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we're just young gods — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

The pale young woman perked her ears when he told her to just lie to him. She'd never met a wolf who preferred lies before. What an odd request to make of a total stranger. After a few moments of deliberation and a pinched face, the robot came up with the decision that it would probably be best to not address the strangeness of the statement. In fact, she decided that the best course of action would be to play along.

"My goal is to be the first wolf to fly," she stated, completely deadpan as all of her statements had been before, but the slight attempt at humor was actually quite a bit of an effort on Ash's part. "I'm going to jump out of a tree." The girl hadn't joked in who knew how long - probably before she'd been forced to kill for her alphas, actually. But there really wasn't much thought of killing on the former pack wolf's mind at the moment - no, she was fairly certain that she wanted to enjoy herself today, with this BoJack character.

She took a second to think about the answer to his next question, and ended up just squinting slightly at him through the drizzle. "Probably get out of the rain before I go to sleep?" she tried, as a question. As though she was wondering if that was the answer he was looking for. The robotic girl was truly unsure of what to say, but she hoped she'd gotten it somewhat correct.

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2017, 06:11 AM by Asha.)
Played by Becca who has 36 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
BoJack ---
He snorted at her words as a fit of laughter took over him. Fly?! Oh man, she really took his advice to heart. At least someone was listening to BoJack. "When you learn how to fly will you come visit me?" He rolled to get a little closer and let his colorless eyes linger on her. "You know, come teach me and all that stuff." His tail thumped against the cold wet ground as his face held a smirk.

She wasn't all that bad. The large male wasn't sure if he'd want her around forever but she wasn't that bad for now. He listened to her statement that almost sounded more like a question. "Sounds like a good plan." He rose to his paws and shook off the slush from his coat. "You, uh, got somewhere set up?" He asked and casually shrugged his shoulders. If he learned she didn't have a place to stay, well he wouldn't exactly mind giving her a place for the night. He wasn't sure how his other guest would feel about it but that didn't really matter.

"If you don't you can always head back with me for the night." He suggested in a neutral tone. BoJack wouldn't be offended if she declined.
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

A slight jump was elicited from the silver one when her companion snorted, and she shifted uncomfortably while he laughed. Laughter wasn't a common occurrence in her old pack, but she supposed it was a relatively normal response to a joke. Though she didn't believe she had been that funny. She had very little experience with humor. "If I ever learn to fly, I will visit you," she replied with a slight smile - a natural phenomenon, given the laughter in the man's tone.

He asked her if she had a place to stay and immediately offered a place for her, if not. How kind of him. The monochromatic girl tipped her head to one side and frowned, one ear dropping in confusion. "Why?" she asked, furrowing her brows, and then hastened to try and explain her question. "I-I mean, that's very kind of you, but why would you offer to let me stay with you? You don't know me, and I don't know you, so is it really wise to do so?"

A sigh dropped from her lips and she shook her head. "Is it safe to let a stranger come and spend the night with you? Not everyone is as kind as you are." Asha would not harm him, or any wolves with him, but she had to admit that there were certainly wolves out there who would.

Played by Becca who has 36 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
BoJack ---
He winked at her when she said she would come visit once she learned how to fly. "Good. Don't make me have to learn flying on my own." The large male teased her. She was a strange one but he didn't mind it too much. As long as she could keep up the good traits better than the weird and partially obscene.

Her reaction was both expected and completely unexpected. If someone offered you a place to stay weren't you supposed to take it? Yet here she was practically throwing the offer back at him. "Hey, listen, if you don't wanna come back with me you don't have to. Just say so. No need to getting all paranoid." He scoffed and moved himself away by a few feet. "Oh, by the way, if I wanted to do something I could have easily done it by now. I wouldn't waste my time." No offense but no one was worth him purposely spending the time to ruin some things or be genuinely evil. He could do that on his own without the planning.

He started to walk off before he tossed her a glance over his shoulder. "So are you coming or do you plan on freezing to death out here?" A smirk took over his face as the dark male moved onwards with little concern to if she accepted or declined.
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

She raised her eyebrows and tipped her head to the side. "I was more talking about the fact that you were inviting me, a complete stranger, to stay with you. No offense, but you don't seem like much of a threat to me," she replied, angling her ears toward him. "You aren't very frightening, to tell you the truth."

The colorless girl got to her paws when he did and stood for several short moments before padding after him. "I suppose one night couldn't hurt anything, if you really don't mind me staying." She was hesitant, but figured that it was better than the alternative. The cold rain drizzling down would end up being a nuisance during the night, and BoJack seemed nice enough.

She fell into step beside him, allowing him to lead the way.
