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War drums — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Healer demonstration 1/3
Lorcan had been just beyond borders of the heavily marked territory when he had first heard the vicious snarls of combat echo out across the lowlands. Clenching the freshly culled snowshoe hare firmly between his jowls, the agouti male quickly bound into a sprint towards the monadnock. He could already feel his gut twisting and turning with anxiety as he passed through the scented borders as he grew more and more concerned about exactly who it was that fighting. From his position out on the lowlands, he was unable to decipher one pack member's scent from the other and so the only way to find out was to witness the action for himself. If it was that Mittani starting trouble again...Lorcan clenched his teeth tightly shut and a snarl snaked down his muzzle.

Clambering quickly up the old goat track, Lorcan's russet ears perked up immediately in the direction of the loud commotion. Swiftly his golden eyes scanned the scene before him. The bright fiery coat that first caught his attention was immediately recognisable to the healer. Zahira. Desperately he searched for the other member involved. A concerned frown wrinkled upon his forehead when he caught glimpse of a white pelted female, however with all the movement, he was unable to distinguished exactly which one. His brows furrowed as his gaze briefly wandered over Craw and Morganna who watched on from the sidelines, trying to gauge their reaction to the intra-member conflict. Neither of them appeared obviously concerned.

Relaxing a little, Lorcan tentatively began to approach closer towards the brawling pair. As he passed, his golden eyes flashed across the form of the white-pelted female and his nostrils flared as he inhaled their scent. Piety?! His black tipped tail lashed out in confusion. She was the last wolf he would have expected to be involved in a fight, unless of course, Zahira had been the one to initiate it. His ears pressed back against his head in contempt. Continuing forwards, Lorcan passed by the fight quickly, taking care not to get too close, before he circled around to sit upright and tense beside the dark form of Morganna. He could already smell blood in the air, signifying the seriousness of the fight, he just wasn't sure who it belonged to.

A quiet whine whistled in his throat. He just hoped that neither of them would be too seriously injured. He just wanted them to stop and so he waited anxiously, looking to Morganna for permission to swoop in a tend to the injured party.
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2017, 06:15 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Safely gonna mark this post as Mature due to mention of blood and language for those of you who need it <3 also check the end of the post for a summary

She could taste blood in her mouth. Her salmon pink tongue was now tainted with deeper hues of red and a metallic taste. Normally she would have hated such coming from a fellow wolf but this was all different. This woman had challenged her and was fighting hard. The fact that Zahira had ripped away from Piety's grasp with torn flesh was not surprising. The Santoro did not expect her competition to give in so easy.

It was Miss Santoro's turn to bleed. She felt the hot sensation of teeth raking down her face and the red liquid followed after. Her eyes were safe, for the moment that was all that mattered. The burning grew more by the minute and she couldn't help but let out a cry briefly before her eyes opened. Crimson colored was the world around her. The taste of Zahira's blood no longer filled her mouth as her tongue swept out in a frenzy. "FUCKING HEATHEN!" Her voice was a monstrous yell towards the woman who had done this. Piety snapped her teeth where she hoped would be flesh but the crimson vision did her bad. Nothing but air between her teeth.

Her once pale clean fur that lined her saintly face was now matted and red as she thrashed her head around with growls. The smell of iron too strong for her to tell who was still around. She couldn't even tell where he face had been ripped open and likely wouldn't be able to once she cleaned herself up.

Piety's face ripped open thanks to Zahira, where at on her face specifically hasn't been decided bc I am bad person. Pi angrily snapped her jaws but missed. Is now kind of just angrily growling and clicking her teeth.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
Just adding a note that I'm happy for this to go to rolls if anyone wants to snap at her.
I let you push me past the breaking point
Morganna Archer

As @Craw came alongside, Morganna relaxed a little though her eyes did not leave the fight before her. She assumed there were unspoken rules around these things, since at the end of the day you had to still live with the person you were challenging. Her fight with Adele had been bloodless, likewise the challenge with her mother. That this would go any other way shouldn't have had to cross her mind. But it did. She took some solace in the presence of @Lorcan.

