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Played by Killi who has 36 posts.
Lyris Cantata


Yes, you will heal quickly and be just fine, spoke Lyris. She was no expert on healing, but she knew the basics, and it seemed as though the basics were enough to help the wolfess who  now leaned against her for support. Prior to her mother's death, there had been a new litter born of her parents into Darkvale. Lyris's little brothers. Being boys, the two of them were always getting themselves into trouble, and Lyris had stood by watching her mother tend to the boys' scrapes, and to their bruises.

However, because of her lack of expertise, the cocoa-furred girl mentally fretted over Leotie's injury. What if there had been more to be done, and immediately? It prompted a question. Is there a medic in your pack?

The agouti woman had now noticed the small duvets within the snow and lamented over their situation, just as Lyris had done. But she smiled at the other girl nevertheless, There will be plenty of rabbits to chase when you are well. With this statement of her own, Lyris suddenly realized that she liked this woman, and wished to get to know her. To chase rabbits with her. But their packs were far out of proximity to one another. She as more than glad to make the journey southward again, should the two of them become closer.

Lyris looked at her new acquaintances with eyes of warm honey when she said she would inform her pack leaders of Lyris's kind deed. She whipped her head around to face Leotie. You are too sweet... You don't have to do that, but if you decide to, I thank you. It was Leotie's choice whether or not to share this small event with anyone, and Lyris had no business trying to influence those choices.

Lyris paused, stretching her neck and twitching her nose in order to get a good whiff of their surroundings. It was unmistakable. They had reached Leotie's home. Afraid to venture past the borderline, Lyris fought with herself for several moments on the matter. Ultimately, it was up to the agouti she-wolf and her leaders.

Lyris Cantata
even my memories cannot drown me
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2017, 03:07 PM by Lyris.)
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Lyris’ words were a comfort after she had been so worried about how her injury might affect the pack. She hated the idea that she would have to rest a few days before she could get back to her duties and even then she was sure she would have to take it slow. “I suppose a few days isn't as bad as it could be but knowing I will be just fine is even better.” The agouti woman could handle the recovery time even if she didn't like it but she couldn't handle the thought that she might not be able to help her pack in the future. A full recovery was what she wanted and though she hadn't gotten a good look at her wound just yet she felt that it wasn't something that would cripple her.

The question about a medic in her pack brought to mind a thought she hadn't even considered in all of this. “We don't have a medic yet,” she stated worry coming into her tone. “You don't think not having a medic is going to hurt my recovery?” She asked hoping for an answer that it would be okay, that it was something she could take care of herself.

The rabbit tracks they had come across did saddened Leotie a little. Had she not gotten hurt she and Lyris could be chasing those rabbits instead of hobbling toward her border. She nodded at the woman's words, “That is true, there seem to be quite a bit around here. They will be a nice addition to cache once I do catch them.” Perhaps another day they might run into each other and can do a little hunting. She would like to get to know the woman under better circumstances.

The dark furred woman had provided her help in getting back to her pack which in this weather was equal to saving her life. So informing her leaders of the act was something that Leotie felt important to do so she could maybe return the favor one day. “Thank you but I must in case you ever need help I hope that my pack can give you that help. You saved me and brought me home, I'm very appreciative.” She wanted to make sure the woman understood it would not be forgotten.

The scent of the border had never smell so sweet the the beta, she was glad to be home. She was sad to have to bid the woman goodbye but she knew it was important to get off her foot. “Well this is home,” said Leotie, “I wish I could invite you further but I think it's best to speak with my alphas on my own.” She wasn't sure of their reaction though she felt Triell and Naira would be understanding she knew she was hurting the pack by being injured.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2017, 03:39 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Killi who has 36 posts.
Lyris Cantata
Lyris smiled, glad to see a shift in the woman's attitude. She realized that the injury would bring up negative thoughts and emotions. It would have done so for lyris; it would have done so for anyone. To be incapacitated when there were pack duties to tend to created a worrisome state of mind, especially for an active individual. One who frowned upon laziness. But Lyris could only be happy that Leotie had not been injured more seriously, or in such a manner that she would not have been able to return to her favorite and most necessary activities.

They reached the border. The pair of she-wolves looked at one another, Leotie informing her that she could go no further into the Draw territory. To This, Lyris merely smiled and nodded. "I understand, sweet girl. In my pack, it would be the same." She was sure that bringing strangers into Wild Rye Fields would have been a violation of the law, warranting some form of punishment. "Next time I am in the area, I'll howl for you and see how you're doing."

It was time to go.

"Goodbye, Leotie. Please, feel better." And she turned tail and loped back in the direction from which she had come.
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2017, 03:26 AM by Lyris.)