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Warm Escape — Hot Springs 
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Played by Killi who has 36 posts.
Lyris Cantata


Lyris nodded to his initial response. I was just a little girl when we had it, but it's a taste I will never forget, she spoke, almost dreamily. This is good, but it not the same. The young are especially tender. The young were always the very first choice when it came to hunting. There was nothing quite like a tender young calf, be it moose, elk, deer or caribou. Older individuals were often tough from years of strain and work upon the muscles, and the sick sometimes had a strange taste within the flesh. But young individuals were tender, juicy, and simply divine. It was not often that wolves were able to take down the young of a grown mother, particularly in the case of moose. Mother mooses were dangerous and merciless creatures when their young were threatened. Luckily for the Stormvale wolves, this particular calf had been orphaned, leaving no protection. It had been an exquisite gift to Lyris and her family.

But, she would not have complained about the feast laid out before herself and Kajika. It was an old bull, probably dead due to disease or simply old age. It would be task in itself to carry it into Kajika's homeland, but with two wolves to do the work, they would surely succeed. I'm happy to help, Kajika. Lead the way. The pair had finished their meal and now began the difficult part. Lyris grasped one of the hind legs in her jaws and waited for her counterpart to do the same. Then, they would be on their way.