The Archer was impressed when @Piety managed to grab the other woman's muzzle so firmly, she expected things to end there, but @Zahira yanked back so harshly, drawing her own blood then Morganna's rump lifted from the ground, critically glare only hardening as her tail lifted higher over her spine. The red woman didn't back off, instead lunging again to grab Piety by the face and there it was again, more blood. A booming growl echoed in her chest as she strode forward, teeth bared and tail held high. She would aim to force her way between the pair, effectively calling this scuffle done. If either thought to lunge again they would be taking on her instead of their intended opponent. It was winter and their ability to patch anyone up was dwindling with the daylight. What were they thinking?

(This post was last modified: Jan 24, 2017, 10:02 PM by Morganna.)
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn
Zahira won't be likely to attack again unless provoked or as long as Morganna remains in the way.

Iron, the taste rushed over her thong and she could not help but feel in an excellent mood. she liked the thrill of the fight and even if her muzzle burned with pain, she was starting to enjoy this. However, it appeared that the white woman did not, Heath she called her? Oh did this little white thing even know what a heathen she herself was? "Your bark is worse than your bite my dear" she spoke as Piety's teeth once again caught nothing but air.

However, before Zahira could manage to make yet another attack the dark woman stepped in. How boring this one was, or perhaps she feared that her pretty little white doll could not take the damage how sentimental and useless.  Still snarling and growling her own tail fell, not into submission but showing that she was not claiming dominance over the dark woman. But perhaps she should?  after all if Morganna decided to stand up for the bloody misfit of a white mutt she was worth less then the red woman had thought. Honestly what a shame. With her eyes firmly placed on Piety she wanted, even with her thirst for blood, she wasn't dumb enough to take on an alpha, at least not in her given state.


(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2017, 05:05 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Healer demonstration 2/3
Golden eyes flashed from @Morganna over to @Craw as he desperately tried to read their expression. To him the fight was already becoming too violent and he feared for the safety and health of both females involved. His gaze darted back towards the brawling pair at the sound of a vicious growl and his russet ears pinned back immediately at the horror which greeted him.

@Zahira was clamped down on Piety’s face and the healer watched in revulsion as she shook her head and pulled back, jaws snapping and tearing at flesh before she finally lost her hold. Lorcan’s hackles rose and his body flinched forwards. He wanted to rush in, to stop the carnage, but his position held him back. He had no right or power to stop them. Golden eyes widened as he saw blood staining his friend’s face. He couldn’t hold back the sympatric whine for @Piety as he looked towards Morganna, his eyes pleading for her to step in. The fight was getting out of hand.

Morganna reacted and a monstrous growl echoed across the top of the monadnock and the dark female rose to her paws and marched to position herself directly between the two. Zahira immediately stopped her attack, though her eyes were still locked onto the bloodied figure of Piety. It was only when things had stilled that Lorcan also rose to his feet and moved forwards a few paces to offer his assistance. His attention was focused on Piety and the wounds to her face, wounds which he had yet to distinguish beneath all the blood.

Lorcan wouldn’t treat them yet though, not until he was given permission. Though mentally he was already sorting through the list of plants he still had available in the medicinal cache. Some of the herb stocks were becoming low so the healer would have to make use of what he still had available.  When given the chance he’d have to lick clean the blood from Piety’s face to see what wounds were hidden beneath, which made him feel a little uncomfortable and anxious. Whilst Anaia’s injury had taken a long time to treat, Piety’s was far more bloody.
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2017, 06:15 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A rank challenge was one thing. A bloody brawl was quite another.

During the course of the fight his eyes had begun to narrow, ears pulling back as the scuffle managed to hit an unpleasantly familiar tone. The reminder was only made stronger when Lorcan arrived at the scene, the memory of his unfriendly spar with Mittani utterly unfortunate - and it seemed doomed to be repeated.

Whitestone had gone so long without any challenges, not that Craw discouraged them, and now two in a row like this? He was going to have to have some words with the pack in case anybody else thought that this was at all appropriate behaviour. Clearly, his mate was sharing the same thoughts, and was up and between the two women faster than Craw could react, though he had lifted his rump off the ground in readiness to intervene himself. Morganna's snarls were accompanied by his own, and for a moment he feared that the feral red woman might take the opportunity to strike out completely out of turn - but common sense prevailed.

