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my machine heart — The Wildwood 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Leotie hunting post 1/3

Back in her human den birthdays and coming of age hadn't really meant anything to the agouti woman. In fact the only thing that had changed was the kind of kibble left in her bowl, she had not known that one was for a puppy and the other for an adult. All she knew if the difference was the smell and the taste, which wasn't very tasty. Certainly not anything near how good the rabbits they were hunting would be once they caught them. She was happy for Sven though because through living in the bend she had learned the importance of coming of age.

The beginnings of their conversation had gone well she thought and it was good to get reacquainted with him. It was time to get down to business as they had come to the warren. Looking around she could see just how close they both were that first time. There wasn't time to dwell on that though as she fell in next to Sven to observe the little white balls of fluff. Rabbits were something Leotie had grown skilled at hunting during her time in the lore. It was one of the first prey items she'd hunted and had become her prey of choice when hunting on her own. Which was one of the reasons she'd been on the trail of these rabbits in the first place.

Their coats had changed for the winter months but that didn't change anything else, they still tasted the same and they still had to he hunted the same. When Sven came to a halt Leotie did as well which gave the chance to observe them a moment, make sure they hadn't been detected. There were quite a few of them outside the warren and the agouti woman could see some of their mouths moving as they chewed one the small sprigs of plant life they could find. She caught the look Sven gave her, a signal she understood.

Once he was up heading away she took up the opposite direction in hopes they could confuse the creatures enough. Once they had accomplished that their dinner would be that much easier to catch.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 09:24 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Sven hunt post 2/3

Indeed, no words were needed for the two to proceed in sync. Taking his silent cue, she moved in the opposing direction in order to circle around the warren. Please with this, Sven felt it unnecessary to watch her go and focused instead on his own part of the hunt. His pale eyes regarded the snowshoe hares, counting them before tracking them each, especially those closest to where he slunk along. Those would be the one he most likely snatched up, while the rest would either escape down their tunnels or fall prey to Leotie.

When he had found a good place to settle, he took one more cursory census of what was around him before casting his sights across the warren to try and spy his hunting partner. A splash of tawny was barely visible, and when he felt certain she too was ready, he made his move.

With practiced sudenness, the teenager burst out of hiding. Tactically, he placed himself over top one of the underground system's many entrances. Instinctively the hares closest had lunged for it, their brains catching up to their bodies just a second too late. Sven's jaws were already parted and poised, and he struck with precision.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Leotie hunt post 2/3

During her time in the lore she had worked with many different wolves during hunts though they had mostly been pack hunts. Working with one other was something she didn't do often but the signals were something she had learned quite easily. So when he gave his she didn't have any problem interpreting what it was he had in mind so when he went his way she went hers though she didn't go at great speed instead choosing to creep along her body low to the ground. She hoped this would keep her from being detected while also observing her prey. There were quite a few to choose from and more than enough for her and Sven to have one each.

Staying hidden as best she could Leotie came into position just behind a low hanging tree branch that offered her enough cover. Once she had readied herself she waited first glancing across the warren to see if she could see Sven. His coat was pale but she could see a slight difference in it and the snow as he seemed to be waiting on position.

She then turned her attention to the rabbits and scanned the scene before her, as luck would have it a couple of the white fur balls not a great distance in front of her. With Sven coming out by the warren it might scare them into her open jaws, she hoped. However, she was prepared for that to not happen. Another glance to where Sven was gave her the signal she was waiting for and as he jumped out she did too. It caused great confusion amongst the rabbits but as she had hoped when Sven had jumped from his hiding place it caused the ones furthest from the warren to come her way when they realized they couldn't go to ground for safety.

Leotie took the opportunity, one ran directly toward her but then realized it was running right into danger tried to turn to run another way. She took advantage of it moment of confusion, pouncing she struck hiring her target on the first try.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2017, 10:35 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Sven hunting 3/3

He had no time nor desire to watch Leotie to see what she was doing. All of his senses were focused entirely on his prey, and anyways he trusted she would do just fine with her own half of the little rabbit herd. His jaws snapped closed over the tiny skull of the hare closest to him, before he lunged for the next. They'd both been the ones to try and rush into the tunnel entrance he was covering, and while this one had been given a moment more of a chance than his doomed counterpart, he ultimately did not escape. Sven's violent teeth wrapped around its back, and he shook the creature sharply until it fell limp from a broken neck.

By then, the rest had either fallen prey to Leotie or made their escape back underground. Standing beside his kills, he released his hunter's posture into a far more relaxed stance, pleased with the venture. His pale eyes sought his friend, who he assumed would be finishing up as well. There was only ever so much time a hunt like this could last, as the slippery rodents were damn quick.

"How'd you do?" he called over to her curiously.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Leotie hunting post 3/3

Once the rabbits started darting everywhere there wasn't the chance for Leotie to focus on anything but what was in front of her. This was an instance where she needed to use speed and accuracy to secure as many of the rabbits as she could before they were gone. There had been two quite close to where she had been hiding and a third not too far off from them only closer to where Sven had been hiding.

When the time came for them to set their unspoken plan into action Leotie was ready her body in a position ready to pounce. At the same time Sven jumped out she did as well. The was the last thing she knew about what her pale hunting partner was doing. Her focus had gone completely onto the two rabbits in front of her and as expected the second escaped just as Leotie's jaws snapped shut on the next of the first. The third however had made the poor choice of running toward her instead of the Warren or somewhere else. As he tried to run past her she turned swiftly and again her jaws were snapping shut on the creature's neck.

With both rabbits on the ground in front of her she was finally able to return her attention to Sven. “I managed two,” she told him happily, “Were you as lucky?”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2017, 05:12 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
She'd gotten two she said, wonderful. Sven scooped up his two, holding the both of them as best he could betwixt his jaws and carrying them over to where she was. He deposited them back onto the ground with her own, and threw her a toothy smile.

"Same," he answered, tail wagging loftily behind him. Pretty productive for such a relatively short amount of time. He could bring one back for him and Attica to share, store the other in a cache. But... the Ridge was not wanting for food, his sister had recently dined, and so he saw a much better use for his two hares.

"Here... I'll help you carry them all back. I'd like you to take mine for your pack, as a welcome gift from the Ridge."
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

She'd managed two rabbits out of the hunt which left her pretty pleased with herself and even more important her foot had held up throughout. She didn't think she had any more pain on it then had already been there before. Once she had her catch she turned her attention on her pale friend to ask him of his luck. She smiled jovially as he carried them over to her the best he could before answering her.

“I call that a great night then,” she stated the motion of her tail matching that of his. For them both to get two especially when she'd only been expecting one. That was certainly something that would benefit the both of them. Leotie was given further surprise when he stated he was giving the rabbits as a gift to her pack.

“Thank you Sven, that's very generous of you and I will certainly make it known that you gave us this gift. I would appreciate the help in getting them back.” She said as she picked her two up which was quite a feat. Once she'd made sure Sven had a hold of the rabbits he caught she lead the way back to the border where they could be deposited in the cache.


<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2017, 07:31 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you