the danger no longer loomed over her head. The guillotine no longer glistening in the distance.

The Rye beta didn't particularly notice her companion get up to leave, she was too engrossed in her thoughts. However, he caught her attention when he nudged her side. Cerulean and green meeting daffodil, she nodded softly as he ushered her to followed him. Yurning for more warmth, Askan's would be enough if they were out in the open winds, she decided to not argue and continued to follow him back towards the Oak Tree where she would promptly lay against his back in her normal fashion for the night.

and there's beauty in everything

Fade... <3