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What the... — Lost Lake 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Sure that's fine! And do you want her to win with this last move since she had a higher HP or keep rollin? :) and also sorry this seemed to take so long I had it all typed out and lost it Dx

Her attempt had been a success and a rush of pride filled the ebony woman. After her last spar being an utter failure it pleased her to see herself land one hit. Now that she was successful she could focus on winning the match. The want to win however would never override her enough to make her hurt the man of her dreams. She would gladly submit if it meant she didnt have to hurt him. With his russet fur between her jaws and her on top of him she let her gaurd down. His feet met her underside and with one good push she went skidding across the ice. The move had caught her off guard and left her sucking more air in to make up for the sudden exhale. Silver eyes met the movement of the freezing water as she braced herself for a blow. When none came after a moment of waiting large dark paws found their way on the the ice's surface and pushed the rest of her large frame up to stand. Silver tipped audits pressed forwards to catch his compliment. A wide smile formed upon her inky lips and her tail wagged rapidly with his praise. "Thank you love" she yipped happily "not so bad yourself with that last move". She repaid the compliment even though she knew that if she had been paying more attention and they weren't on ice he might have not been able to get her completely off. But he didnt have to know that now did he? She watched for a moment taking time to calculate. Rushing in blindly hardly ever worked and definitely would not while they were on ice. One thing she did not know was if the pounce he had taught her would work on the ice. There was only one way to find out. Moon quickly closed the distance between them and pounced aiming for his side. She didnt want to land fully on his back for fear of injuring him. Her front paws came down on their mark causing the russet veteran to fall and lay under his love. Once down the midnight pelted she wolf lowered herself so that he couldn't get his feet under her again. She reached for his ear and began to lightly tug at it. "You give up?" She giggled between her teeth keeping a hold of his ear. Her tail wagged wildly with adrenaline.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! You're fine, I was in class anyway, just spying xD So one more fight post each (I'm including this one) and that will be good for the guardian lp and yeah, she can win since her lp is definitely higher. :)


Word Count: 258

Tagg was glad to see she got up okay; he was afraid tossing her – even if she hadn’t technically left the ground – might have hurt her.  She returned his compliment and he smiled ruefully, though hearing her call him ‘love’ made his chest swell.  “It works better when you’re fighting something half your size.” He admitted.

He saw mischief in her eyes and prepared for her next attack, turning so he was sideways towards her to protect his blind side.  If she was going to try to take advantage of it, he was going to make it hard for her.  As it turned out, his position was the worst thing he could have done.  The air was driven from his lungs as she used his pounce – his pounce! – against him. This time she held herself in a way that prevented him from repeating his previous move.  He snorted as, surprise surprise, she took hold of his ear.

He got his breath back and play growled. “You wish!” He wriggled underneath her, scrabbling with his paws to get a foothold on something, but she had him down.  Finally he made contact with her back leg and was able to use it as leverage to spin his body and get out from under her.  His ear twisted painfully, as it was still held between her teeth, but he stood regardless and placed a paw on the side of her head, pushing against it even while his head was still twisted to minimize any damage that his motion might cause to his audit.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

She giggled as her russet love snorted in protest to her grip on his ear. She knew it was because she usually grabbed on to it but if he were to ask why she would not be able to answer. She felt his body wriggle underneath hers. This time he wouldn't be able to push her off. Soon she felt his paw against her back leg and she braced herself thinking he would try to kick her foot out from under her. Instead he push off her sliding easily out from under her. She kept her body low and held on to his audit in hopes to keep him down. Her mercury eyes watched him twist about as he did his best to stand. Another play growl came from the ebony female as a creamy paw was placed on her head. She released his appendage only to grab at his forelimb. She clamped gently onto it as she looked up at him smiling the best she could considering. Her body stayed on the ice and her tail thumped against it. She make a mock gnawing noise as she dramatically "chewed" on him. She would no way actually hurt him; Moon just wanted to be cute.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! You can archive after your post if you want. Also, are the colors for the signature okay?


Word Count: 244

Tagg’s neck was starting to hurt; he was twisting it in unnatural ways far too much today. At least this kind of fighting wasn’t a daily occurrence anymore. He suspected that if this were a real scuffle, Moon would definitely be able to cause him some trouble. Even though he was more experienced, her size gave her a distinct advantage.

The scarred man was relieved when his pawing worked; she released his ear. He stretched his neck, still not removing his paw from Moon’s head.  He realized his mistake too late; she had selected his leg as her new target. He growled as she pretended to chew on him.  He lightly tugged to try to get his appendage free, but to no avail.  The ice was too slippery; every time he tried to pull his leg free, his paws slipped slightly.

He hobbled about slightly, trying to get a better angle to strike from, even with his leg in her mouth. This turned out to be his downfall – literally.  His feet slipped out from under him and he yelped as his foreleg was twisted in his partner’s mouth.  “I yield! I yield!” He barked, knowing there was no way out of this one.  He grinned up at Moon from his back. “You win.” Part of him was disappointed.  A second lost spar? But this time he’d given a valiant fight, and he’d been reminded of old lessons, like using a different fighting style for bigger opponents.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Archived! And yes I love the colors! :D

She giggled as her hero hobbled about trying to pull his leg free from her jaws. She wouldn't let go that easily. Finally his hobbling about caused the russet man to slip and fall. His forelimb twisted about between her teeth causing a yelp to fall from his mouth. She instantly lessened her grip until she was barely holding his leg. She giggled again as he claimed defeat and surrendered. She then allowed him to be free as she rested her head upon her front paws. She smile at him while her tail swept the ice. She stayed still for a moment taking him in. She really did love him and would do anything for him. Her smile widened a bit at the thought. Her large frame began to inch towards him, sliding across the ice. By the time Moon reached Tagg he had sat right side up. She reached out and put her nose to his before adorning his muzzle with kisses. She stood up while continuing to attack him with her tounge. Then she gave one last kiss before hoping away from him, dipping into another play bow. "Betcha can't catch me" she teased before hopping of the spinning ice disk onto the shore. Silver eyes turned to watch him also jump off before turn towards the forest and bounding away. She looked back momentarily and once she saw him following she took off hoping he'd come catch her.


(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 06:04 PM by Moonshadow.)
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]