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Sometimes to be normal is the craziest of all — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

It was clear that he was surprised by her attack and she used the surprise to push harder with gritted teeth. Her muscles were aching and straining but she kept pushing with small grunts, auds laying flat with exertion. She would keep pushing until she got out of him what she was looking for. Luckily, however, it didn’t take as long as she thought it might. He let out a growled sentence, then with a final mighty shove sent them both reeling backwards. She stood up and gave her pelt a shake, white clouds of breath billowing from her jaws but an otherwise pleased expression on her petite features. She knew that the male could easily beat her in strength, but that wasn’t what she was looking for. She had been looking for the drive, the will to say I have something more to work for and to turn that into an advantage. He’d done that and she was perfectly pleased with it.

“Well, I think that went rather well,” she puffed, tail swinging at her haunches. Namid moved forward and stood squarely in front of him. “With that attitude I have full confidence in your abilities. Do not ever lose what you just felt, only build on it. You have my blessing to continue working toward being a Guardian of Fallen Tree Cove,” she said, giving her approval with a smile.

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! Do you want to fade with your next post?


Word Count: 206

Tagg stood, shaking the snow from his fur before turning back to Namid.  He was expecting another attack, but she her stance suggested they were done.  He relaxed as well, thinking he’d failed.  Her words drew him up short.  “Well, I think that went rather well.” 

“But I couldn’t even land a blow…” He mumbled, ashamed.  If she heard him she made no mention of it, instead talking about his drive and how he must build on it.  He thought of Moon, and how if things continued the way they were going, he might have more than just his pack to fight for.  He quickly shook off that notion, however; it was an impossibility.

His heart swelled with gratitude as she gave him her blessing.  “Thank you.” He dipped his head.  “I will work my hardest and train hard to further improve my abilities for the pack.” His vow would be something he would not lightly cast aside; his word was his bond, and he’d spent a long time following that rule.  It was safer than just running about doing things.  Once a promise was made, any decent fellow would follow through.

He waved his tail behind him.  After all the darkness, maybe some light would finally come.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

“I trust you will,” she mused, her tail taking up a sway at her heels. It was simply a tease, but there couldn’t help but be a heavier setting on it. She was trusting him to the very important job of defending them all. To lay his life on the line for every single one of his packmates, and even if they would do it for him if he failed the weight of it would be on his shoulders. A role was no little task and from that moment on he would have to train to keep himself in the best condition, to prove that he was worthy because he could be demoted just as quickly. Namid was a gentle queen, beauty and grace but she could just as soon be a powerhouse if she saw the reason fit. Even if it killed her inside to do it.

But, only time would tell what would happen. She had every bit of faith in the world in him, it was up to him how he used it. She turned, motioning with her head for him to follow. “How about we go and grab a bite to eat? Maybe even stop by the medical den to get something for sore muscles,” she said, rolling her shoulders and already feeling a small ache setting in. Man, she really was out of shape.

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[Image: 2qxvuio.png]