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Take a deep breath — Hot Springs 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

She giggled as she saw him try to reach back and playfully snap back at her for her nibbling on his ear but was unable to reach her. So his next move was to fall under her weight. As he went under the water the ebony woman was able to catch herself and keep her face out of the spring. A bubble of laughter fell from her maw as the duo untangled themselves from each other. As her love exited the hot spring she continued to paddle around in the warm water. Silver eyes watched fondly as he exited giving him a warm smile as he turned around.

He shook his pelt free of the water that clung to it. "Fancy a run?" The thought did sound tempting however she did not look forwards to the freezing air. She looked up through eyelashes and hunkered down into the warmth. "But - but its c-c-cold" she sputtered not able to surpress a giggle. If she had her way they'd stay in the warm water forever. But if he coaxed her out then she would go and run and maybe even race him if she was feel especially energetic.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! Do you want to do a hunt in this thread or archive and move on?


Word Count: 230

Tagg laughed as his love continued paddling around before hunkering down and faking a stutter as she giggled.  “We’re going to have to get out eventually.” He reasoned, trying to fluff up his sopping fur against the freezing air.  “Might as well do it while we still have the energy to warm ourselves back up.”

Still, standing there shivering, the warm water was incredibly appealing.  He had to exercise every ounce of self-control he had to keep himself from slipping back in and spending the rest of the day splashing around with Moon.  But that would leave them getting out in the evening, and the temperatures dropped after dark.  No matter how warm the den was, the wet wolves would likely get themselves sick if they waited.

Their thoughts on the weather were simpatico, however. “Come on.” He chattered, shaking his fur again. “Don’t leave me standing out here.” He swiped his paw through the water, sending a spray of it towards his dark lady’s face. He backed up a few paces, hoping the motion would help warm him at least a little.  He didn’t want to jump back in – if he did he’d never find the will to leave again – and drag her out.  He dropped his front end down into a bow before standing up straight just as quickly and letting out a series of yips. “Please?” He pleaded with a puppyish pout.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Let's archive it and start another one that's more recent since everything with @Kajika has gone haywire

"We're gonna have to get out eventually" she knew he was right but she didn't want to admit it. She wished they could stay in the warm water until spring. Tipping her snout into the water she huffed and blew bubbles at him as he continued to reason with her. She agreed, it was best to do it when they had the energy but even that didnt make her want to step into the freezing air. Silver eye watched as the man she loved stood on the shore and shivered. A pain of guilt hit her heart for she knew she was keeping him from getting warm. That pang soon fell away as she called it pay back for pushing her in. She giggled as he continued to plea "come on don't leave me standing out here" he chattered causing Moon to simply blow more bubbles at him. It wasn't until he went to splash her did she remove her muzzle from the water to avoid the spray. Laughing she stuck her tounge out as if to say na na na na you missed me. Her large ebony frame moved slowly towards the shore making sure to stay in the water for as long as possible. His bounce and adorable yips caused her silver dipped tail to speed up and another giggle to form from the tickling in her belly. His final plea came out as a whine and was followed by a pout. Smiling warmly at her russet hero she finally slipped out of the sanctuary of the hot spring.

The winter wind hit the woman hard as she began to shiver before she was even out of the pool. She tried her best to ignore it until she gave her love a kiss to his cheek. Once her goal was accomplished she strode away from him to shake the water from her pelt. She was successful in riding herself of the majority of the unwanted liquid. Now with her own teeth chattering she managed to say "Now a run sounds like a great idea". She bounced up and down on alternating paws as to try to bring some warmth from her quickly freezing limbs. If they didnt start now they'd be wolfcicles in no time.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]