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to be something so easy — Midnight Plateau 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer


It never occurred to Kyna that most wolves might want all of those things. Most of them only occurred to her once she’d left Oak Tree Bend – as a girl, her wants and needs were so simple. A full belly, a warm place to sleep, a friend to talk to, all these things seemed so small, and yet, so very important. Some kind of love – that middle plagued her. The last one hadn’t crossed her mind (yet), but that first one… It was finally starting to click in the young Argyris’ brain why a wolf might want to lead her own pack and control her own destiny. So long had she been at the mercy of others, now.

Still. Such wants did not excuse her mother’s horrid behavior.

But she was being rude, not answering Gen’s questions. “I grew up on the plateaus – we left when my father died. But the forests never felt like home to me, I suppose, so I am going to live the only place that ever felt right. It’s only a matter of finding other wolves who feel similarly, I suppose…or at the very least, friends who do not find the idea of mountain living to be distasteful. I knew a few, but… It is winter. I know it’s a very ambitious plan.” Kyna allowed herself a small smile. “I still have much to do. But I will never get anything done if I never start.”

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Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
feel free to fade with your next post @Kyna

He listened eagerly. She certainly had an interesting story behind her. She had that certain fire in her that matched her colors. It caused the smile to linger on his face. "Ambitious is good." He tossed her a glance before looking back out. If she already had friends who might be willing to join well then she was halfway there, wasn't she? Heigen wondered if the reason he was leading was because he lacked the ambition that the strawberry blonde had.

The large male rose to his paws at a slow pace. "Speaking of start...I should likely start heading back. I think I'll be making trips this way again. If you're still around the area I do hope I get the chance to bump into you." His tail swayed with ease behind him. "Perhaps I'll even see this pack of yours soon." A kind wink was offered as he kindly nodded his head towards the younger large female. It would be a long trip home and it was better if he started sooner rather than later. At least he had found good company for a bit and was left with an interesting thought on his mind. One last glance was given before he truly took his leave.

-heigen exit-

Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

“Ah, yes, of course! I’m sorry – I didn’t mean to keep you held up.”

Heigen had mentioned he’d belonged to a pack; in fact, she’d even smelled it on him. It had just been a while since meeting a friendly stranger, and apparently, Kyna’s need to socialize had briefly gotten the better of her. But for once, it seemed like it was okay. “I hope you do!” Friends were never misplaced; once she founded this ideal pack of hers, Gen would most certainly be welcome. “But travel safe. I hope good weather finds you.”

Especially given how long and cold this winter had been.

Kyna watched as Heigen reoriented himself, heading off in the direction towards his home. She’d have to remember him. Perhaps look him up if she ever went in the area. Or perhaps she’d get lucky, and the kind male would come and find her pack once she finally found the right place for it. The right wolves for it. Before she could get any more lost in her own thoughts, it was time for the young female to do the same. She started soon, carefully padding across the mountainside towards the home she’d carved out on her side, on her plateau, not too far from the home she’d made ages ago.


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(This post was last modified: May 13, 2017, 01:20 AM by Kyna.)