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The Odyssey — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Before heading out Kajika found it important to know if there was anything that his Alpha’s would like for him to share or find out. It would give him more of an idea of how he was to conduct things while speaking to the different packs.  Though his parting would be bitter sweet he was looking forward to seeing the lore again and meeting with the different leaders.  It came back from both Vespertio and Namid that they did not have anything specific to offer him. He gave them both a nod in regards to this feeling they trusted him enough to do well.  If they didn't they would have given him specific instructions, it gave him a bit more confidence to take with him on his journey.

Before parting ways with then he had one last thing to ask of them, something that he did not take lightly.  He wasn't asking for himself but Des, she was the only thing on his mind and what would make her happy.  He truly believed having the chance to be a mother was something that she had wanted even before she has disappeared.  Though she hadn't ever explicitly expressed it she had been so happy about the pups when they'd been born that year. Being a low ranking female in a pack meant she may never get the chance and Kajika wanted her to have it.  After all she had been through in her life she deserved it most in his eyes, a little bit of happiness where there was so much sorrow.

As Vespertio spoke Kajika grew worried that the answer he sought would be a no which he would accept.  However, something burned inside the dark man as his alpha spoke of giving Moonshadow and Tagg permission.  It had nothing to do with whatever feelings he may or may not have for his ebony friend. It most certainly would not sit right with the dark man if he did not get permission as well. Those feelings dissipated as the agouti man continued stating he gave permission for him and Des to try for pups.  However, Vespertio did not hesitate to remind the beta of his place and what he needed to keep in mind.  Kajika held his breath as there was one more opinion he needed to hear.

He did not have to wait long for Namid to weigh in on the question he'd posed. She too gave her permission and it was only then that he allowed a smile to break across his features. “Thank you both,” he said dipping his head to them, “I means more to me then I can say that you have allowed me this opportunity but more importantly Des.  She's been through alot and I think  it would help to brighten her spirits. I do hope that you know I understand you wanting to save the cove and your legacy for your children.  If I were in your position I would want exactly the same for my children.  Therefore you do not have to worry about any children that we may have endangering the position that you hope your children will have in the future. You have my word that my children will grow up understanding the rules of the pack and their place in the pack.”

Kajika was elated that he was trusted enough to have been given the opportunity to give Des the pups he felt she wanted.  He was also happy to know that his time and energies in his service to the pack had not been overlooked in the decision. It had been for only a moment that he worried he might have to leave the cove permanently but was glad that had not been the case.  His alphas had once again come through for him and he had given them his word.  Now all he had to do was speak with Des but he had the permission now which he hoped would ease things for her.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2017, 02:30 AM by Kajika.)
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

His verdict delivered, the tawny man awaited the final decision that was bestowed upon his mate's shoulders in regards to whether or not their beloved Beta would be granted the bliss of his own children once Spring was in full swing. Although the Cove wouldn't experience a new litter of Vuesains running around this year, it seemed the lakeside pack was still promised a plethora of pups to keep the adults on their toes and awaken first-time parents to the reality of what it took to successfully raise a brood. A promise that Fallen Tree Cove would grow once more and further cement their hold on the mountain throne.

Luckily for the ebony man, the final decision was not one that took long to be given by Namid. Her words echoing his to further express the importance of teaching the next generation their roles within the pack and how the laws in place had logical reasons behind their creation. It only took one domino to fall in order to destroy all the hard work they put in to protect what they had. Hopefully, none of these future pups were fated to be that single domino.

Catching sight of the smile that began to break across the other man's swarthy facial features warranted a smile of Vesper's own to settle upon his lighter complexion, nodding silently while russet ears flicked outward for a moment before facing forward once more to listen closely to the man's expressed gratitude for giving both of them the chance to acquire a taste of true happiness. More specifically Des whom had been dragged through hell and back it seemed according to how Kajika spoke about the woman. "Then I believe there will be no problems here now that we are all on the same page. Now, go. The sooner you leave the sooner you can return and the sooner we can rest easy knowing you've returned safely."

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I'm soorrryyyy

I have loved the stars too fondly

The bright smile that crossed Kajika’s expression was certainly a welcomed treat, something that had been lost on him for some time now. She was glad that his old self was peeking through and for the first time she was beginning to believe that he was right about the trip. But, at the same time she wondered how his plan with Desideria and his plan to leave would coincide. No matter, that was their problem to deal with. Her job had been done and she had other matters to attend to.

She nodded in agreement with her husband, ushering him to go. The pale queen moved forward and pressed her nose to his cheek, a sign of greeting and farewell where she had been raised. “Good luck my friend, I hope you find what you are seeking.” she said, offering a bright smile of her own. After everything he had done for them she could only want the best for him and she would extend her faith that he would return with many important things to say like she had so many times before. Kajika Tallis had never failed them and she didn’t expect him to now. Turning she made her way further into the territory to attend to a few other things and perhaps check on their newly returned member and a subject of their previous discussion.

To be fearful of the night
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Any worries he might have had were gone after having received permission to not only take his trip but also to have pups with Des.  The latter she didn't know if it would happen but having the permission before hand could prove valuable.  Once everything had been settled and they had all said their peace on the matter the conversation was over.  He received his farewells from his alphas which were bittersweet to say the least.  He didn't like leaving the cove nor his alphas without his service  but this time he felt his absence was needed to help not only himself but the pack as well.

A smile spread across his face at their farewells, “I will return as swiftly as I can with what information I can gather.” Thank you both,” with a pointed look at Namid, “I hope I do as well.” He then gave them each a nod good bye he turned and headed back into the forest.  He had a few things he needed to take care of before he set off on his journey.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2017, 09:31 PM by Kajika.)
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