This had not been a simple rank challenge, that much was certain. What was less certain was how they should treat the outcome, for there was no clear winner. Craw was inclined to hand it to Piety, if only for being able to maintain decorum the longest. Zahira's continued growls and aggressive manner was too much; seeing now that he should have gotten to understand her state of mind sooner, otherwise this would not have surprised him, he took a step towards the Asurn, jaws snapping. "This is over. You went too far," he hissed, trusting Morganna and Lorcan to tend to Piety's needs. The poor white woman had not deserved this, but at least she could be well looked after. If only he had known it would come to this - he could have prevented it from the start. So much for trusting his wolves to act with dignity. "So you forfeit on principle. I'm disappointed, Zahira - I thought more highly of you than this."
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Mature language
after the cut comes the blood
Piety Santoro

"Your bark is worse than your bite my dear."

"Fuck you." Piety spat harshly with a low growl. Oh god, if Hocus could see her now she'd likely be punished. Her mouth washed out in the closest river. But this was all called for. The evil woman deserved it. Every last filthy word, bite, and bark. Piety wanted her gone. Dead even.

Before either one of them could continue the started bloodbath it was apparent others were stepping in. Morganna's tones let Piety know that this was over. For now at the very least. She had trouble seeing but as she shook her face lightly to try and help it just burned. A paw lifted to touch her face with utter care but even that felt god awful. The fire on her face was beyond ridiculous. This woman had obviously been out for more than a rank. She could make out the scent of Lorcan somewhere among all of her iron smell. "Lorcan," She whispered softly to see if he was really there. He could fix this. He could help her clean up and soothe the fire on her face. He would make everything better just like she had done for him when Mittani challeneged. Right?

By a miracle, Piety had managed to see better than when the wound was first made. There was Craw. She had never expected him to step in for her but she was so grateful. The bloody Santoro listened to his words as her tail lashed about. She wanted him to banish her, send her away. Her eyes looked to find Morganna and see if she would do it. Send the bitch away to die in the winter with open wounds.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

Mittani challenging before his spot was even warm was one thing, but at least there hadn't been blood. For another to make the same stupid mistake and be this messy about it, well, she could only assume the woman to be just as stupid as Pierus had been attacking a child on the borders of his own territory. When @Zahira continued to growl and spit venom Morganna's mind was made. Her tail might have dropped but her head was still held far too high. Lips peeled back from her teeth as she unleashed her own growl to echo Piety's fuck you.

She continued to push up on the woman, @Craw's words falling on deaf ears as she moved to bite at Zahira's flank, a clear message given to shove off. She would aim sharp bites at the red woman's spine and tail base, and if she stopped for long enough that Morganna could get a decent hold she would try and rip the Asurn's tail clean off. If the opportunity was presented she would shove the woman off the edge of the Monadnock or over the edge of the narrow track that led to the Lowlands, she was no longer welcome here and Morganna wouldn't stop anyone from joining her in her persuit. @Lorcan could look after @Piety without her assistance, she had trash to take out.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Healer demonstration 3/3
Lorcan was growing more and more anxious. The Whitestone healer desperately wanting to intervene, but he knew it wasn’t his place to do so. He would have to wait for either Craw or Morganna to step in and bring the bloody violence to an end. Thankfully it wasn’t long before Craw lost his patience and snapped. Lorcan watched with wide eyes as Craw stepped forwards to confront Zahira. Morganna moved into to join him barely a second later and it was clear that she meant business.

Lorcan watched as the dark woman shoved forwards to snap her fangs at the rear end of Zahira, with no signs of stopping. It seemed clear that Zahira was no longer welcome and whilst Craw may have left her with a verbal warning or some injury to remind her not to do such a thing again, Morganna was offering no such chance. She was chasing the woman out and quite frankly, Lorcan was pleased.

It was then through the growl and snarls of his superiors that he caught the faint sound of his name muttered from the lips of Piety. Lorcan quickly rushed over to her side and took no time in licking tendering at the wounds to her face in an attempt to stop the bleeding. “It’s okay, it’s okay..” He whined, trying his best to comfort her. Once the majority of the blood was cleaned away (though her wounds continued to bleed) Lorcan turned glanced back towards the direction of the medicinal cache. “Do you think you can make it to the den?” He asked as he moved in to offer his body for support. “Here, I’ll guide you. Just lean in against me.” He instructed, before he slowly began to assist Piety away towards the main den.

Once she was in the warmth and safety of then den, he’d rush back and grab some yarrow to help control the bleeding.

-Lorcan and Piety exit-
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2017, 06:42 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together