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Kangaroo done hung the juror — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Killi who has 36 posts.
Lyris Cantata
Lyris ate her fill. The unsettled feeling faded quickly as her stomach became satisfied. She felt embarrassed about the way she had begun to eat. Her mother had died many weeks before, and it was time to let go of her aversion to gore and blood. Gore and blood were things she had enjoyed before - after all, she was a wolf. Her mother was gone, and she had to let go.

Again she cleaned her muzzle with her tongue, and in the light of the day, her fur gleamed dark red. Askan was talking to her, giving her a rattlesnake of a compliment. The girl lowered her head in shame a sniffed sharply. She knew, however, that she needed to take the good of what he said and let that make her happy. Thank you, she said again, forcing a smile. She didn't know what else to say,

Then came something unexpected. The male invited her into his pack! Her eyes grew wide in amazement. It was true that she would not survive the rest of the winter months, and not even into the warmth of spring. Yes... I'll die, she said thoughtfully, looking askance. Before, she had had little hope for herself, but now this man had given her esperance.

I... I'd like that very much. I promise not to be as thoughtless as I was in this hunt. Lyris snickered, feeling suddenly giddy. I'll follow you there, after you eat. Meet you leader. Does that sound all right with you?
(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2017, 08:26 PM by Lyris.)
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
One more response from you then we're done? I'll start the other thread after you've posted.

He expected her to accept his offer, she would've been a fool to say no. And while he agreed that she had been thoughtless he at least respected the fact that was willing to admit it, and vowed to try better next time. Her words were enough to satisfy him and so he nodded, letting her know that she was in the all clear. For now at least, things could change. There was no telling what the future held in store for Wild Rye Fields.

etting to his feet, Askan brushed her to the side so he could have access to the doe. Without hesitation he dug in, and as always made a right mess of it. He wasn't starving, not by any meaning of the word, but it had been a while since he'd eaten something other than rabbit. So he was glad for the change, and it showed. That said, he intended to bring the deer home so he couldn't eat too much but he had to eat enough that it was easier to carry. It was a fine balance and once he was content he gripped the deer's neck in his mouth and tested it's weight.By no means was it light, but the Rye wolf was sure he could manage to drag it home, they weren't too far anyway. Dropping it to the ground, Askan turned and looked at Lyris, his gaze heavy.

"Come on then, it's this way. When you meet my alpha, make sure you're polite and answer his questions as honestly as you can. He's a good man but you've got to do your part. Okay?"

With that, he picked up the deer once more and began to head back to the field, dragging their catch along by the neck as he went.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2017, 09:33 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Killi who has 36 posts.
Lyris Cantata
Thanks for the thread! and for starting the next. I look forward to it. :)

With his nod it was settled. She would seek acceptance into Wild Rye Fields. This was not how she had anticipated her day to go, and she suddenly felt a wave of anxiety. How would they feel about her? She was in a strange state of mind, and she hoped that this man, the pack's leader, would overlook that and allow her time to heal. Askan had pushed her gently aside and started eating messily even as she was absorbed in her thoughts. He definitely was not emaciated and starving as she was ; still, she was glad to see him eating his fill. Once he had finished, he explained how they would proceed. She lifted her ears as he grasped the carcass and began to drag it along.

Are you sure  you don't need help? I feel stronger now.

Whatever his answer may have been, she followed him, matching his pace, walking beside him. I'll be polite. Once again, thank you, Askan. It was the third or fourth time that the girl had offered thanks to him. Lyris was filled with gratefulness toward the handsome wolf, a feeling she could not properly express to a stranger. She fell quiet. And so, the pair moved silently through the forest, heading in the direction of Wild Rye Fields.
(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2017, 09:51 PM by Lyris.)