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love like winter — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
Demonstrating Guardian 2/3

Kerberos wouldn't lie. While he was proud of his Mae being so productive he was a little sad that he got nothing more than a smile. No kiss, nudge, name, silent "I love you". He understood it, though. He shoved his needy and selfish feelings down into his stomach and focused on what was happening before them.

Even as a little crowd gathered Kerberos did not drop his position. While he kept his face friendly he didn't want to seem as friendly as Treyah had seemed to be. He did offer a nod to Leotie with a small smile. "Good to see you." He noted her favored paw but didn't point it out. Kerberos would like to speak to her about it afterward.

The young girl did have a point but so did Maera. Kerberos had been rather lucky with all the wolves he had run into but from the things that his love told him he had learned that there were wicked wolves out there. He merely listened to the ladies speak and this Zerxes man. Before the tawny male could get anything in Mae had already jumped the gun. His eyes narrowed on her slightly. Not exactly a warning but to let her know to not be too brash. "Treyah," He whispered to the young girl. "just a moment then you can drag your new friend off to your parents, alright?" His eyes gave a silent plead for the young girl to listen. She was almost a year old and allowed to make her own decisions so he wasn't going to pull some "this is grown up business" card. He simply wanted her to understand the importance of a stranger waltzing in. Whether she trusted him or not.
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 05:28 AM by Kerberos.)
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

After arriving on the scene Leotie stood just behind Maera trying to keep her weight off her foot. She also didn't want to seem weak in front of the stranger though when Kerb offered a nod and a smile she returned them both. “Good to see you too,” she returned trying to keep the pain from her trek to the border out if her tone.

Leotie didn't have a lot of experience with strange wolves at the border, very little in fact. The one stranger she did meet wasn't so but the wolf next to Treyah she wasn't sure about him. It could be her new position made her cautious or the fact she was currently in pain from her injury. What she knew was without explicit permission he shouldn't cross the border, if she hadn't learned anything she had learned that.

The way he kept saying Ms Treyah though did start to rake on the agouti woman's nerves more and more. It seemed he wanted to join the pack even if he couldn't find out any information on his brother and he promised to help out as much as he could. She of course couldn't make any decisions on whether or not he joined or how much help he would actually be. His current condition wasn't much help in convincing her but she listened as the conversation progressed. Just as she was about to say something to the contrary to Treyah's statement about him not doing anything was bad Maera spoke up. “While our guest has been polite thus far I don't think it a bad idea to still remain cautious,” she added with a raised brow and polite nod to the stranger, “Nothing personal you understand.”When Naira’s voice rang through the territory Leotie took that as their permission to allow the stranger to cross border. “Of course, we should all go,” she stated with a curious glance to Kerb as to why he wanted to wait a moment. “I don't think we should keep her mother waiting.”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2017, 05:37 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Glitter and Gold

She sat there, gnawing on her stick and waiting, waiting, waiting, until finally, she could bare it no more. Hefting herself up with more ease than she might have expected thanks to the branch she had been worrying and the warmth of the sun soaking into her fur she began to trundle towards where her daughter had called from, large frame plowing through the snow with enough force that she left a wake behind her. Voices came to her in snippets, though she stood no chance of making out the words from here, the huff that she offered would have warned them soon enough that she was here now and there was no longer a need to escort their guest.

She even managed a laugh when the milling herd fell into sight, "What's the hold up?" she questioned in jest, golden eyes passing critically over the stranger that must have been the first to call for her, "Worried there aren't enough of us to run off one loner? Raiders don't announce themselves and those that do are fools." There was a smirk at the edge of her lips as she spoke, feeling no need to lift herself any higher than she naturally moved. She might have been old and slower than she once had been, but she still carried a lot of heft for a woman and knew how to throw it around if push came to shove.

She might have asked if he was here for information or to join, if every other wolf gathered hadn't probably already asked the question for her. Instead her gaze fell on her daughter, a low "Taking after Sahalie I see," offered with a smile. Whenever there was a call at the Bend odds were higher than not that they had found their way there under the young Tainn's recomendation. She wouldn't scold her daughter for growing up and spending a night away from home. Who was she to judge?

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Trust, it seemed, was in short supply in these parts. Zerxes frowned subtly and looked inward. Was his vaneer cracking so thoroughly that they could see through into his blackened heart? No. Not a chance. He had been nothing but polite since arriving, nothing but cordial and even polite enough to knowingly decline a pup's invitation to walk into a pack's territory. What was it about him specifically that set them on edge? It couldn't be his face. It wasn't like he was covered in many scars. The only ones he had were well on their way to healing and had come from his battle with the dragon, none of which had marred his perfect masked face. He was skinny, but that was hardly a crime. Did they simply think him unhealthy? The mere thought was insulting, but again, Z made no complaint.

