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Shallow : A pack? Where? — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Hey! :) Threads usually get easier if you follow posting order, which is basically the order in which characters have posted. Wolf A goes first, then Wolf B joins, Wolf A replies, Wolf C joins, then it is still Wolf B's turn and not Wolf A's. Following this the posting order from now on should be Lila - Shallow - Ice and then it is Lila's turn again. ^^

Something was wrong. Something was wrong because there had been tension in Lila, tension in the air. His ears flicked forward, but he remained standing just behind the black youth's shoulder. This was, after all, her encounter and he was only there to make sure that if someone had to get killed, it wasn't her. His silver eyes remained on the stranger, hard and unyielding. Shallow Nightfall? He supposed he couldn't judge anyone by their name, as his was Ice. If you can be named after a thing, why not after an adjective? Asking about a pack wasn't all that strange either, and he struggled to fit the pieces together. What was wrong here?

Lila's voice reverberated with a growl, and Ice felt his jaws clench. Lila had never struck him as one to be unclear, so.. either the stranger was really thick, or something else was afoot. His eyes narrowed in suspicion, white hair rising slightly along his back. The frustration seeping from the younger female was infectious, and all Ice wanted was the safety of Marsh, the safety of the Grove, and to bare his teeth and run this idiot off, without fear of repercussion.

But this wasn't Corinna's rule, guarded by Marsh and Ice. This was the domain of Serach and Aponi, and Lila was by his side, not Marsh, Triell, or Fenru. He would have to learn if they had the same iron paw as Corinna had, or if they were.. more accepting. He let out a low, frustrated sigh and closed his eyes. Politics. Marsh had had a really good point in abandoning the world of words.

"If these woods are terrifying, why do you want to live here?"

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
The new post order is Lila- Shallow - Ice - Aponi, so it is @Lila up now

Lila crossing the borders on her own was nothing to be worried about, and was quite common now that the girl was older. Aponi encouraged her daughter to explore the woods that surrounded their territory but always warned her from going too far. The dark child was almost a yearling in her own right and trying to enforce rules of territory arrest would be just foolish and harm her development. So when the mother noticed her scent crossing over the markers it was met with nothing other than a smile and the silver woman continued her patrol. It was Ice's path following after the pup that gave her pause, hesitating for only a moment her curiosity got the better of her and she changed the course of her movement.

Whatever she had been expecting to see when she found the pair certainly hadn't been this scene. A loner who seemed... eager, Ice with the hair along his nape stiffened and Lila looking frustrated beyond belief. Tail rose over her back and Aponi's head stood tall in a sign of dominance toward the loner, though Ice and Lila were met with a brief smile. Catching the tail end of the discussion a cold smirk fell on the alpha's face, a single brow quirking above her icy blue eyes, "What makes you think the wolves are any less terrifying than the woods themselves?"

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila

At least the loner was quick to realize she'd made a mistake of sorts, and seemed honest to straighten the matter. But, despite her apology the young girl was still wary of her. It was a little hard to sympathize with her as she would have usually done. Maybe, it wasn't entirely Shallow's fault for the girl's irritation, and frustration. She wasn't about to lighten up. Especially since Ice did not scold her for her behavior. Instead he made a good point. Lila merely watched the loner, curious for an explanation. If she could answer it with great thought, perhaps Lila would ease up. She'd like to think this wolf was going through a hard time. Alone, and not very aware where she was.

It appeared her mother had found them. Instead of being angry, that she was being followed and mistrusted, Lila was glad. She had no doubt her mother could handle this situation, and she was eager to see it first hand. Her mother did not hesitate to reveal her rank, nor make it clear she knew Ice, and her. When she added her own question Lila had to fight to hide a satisfied smile. If this wolf was afraid she probably would struggle to live in the blue misted wood, with the pack who called it home.

Played by NickWithAShotgun who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shallow Nightfall
Shallow was beginning to worry for her safety. Yet another wolf had joined them, posing another question before she had a chance to answer Ice's question. She had to tell them. She just hoped her 'excuse' was beleiveable. 'I'm sorry, I should have said ealier. I'm searching for my family. They all went missing and I think that if I join a pack, I could get better and find them. And no, I don't think the wolves are any scarier then the woods. Both equally terrifying, probably.' Having explained her reasoning, she noticed how the new visitor was standing. Oh crap. I'd better watch my mouth. She must be a pack Leader with THAT pose. She didn't really understand much about pack life, mainly because she never was in a pack before. In fact, she had never seen a pack in her life outside Relic Lore. 'I'm prepared to do anything if it will help me in my search. I'll offer my help in return for directions to the pack border.' Wait, I sound too demanding... 'Please? A way out is fine to.' She would need to keep her sarcastic nature down in the leaders presence. I would like to know your name, miss.' This is the third time I've said this... 'My name's Shallow Nightfall, if you didn't know.'
(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2017, 09:13 PM by Shallow. Edit Reason: I can't spell, apparently. )
'So could you... Tell me how you're sleeping easy, How you're only thinking of yourself?'


