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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
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Lorcán Artemieva
Piety’s dislike towards their old pack mate Zahira came to the fore front of their conversion. Lorcan watched as a frown etched its way between her slender brows and quickly mirrored it with his own. His top lip curled up in obvious agreement as Piety spat out a response. It was true, the fiery haired woman was in definite need of some teaching in respect. A wicked grin then parted his charcoal lips to reveal a set of pearly-white fangs towards Piety as he moved to bump her shoulder affectionately. “I think she may be a bit caught up with learning how to walk first.” He drawled, flashing his friend a sideways glance. 

When their conversation turned to how she had been busy sparring with Morganna and Wraith, the agouti male couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy in the pit of his stomach. He did his best to hide it though, averting his golden gaze out onto the lowlands and keeping a neutral expression. He brushed off her offer for him to join them. He hadn’t been needed thus far, why would that suddenly change? However, when she then went on to offer up the chance for some one on one training, his russet ears immediately perked up in interest. “Maybe..” He breathed, trying his best to remain cool like it didn’t bother him. “Once you’ve got a few more sessions in.. perhaps then I will see what you’re made of.” He flashed her a mischievous smile then.

Wraith might have kept her busy most of the time with their training, but Lorcan had managed to get her attention for now. The lick offered to his cheek elicited an affectionate rumble from his throat as he rose up to trail along behind her. “Right behind you.” He chuffed, tail swaying excitedly behind him as he followed her down the goat track to begin their lesson together.

# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together