The black female's response to his introduction was less than expected. The surprise that flitted across his face was no act. It wasn't often a female was so blatantly rude to him when he'd given no cause or reason for it. And he usually gave cause and reason enough!

Amongst themselves, the pack seemed to deliberate, wavering in their obvious desire to turn him away versus the curiosity to allow him entry. Any further argument fell away when the Alpha's voice rang throughout the territory. Wanting to clear his name, the male dipped his head low. "I wish to apologize. It appears my presence here has been deeply offensive to the lot of you. I'm not sure what it is I've done that's set you all so on edge, but I'd like the chance to make amends if I may." The apology wasn't directed to anyone in particular. Rather, it was meant for all but Treyah. He knew he had nothing left to prove to her.

The troop hardly made a step into the territory before the impatient leader made her appearance. Respectfully, Zerxes dipped his head to acknowledge her rank. Appreciation ran through him quickly at her scolding for her packmates. Now here was a woman with some sense. He was obviously far from a threat. Any one of them could have taken him on in his current state. It was why he was here in the first place.

"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I'm Zerxes Zamora. Your daughter offered some assistance and mentioned you may know of my brother, Camio." Z's ears fell back in apology as if he knew how burdensome Camio could be. "I'm afraid we got separated a while back. I suffered a few injuries near the start of winter that made it hard for me on my own, but have steadily been regaining strength. I was wondering if there was a place in your pack for me." Purposefully, he stumbled over his words like one with less confidence than he truly held. "I am capable of hunting, and I've a sharp eye. With a little support, I'm sure I could make a decent packmate."

Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
won't you light my lonely way back home?
Treyah Tainn

Her easygoingness wasn't answered in turn and the girl found herself growing more frustrated by the minute. Why were they all being so... so rude? Zerxes was showing immeasurable patience, but the cracks were clearly shown in her own composure, her tail ceasing its easy wave as her brows drew down throwing a glare from one wolf to the next. All this talk of waiting and caution, she couldn't help but give them all a piece of her mind after practically being dismissed by everyone gathered. "So I shouldn't have been so nice to any of you?! When I was skinny and hungry with no real home either?" She threw with an angry huff.

Cautious. Pah! She had spent the night with the wolf they were all regarding so suspiciously and she was still in one piece. Wasn't that enough to prove he wasn't a bad person? "Mother won't..." She was about to say be pleased with being made to wait, but the woman made herself known before her daughter could finish. She wasn't certain if her mother trusted her judgement or whether she was simply reserving her own until her companion made a move worth measuring him against, but she was grateful for the older woman's words none the less, and struggled to mask the smug grin on her face at her quip to the gathered companions.

Treyah closed the distance to push her head under Naira's jaw, tail waving in a happy greeting as her tongue licked her mother's pale chin. Her low whine was an apology for being gone longer than she had intended but her mother's laid back approach told her she wasn't in trouble and neither was her companion for delaying her. Once again Zerxes mentioned Camio and the girl suddenly remembered there was another reason she had dragged him all the way back here. She listened with interest to see what her mother might say about about his missing brother.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer
Post 3/3 Guardian Demonstration

Part of Maera did truly feel bad – she felt as if she’d set the mood by arriving first in an already distasteful mood… she couldn’t help it. It wasn’t her nature to trust someone, and with Treyah bringing him back, as a child (she was close to her yearling years, but she was still a child, even if she was old enough to do many things on her own) had really set her on edge. She relaxed a little when Naira appeared, her eyes never leaving the two at the borders though. “Sorry Naira, I’m afraid that’s my fault…” She offered up quickly, trying to recover. Right, laid back… that’s why she’d been so interested in this in the first place.

She really wasn’t a people person.

“Guess I’m still trying to adjust to everything. I got a little protective.” She shrugged again as she finished bringing herself down from her on-edge posture, glancing at Kerberos… maybe she should go? She wasn’t sure. She did believe her concerns were justified – they were laid back but that didn’t mean that they should let someone who was going to cause them harm into the pack – that was how she saw everyone that wasn’t already a member of the Draw Be polite; be professional… but have a plan to kill everyone you meet. That life lesson would never leave her.

(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2017, 12:46 AM by Maera.)
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Demonstrating Guardian 3/3 @Maera lemme know if you want anything changed (:

There was a bit of a jostle in everything. Kerberos focused on Leotie for a few moments longer before he returned his attention. Before he could give Treyah more reason or try and tame Maera the lead lady appeared. The dark tawny male adjusted his posture accordingly. He was no longer one of the highest ranks here. He offered Naira a small smile. "My apologies." He spoke softly before moving to nudge Maera. It was a sign that he was ready to herd her along and ask her just what that all was about.