[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir

Another scent drifted through the blue-veiled forest, and one of Ice's ears turned back to catch the soft sound of her approach. Aponi—just who they needed, and not thought with sarcasm. It was a very subtle, very genuine relief that swept through him, easing up here and there, and both ears turned forward again. No more guesswork. No more wondering, what do they want me to do with this thing? He'd witness, first-hand, how Naira's daughter wanted to handle things.

Shit. Naira was a grandmother.

Aren't we all old... In any less tense setting the would've smiled, sort of wistfully, but as it was, the only smiles he'd offer for free were ones full of teeth. And, to be completely fair, Shallow hadn't deserved that, not yet at least. So, he waited, with them, seconds gliding by as his nose found Lila's dark shoulder again, then Aponi was with them. Ice's tail lowered a fraction and he dipped his head in acknowledgement. Now that he knew her heritage, the likeness between her and both Naira and Rhysis was striking. The color, the eyes.. a trembling twinge of doubt went through him, but he silenced it. He trusted Triell—he didn't trust Naira. Maybe there was nothing of Rhysis in her at all.

"What makes you think the wolves are any less terrifying than the woods themselves?" Lila remained silent, but Shallow responded, and it seemed honest enough. Maybe she was just one of those derpy wolves, and not a dishonest, untruthful one, though one thing about the explanation irked him—why on earth would joining a pack make her search easier? Would it just be a temporary measure? It sounded like it. Join up, get fed, take advantage of the kindness and the caches, leave. In the dead of night like everyone else. His expression turned slightly more sour.

"Wolves usually don't just 'go missing'," he said after she introduced herself for what was probably the third time in a short while. "—well, I mean, they do, because they have a fondness for taking off in the middle of the night with no word. But there's always a trail to follow. What makes you think they are here?"

Clearly, his priorities weren't.. all that straight. He should've just remained silent and watched how Aponi evaluated the unfortunate wolf, but things that did not make sense to him bothered him and they needed to be straightened out, always.

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The grin that Lila struggled to hide was enough to make the mother want to smirk, their own private joke but for now she held her composure. Now was not the time, on the way back to the territory well that would be another story. Strike one and two against this Shallow character had been the way that Ice and Lila had held themselves towards her, with wariness and frustration. Strike three was the way that she did not properly drop down to display submission to Aponi. What kind of wolf didn't show the proper respect when asking to join the pack no less? Not one the Donata had any time for.

Ready to send her off on this alone Aponi couldn't help the snort of disbelief that left her maw at the loner's words. Smirking incredulously both brows rose, "Well Shallow let me explain something to you then. Oak Tree Bend is a temporary home for no one, we are not some stepping stone for you to come in and eat from our caches and enjoy our protection until you find your family so you can run off happily into the sunset with them. We will not be giving you directions to our borders and for future use it is polite to bow to the leader and then ask for acceptance into the ranks rather than ask for directions into their home without being deemed acceptable." Tail flicked behind her in agitation, and the silver hairs along her spine began to raise.

Glancing towards the large male at her side for just a moment Aponi turned her attention back to the loner. "I suggest you answer Ice's question and then show yourself out. Unless of course you still think you would rather trespass over our borders without permission and test your luck." It was clearly a challenge, one she planned on following up on should Shallow make the wrong decision. With spring approaching so quickly the woman was irritable to say the least and she had no patience for this. The pup den could also use a nice fur lining.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by NickWithAShotgun who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shallow Nightfall
Lila told me to skip her post in the order.

Shallow suddenly felt terrified. Her wide eyes fixed on the Leader as she took a scared step back. Alright, answer Ice and flee, Shallow. It'll be simple... 'To be honest, Ice, I'm not sure where they are. They vanished, so they could be anywhere. Hell, they may not even be here. I came here to search, but I'm beginning to regret mentioning it.' she explained. 'I'm probably not going to find them. I've made a terrible first impression here. I'll not be welcome.' Now, an escape. Where can I go? Shallow looked behind her, checking there was no-one in the way. Looking back to the wolves, she tried not to make another mistake. 'I'm sorry. I'll be out of here. I hope.' she said, lowering her head. She then turned tail and ran. There was not much else she could do. Checking the area as she went, the only thing going through her mind was getting away. This is it. I made this choice. I'm walking this path. Oak Tree Bend isn't for me. I have to find some other pack to join. But I will not stop running until I find one. She was slowly starving. She had no hunting skills; her father vanished before he could teach her. I won't survive alone.

