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A Sentimental Man — Antler Ring 
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Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
I am loving this way more than I thought I would <3 Longer post ahead.

No, she hadn't been joking. There was no doubt in her mind that Alastor was a handsome wolf - his silver coat reminded her of moonlight itself, and those eyes... If there were a female on his mind and in his heart, then she was a lucky wolf indeed. Of course, saying any of those things would ruin the playful mood they had going on, so the little wolf bit her tongue and refused to vocalize her thoughts. Her sky-colored eyes widened a bit when he mentioned seeing her again, and for some reason a bit of butterflies seemed to have found themselves in her stomach. She wanted to tell him no, that she wasn't okay with seeing him again, but that would have been for his sake entirely, leaving Cas alone with her thoughts of what could have been, and her regrets at having never gotten to know this strange, intriguing male.

For a moment, her mind switched out of play-mode and into the serious, depressing crap that was her life, and her gaze faltered, her confidence slipping as she thought about what might happen if she chose either option. On one hand, if she said yes, then she would possibly end up breaking the poor boy's heart and leaving him in the end - that was the worst thing that could happen. On the other, she'd live the rest of her short life never knowing what it could be like, to get to know this stranger and have an adventure she never even imagined having before.

She chose to be selfish. To take the chance of breaking his heart over her own. Slipping back into play-mode without missing too much of a beat, Cas smirked and responded, "Only if you are." It was a challenge; a fun game to play and a new adventure to embark on. One that Cas wasn't sure she was prepared and equipped to handle. But, she found that she liked this boy, that she liked his boldness and charm and wit. And, she consoled herself, there was no guarantee of it turning into anything at all. So, it wouldn't be her fault if he happened to catch feelings for her. It wouldn't really be her hurting him, if she were to pass. When she were to pass. The voice in the back of her mind mentally reminded herself that she was no normal girl, and that it would be so wrong of her to take the opportunity and hurt him and leave a huge mess behind after she died.

But, for a moment, Cas allowed herself to just be a normal girl, allowed herself to feel a bit of excitement at the prospect of meeting this handsome stranger again. For a moment, it wasn't wrong of her to be selfish, and it wasn't wrong of her to take this opportunity that any girl would be overjoyed to jump on. So, in an extremely flirty and risky move, Cas stepped forward and pressed her nose to the male's cheek before stepping back with a smile. "I'd be very happy to see you again, Mr. Alastor."

(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2017, 05:45 AM by Castel.)
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
There was a faulter in her gaze, just for a split moment, then it was gone and he questioned if it had been there at all. It has to have been from shock, likely not expecting their afternoon rendezvous to extend past this moment. But...if that was the case then why had it seemed so sad? He brushed it off, assuring himself that it was just shock and preparing himself to be struck down.

But, the moment never came. Instead, he was met with a challenging confirmation. He dared to think that this girl might have actually managed to be more feisty than Hal, if that could ever be a thing. But, she was taking it in stride and he was speeding to catch up. Then, he faltered as as she strode forward and planted a kiss to his cheek, this time unable to mask his shock. Had he just...gotten a kiss? He was shell shocked for a moment before, out of nowhere, a laugh erupted from him utterly surprised but pleased. “Well, it seems it's settled then. How would you feel about meeting back here tomorrow?” he inquired, lowering his head to be leveled with her own, a brow raised in question.
Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor

It seemed her kiss had been well-received, and she found herself smiling as he lowered his head and inquired of her if she wanted to meet back in the same place tomorrow. "Sounds like a good plan to me," she told him, forcibly refusing to allow herself to feel guilty for it. "What time do you want to meet?" she asked, tipping her head to the side and slightly hoping he wouldn't ask her to be there too early, so she wouldn't have to run in order to get there on time.

She felt like an elderly wolf, but she couldn't help it. She was just so tired, even right now, but Alastor didn't seem to notice. Or, if he did, he said nothing about it. A glancing pain shot up the same leg she'd misstepped with earlier, and she took her weight off of it for a moment, keeping her face schooled into a smirk, as it had been for almost the entirety of their conversation. She was already forming a game plan on how to get back to the antlers easier tomorrow, so that she didn't have to walk as far and it wouldn't be quite so hard on her. She'd just sleep out in the field somewhere, and that way, she wouldn't have to make the trek to Stonewatch Timbers and back. She'd actually be able to rest a bit.

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
She inquired about what time he thought they should meet and he tilted his head thoughtfully. A hum filled his chest sending their deep vibrations into the air as he contemplated. He'd need to get his duties done in the Monadnock done before he could venture out to spend some time with her. Those usually entailed scavenging around for some food to add to the caches, tracing along the borders, and checking in on Hal. Nothing too extravagant but time consuming enough. And, even though it wasn't a sin for him to meet her, he didn't quite feel like letting anyone know about their meetings quite yet. He wasn't entirely sure why, to be honest. It sort of felt like an unapproving force was lingering over his shoulder.

But, he decided he was just overthinking things and shook the feeling off. So, factoring in all that he figured the best time to do so would be… “How about around this same time tomorrow?” it would give them both plenty of time to do whatever they needed to do. Hunt, sleep, whatever.
Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
Are we going to start a new one after this?

"That sounds perfect to me," she approved, tail waving slowly behind her. She found that she was actually looking forward to meeting this boy again; she wanted to learn more about him and see just what kind of trouble they would be creating together. If it was anything like what he claimed it would be, then they would certainly be causing quite a bit.

And it would be fun. Which, of course, was always important to Cas.

She ducked her head and bounced backward a bit, in a sort of playful curtsey. "I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing before," she told him, turning to leave. "Don't forget to come meet me, okay? I don't want to freeze my tail off all night waiting for a no-show." Her tone was sing-songy and teasing, and she cast a glance over her shoulder as she started away, her tail waving in a farewell. There was a bit of nervousness that came with this new territory, she found. Not a bad kind - more of a will he show up? what if he doesn't? what if I do something stupid? type of thing. Not that Cas ever did anything stupid. No-sir.

...Okay, maybe she did have to worry about the stupid part.