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all i want is to want nothing — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

She had been lucky but she also felt a little perseverance had helped to and with it they had something to put on their stomachs.  Once the rabbits suffering had been ended Nauja picked it up in her jaws before going to find Vasu. She was very happy with the way her hunt had gone since land prey had never been her strongest skill.

With the rabbit dangling from her mouth she caught sight of Vasu watching her from the side he'd taken.  She trotted over to meet him as he came towards her and once she was in front of him she dropped the rabbit at their feet. “I suppose so but it's our luck really.” After all weren't they are team now that they were traveling together.  She saw them as partners in their fight for survival since they had agreed to travel together in their search for the sea.

“That's alright, I don't mind sharing. You can catch the next meal,” she told him with a smile and bump of her muzzle to his chin. “We share everything now, right?” She hoped that he felt the same as she did about their partnership.

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2017, 09:12 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
Our luck. That sounded strange at first but he assumed it could indeed be their luck. He never thought he'd share luck with someone or even had the chance to experience luck for two. Could it work like that? Vasu wasn't a hundred percent sure. He didn't even think there really was a system to luck and that's what made it just that. Luck.

"Deal." He spoke in a soft whisper as he nodded his head. The Stormwright just had to hope he had the skills to catch the next meal. Perhaps he'd be able to find some better trails the next time around. He didn't want to seem like he was completely useless. If he had made it this long along he knew he could make it even better with someone else. Right? Wasn't that how it was supposed to go? Things were supposed to be easier in pairs and groups. At least that's what he had learned.

His grey-blue eyes looked at her when she asked her question. "Of course." He smiled a bit. If they were going to make it alive as loners then they didn't have much of an option but to share. Warmth, food, time and more were no longer just for one wolf. They had to work with each other and make everything last between them. He knew they could do it, though.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

She'd had her family before when she had first come to the lore and that had made things easier.  They helped each other and basically functioned as a pack even though there were fewer of them. Despite being in a new place it was almost a home away from home but then she had joined Grizzly Hollow with them and it wasn't anything like she thought it would be so she left one day without a word.  What was she supposed to say that they wouldn't argue with and besides she didn't want them to feel badly because she wasn't happy there and they were.

A smile broke across her features when he agreed she didn't want him to feel badly because he hadn't caught anything.  There would always be the next time. For so long she'd been on her own hunting and finding shelter but now she had him. They could take turns catching their meals because that was what it meant to work together and now that she had someone else in this fight with her she didn't want to give him up.

“Good,” she stated with a nod glad that he saw their situation as she did. If they both felt the same then things could only get better for them. With spring coming they would have plenty of food and it would be much warmer things would be easier and they could concentrate more on finding the thing they loved, the sea.  Maybe find a home near it since she didn't know if it would be her sea.


(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2017, 03:40 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you