"Maera," He said her full name and gave her a partially stern look. "I do not believe we're needed anymore." He stated cooly before nodding to everyone. His pale yellow eyes landed on the new male. "I apologize for my behavior. I do hope to see you around, Zerxes." He offered a kind smile and tip of his head. A swift nudge was given again to his dark mate as he began to take off into the heart of Charred Ash Draw hoping she would follow.

He tossed her a glance as a small frown etched onto his face. "You worried me. I think we need to go spar or hunt so you can let off some steam." He hoped she would agree to his offer because he wasn't in the mood to hear no.

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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie's head tilted slightly as Kerbs gaze remained on her a few moments longer than expected. When his attention returned to the situation at hand she didn't linger on the why. Instead she turned her attention back to Treyah and Zerxes. She wasn't comfortable with the idea of him entering their lands without Naira's specific permission so when she gave it Leotie was ready to escort him even with her injured paw. She may not be able to hunt and her border patrols might take longer than normal but she wouldn't let her injury keep her from watching out for her pack.

Naira it seemed had gotten tired of waiting and had made her appearance with a few words that Leotie chose to take as a bit of advice. She waited quietly as the others all exchanged words though she was surprised when both Maera and Kerb apologized for their behavior. She watched as the tawny male disappeared into the depths of the Draw. However, Leotie didn't feel she had anything to apologize for, she felt she'd been polite with the man.

Deciding she too should take her leave since it seemed a personal matter needed to be discussed. She spoke to Naira, “If you need anything just call,” she said before dipping her head respectfully. She then turned with as much carefulness as she had come she too headed into the heart of the draw.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2017, 01:34 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Naira is accepting @Zerxes in this post so feel free to thread elsewhere as if he is in. Happy to wrap it up here or you can get in another post and I can wrap up with Treyah <3
Glitter and Gold

The smile that crossed her face upon learning the man's surname wasn't exactly a warm one but she did manage a dry chuckle. "Slayer's, Zamora's, I almost feel at home again!" Her smile was an easy one, a thank you chuff offered to @Maera and @Kerberos as they took their leave,a nod offered to @Leotie in turn. She was sure that she could handle this one.


It came as no surprise that Camio had gotten himself lost, after all, wasn't that what he was good at? Or was that another one... It was a lifetime ago after all. As he rattled off his list of skills she smirked, head shaking silently to herself. "We'll see..." was all she would offer before indicating that he should follow her back to the den. Ordinarily she would mark him with their scent so the others wouldn't give him such a hard time but barring @Triell and Reiko he had already managed to meet them all.

"I haven't seen a trace of Camio since Nalda was born. They were holed up in a pack by the falls on the other side of the mountain but I only ever caught Nova and her daughters scent after we parted ways." She wasn't particularly sorry that she didn't have more to offer him, with any luck the foul weather had done her job for her. She was a bit old to be running down wolves to bite them on the arse these days.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

He smiled almost like a proud father when @Treyah leaped to his defense with sound logic. Or would have if Zerxes had a fatherly bone in his body. He did not, in fact, have one. Not for lack of effort, of course. Sometimes, it was just too hard to leave the females alone even after he had forcefully impregnated them. Needless to say, none of his potential offspring had a chance at life thus far.

Despite the pup's own merit and inarguable assessment, the other wolves did not relent until her mother arrived to easily put an end to further harassment. Zerxes managed to dip his head respectably to Kerberos when offered an apology before turning his full attention to Treyah's mother as the others took their leave.

Her acceptance was far from a standing ovation welcome, which suited Z just fine. It was clear his role would be hard played around these wolves. He couldn't risk slipping up even once or they'd be on him like a moose with a fractured leg. "Thank you. I know it is not easy to accept a loner in such brutal months." He made no further promises to not be a burden.

That name again... That reminder that his sniveling coward of a brother had somehow managed to find a mate, have a runt of his own, while he still did not. It was enough to get anyone riled, Z was certain. But his mask was firmly in place and he nodded sagely. "I feared as much. Thank you for the information. I'm sure he'll turn up eventually. Sounds as if I may have to stand in line on giving him a lesson." Companionably, he smiled to his new Alpha. Fenrir-damn, that rankled. Another Alpha. After promising himself never again. It was temporary. Only temporary.

Turning his gaze back to Treyah, he tapped her forehead with his muzzle and pressed a shoulder against her in silent thanks for her help. "Well," he murmured to her with a wink, "At least I make a memorable first impression."

Thread fade~