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Broken Dolls — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Where Des was concerned the she wolf had made it clear in not so many words that she needed time in not so many words. He would give her that time so that she could settle back into the cove and mabs find the wolf she once was. While she was doing that he needed to go, leave the cove to sort through his feelings toward the woman he now spoke to. She had Tagg now and they were and to start a family together, Kajika didn't want to come between them and in order to ensure that he had to get over her. It was better for everyone if he took his trip sorted through what he needed to and returned better for it.

It came as no surprise to Kajika when Moonshadow questioned his motives and it did cause him some worry he might be forced to tell her more lies. The last thing he needed was to continue lying to her which was more reason why he needed to take the trip. He was surprised when she left it at that but a smile did cross his inky lips. “I as will about you, it's what we do and I think this is what I need to find that happiness that you want me to have.” The beta was almost certain that this was what he needed to be the friend that Moonshadow needed. He nodded when Moonshadow told him the news, “I already know,”he told her his sides heaving in a sigh, “Vespertio told me when I spoke to him and Namid about my trip.” He had been surprised and maybe a little angry but it was just one more reason he needed to go.

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2017, 01:54 PM by Sahalie.)
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Wanna wrap this up soon? :)

She told him that she was gonna worry anyways and he said he'd do the same. Thats what they did. She gave him a nod in agreement. Yes, they did always worry and watch out for one another, and she believed they always would. It took a lot for the ebony woman to swallow her fear about telling her teacher that her and Tagg were given permission to have pups. This was supposed to be happy news but after how he reacted when she had told him she and the russet veteran were mates she was scared how'd he react to the news of children. The lump rose again after she spoke the words, silver eyes waiting to see a change in his face. But none came only a nod then the words 'I know'. He knows? Who told him? It was her right to tell him, no one else's. Anger bubbled deep within bit she kept her features neutral. She was glad she had for her friend said it had been their king. Her seething would be kept to herself then since Vespertio could tell his second what he wanted, especially if it were to affect the pack. That didnt take the sting away though...she wanted to tell him. Giving a sigh of her own she said "oh.....Well then um." She wasn't sure what else to say since he already knew. "Just promise you'll come home" she asked her eyes pleading once more. She couldn't lose him.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Ooc: That is fine with me.

She would worry about him while he was gone just as he always worried about her, it was what friends did. He'd never been as close to anyone as he wasn't she wolf except for Lunette but theirs was a different relationship.  He of course would miss both females but it was Lunette he worried most about.  While Moonshadow had Tagg Lunette didn't have anyone that she truly trusted. It had taken him so long to gain the Vuesain's trust so he couldn't imagine others had accomplished it very easy either.

Then it seemed Moonshadow had worked up to finally telling him about the permission ahead Tagg had been granted to have puppies.  Kajika had not been happy about the news when he'd heard it from Vespertio and he wasn't any happier about it now. He hated that he couldn't be happier about it but in his current state of mind it was just too much. He considered telling her about the permission he'd been granted as well but in the end decided against it. He hadn't even told Des yet and what if nothing came of it. He didn't need nor want her to feel badly for him when it didn't.

He licked her cheek, “I will come back Moonshadow don't worry about that and when I do I want to hear about everything that happened while I was away.” He didn't know what his trip would bring but he had high hopes for it.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! I ask to wrapped it up then I slack on it DX wanna fade with your next post?

A trip would be good for her friend and she knew that but that knowledge didnt nothing to soothe her worry. Anything could happen out there and she couldn't imagine losing him. Her silver gaze pleaded for him to say he was coming back despite being filled with anger just moments before. His lick was comforting as were his words. She knew he wouldn't just leave but something beyond his control could happen. So she just have him a meek smile "I'd be happy to tell you about everything, even though I'm not sure anything will happen" she replied with a weak laugh be for return his gesture. If only she knew what would happen, then she'd stick closer to home. With that their conversation was over and saying goodbye to her best friend silver eyes watching him until she couldn't see him any longer. Now she would go and seethe by herself over Vespertio tell her news to Kajika. Who else had he told? That didnt really matter actually because the only important one was her teacher and that had been blown.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No worries! Life gets rough. We got it done and I'm fading and archiving.

Kajika for worry about leaving the cove especially with Moonshadow trying to start a family but he couldn't be the friend she needed in this difficult but exciting time. It was necessary for him to leave her and the rest of the cove wolves for a time so that he could be the friend she needed and the beta the pack needed. Until he was better he couldn't do either of those things and he knew if he stayed he would remain in the dark place and he would not be able to claw his way out. “I will be looking forward to it when I return. Everything will happen because I'm away, that's how it works,” he jested. His gaze remained on her for a long moment, he hated making her so sad. Then he stepped toward her and brushed his muzzle along her cheek and with his mouth close to her ear he whispered, “I love you Moonshadow.” He did love her whether as a friend and his student and the one who had been there for him during his darkest times. He did not want to leave her in the cove while he was traveling the lore without her knowing how much he cared for her. He knew anything could happen and there could be a chance he wouldn't return. He then turned to go stopping once to see her one more time before he left then he disappeared into the cove. He had other goodbyes that he had to say before he would leave the cove for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime.


[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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