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Wayward Sailor Girl — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Just like any other idiotic female, she was falling for his ploys as one would in a hunter's snare back where he came from. His lips lifted wryly while they were pressed to her forehead as he felt her heat radiating outward. Zerxes let his mouth remain close, his breath ghosting across her fur in a manner that left heat coiling in his own belly. Patience, he told himself. Patience and he would have her.

As expected, she ungainly tried to shrug off his approval with embarrassed platitudes, practically tripping over herself and her own tongue. Fenrir-damn, he could not have picked a better plaything. With amusement, he watched as she pulled away and shook her head as if to rid herself of a brain fog. Heady male arrogance left him grinning.

Of course, the sharpness of it was dulled by the time she looked to him again and stumbled more over her words in an invitation to lead on. "If you would be so kind, milady," he drawled, letting his voice drop lower in a tone he knew females seemed to particularly enjoy. He wondered if the young lass would swallow her tongue. He quite enjoyed the idea of one day swallowing it for her. A young girl like her would need a teacher, after all. Who better than one so...experienced?

"My fate rests in your paws." Or was it the other way around?