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2017, 07:02 PM by Shallow.)
'So could you... Tell me how you're sleeping easy, How you're only thinking of yourself?'


[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila

The loner seemed honest of her reasons. Missing family members. She was searching for them. Bemusement caused creases across her forehead. Did they go missing in these parts? Lila hadn't come across any other wolves out of place. She had to cease from snorting, telling her good luck with that. Wolves didn't exactly disappear. They got up and left she wanted to say, but did not. Lila couldn't help feel satisfied of being as equally terrifying to wolf.

The manner in which she continued, Lila knew her chances of joining their pack dissipated. Ice spoke, reflecting her sentiments, inside she felt a rush of delight. They were thinking the same thing. Of course it would be better for Shallow to have resources in her search, but speaking so forward about it? A frown form, her face tightened in more of a stern scowl.

Mother made it quite clear the Bend was no such place, even giving free advice what she should do. The young Aquila was ready to send her running, but Aponi had far more patience. She gave her a chance to answer Ice, and then get the hell out of here. There was only a small amount of sympathy, as everything seemed to dawn upon her. Blue eyes merely watched her vanish, and Lila only realized how rigid her stance had been. She looked to her mother, a question lingering in her gaze. Did I do something wrong? Or had she done what was right?

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir

Well, he thought, only slightly conflicted. That was that. It was the after-taste of something long since forgotten, border patrols with a Donata this black one was not at all related to—memories of turning moochers out. He blinked, a little. Aponi's voice brooked no argument. Her words left no room for misunderstanding. There was no ambiguity, and for a moment, Ice decided he didn't need to stare at Shallow. Instead, he turned his head to regard the one who was his female leader. Daughter of Naira and Rhysis, indeed. Their fire was in her, steel, too. Only time would tell if it would grow to a wildfire and consume them all, or if it would merely be the shield warding them from the night. For now, though, he only felt approval, and a small stirring of pride. Emotions weren't much of a choice, but he couldn't help but be happy for Serach—that he had found someone, and someone with their head on right. With a pang of guilt, he thought that Corinna would probably approve, too, if Aponi's bloodlines didn't damn her.

Then Shallow was in no uncertain terms ordered to answer his question, and he returned his attention to her. White ears flicked forward and his silver gaze sharpened. At that point, she was practically rambling, and his expression turned to sympathy. It wasn't easy, to face down a growing group of wolves hellbent on pointing out your flaws to you. It wasn't easy to lose your family either. "I hope you find them!" he called sincerely at her retreating back. While he could have opinions on how they went about it, he would never, ever make fun of somebody's plight. Sure, he could ask them questions to sort their own heads out, and spare him the headache, or try to find out if they were lying.. but she seemed genuine in her search for her family, and for that reason, he wanted her to find them.

But in the way she'd put it, he didn't want her to his problem, not now, not tomorrow. With a shrug he turned his attention back to Lila and Aponi. Lila was looking questioningly at her mother, and Ice didn't want to butt in. He turned towards the territory. Nudged Lila's shoulder. Ran his nose along Aponi's lower jaw with a low whine, ears flat, tail dropped now that the loner was gone. Then, leaving them to whatever Lila wanted to know, he set off at a ground-eating wolf trot, jogging back home.

Some things would never change.

Le Ice is le out.

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Aponi watched almost smugly as Swallow answered Ice's question before retreating as quickly as possible out into the tree line. As she should have. While the alpha had posed going back to the Bend as an option any wolf with a brain would have heard the threat thinly veiled behind her words. Ice however seemed more sympathetic than she felt and this was met with nothing other than a bemused smirk, one second he was hostile and the next he hoped she found her family. Of course, the man had travelled back from god knows where to be with Serach so perhaps the sentiment was not that out of character for him.

Accepting his departure gesture with a smile in gratitude that he had been so quick to find Lila and the loner near the borders she turned her attention back to her daughter. Lila was looking up her questioningly and Aponi's face broke out into an all out beaming smile. Turning to head back towards the territory the mother bumped her shoulder gently against her daughter's, they were almost the same height now if not the same stature, "Tell me, how did I raise such a brilliant child as you?" She had had the perfect instincts to treat the loner with hostility, and one should always follow their gut.

"Bet I could still beat you in a race back to the oak tree though," and with a laugh the pair were off.


[Image: AplcUOC.png]