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the stable song — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

For the first time Emrys was glad the none of the children had shown up at the border to meet their guest. He didn't think that they needed to hear about the missing Percy or the Whitestone pup that was attacked.  However, if there was a chance that there was a wolf hurting pups then they would need to keep an extra close eye on the pups to make sure they stayed safe and didn't end up with the same fate. As Adelayde explained her Alpha's were staying strong they all had hope Percy would return soon.  Though Emrys couldn't imagine they were taking the pups disappearance well. “I send them my sympathies and hope that Percy will be found soon.” Emrys also offered to keep a look out for the pup during his journey’s.  He would be traveling to gather plants to replenish anything that might need replacing. “I will be sure to keep an eye out for her, he said with a nod.

They were joined by Gent who Emrys introduce to Adelayde as well as filled the alpha in on the reason she had come to their borders.  This saved the rye wolf from having to repeat herself, especially when the reason for her visit was so unpleasant. He then waited for Gent to weigh in on the matter. He assured the rye second that the notch wolves would keep a lookout for the pup Before taking his leave he left the order for Emrys to fill the rest of the pack in.  “I will see to it,” he assured the dark male with a dip of his head.  Once Gent had disappeared back into the territory Emrys turned back to Adelayde, “I will inform the rest of the pack as soon as we’ve finished here,” he assured her as well, “Is there anything else you need or that I can do to help?”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

Nodding in Gent's direction, she appreciated his words of reassurance as he began to dismiss himself from their company. Most likely had important tasks to attend to and she wasn't offended. She was able to pass on the information that she intended to inform them of, so her job was done. ”I appreciate that, thank you.” She responded to both Notch men. As the White Fir Notch alpha took his leave, the Rye second respectfully nodded to him and turned her eyes back upon Emrys.

The Notch second again reassured her of his plans to alert the rest of the pack of their missing child. Nodding, “Thank you, again for all your help and kindness,” she returned with a somber smile. It was nice to know that not all of their neighbors were hostile and there was a chance they could possibly become more than just neighbors. “Perhaps later in spring, I can come by again and strengthen our relations?” Adelayde was intent to make sure the Rye had friends just in case anything happened. They needed friends in low places if they ever needed it. They could never be too careful even if relations seemed to be improving with their northern neighbors.  

and there's beauty in everything
(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2017, 02:35 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

After giving the woman assurance that the notch would be on the lookout for the missing pup and issuing an order to the healer Gent took his leave.  Emrys guessed that the alpha didn't want to be away from Raela for very long, he didn't blame him.  If it were Jynx he would be by her side constantly.  He watched his leader go for a moment before turning back to Adelayde, “You're quite welcome, it's the least we can do.” Though they didn't have a definite alliance with the rye wolves he didn't think that should matter in the case of a child and he had the impression Gent didn't either.  In cases like this it was important that they all try to do what they could to get the child home safely.

Once he had finished speaking with Adelayde he would inform the rest of the pack but he wanted to make sure she knew he would. “Really I'm just glad that we can try to help even if it's staying on the lookout for her.  I'm just sorry we can't do more.” Emrys really didn't know what else they could do but if there was more he wished they could do it. He was curious if she had anything else on her mind and it seemed she did.  Improving pack relations, that was something that the healer was certainly interested in. “Certainly, later in spring would be a good time hopefully the weather will have improved some.” He looked forward to seeing the woman again and having the chance to improve relations with the rye wolves.

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2017, 07:51 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

"We appreciate all that you are doing, truly." She reassured as she looked over at the Notch second. They were doing more than what they could truly ask for with another pack that isn't exactly allies, yet perhaps. But, maybe it was because it was a young child that was at stake that made them think of their own that could possibly out lost. Adelayde knew the Rye wolves would do the same for any other pack if they were in their position.

As she mentioned traveling back out here, Emrys seemed quite interested in such matters especially hoping that the weather improves. Knowing that eventually with time all this snow and cold weather will be a thing of the past, temporarily at least. Nodding, "I look forward to meeting back up with you come spring. I should be on my way now and thank you for all your help and do not hesitate to give me a howl if you need anything." She finished with a smile before she turned back to where her homelands lied. She was certain she would be back here come a few weeks once the weather improved to see if there was a possibility of improved relations between their packs.

and there's beauty in everything

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2017, 02:37 AM by Adelayde.)