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all my heads are tails — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
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Gent Lieris

As Jynx retracted her embrace, Gent leaned forward to knock his muzzle against hers in reciprocation. His ears turned forward to take in both of their words, the two of them assuring him that they would mind their place in regards to the founding pair and that whatever children they had would follow suit. Gent pressed on another smile. It was true that he wanted his blood to claim the throne even after he was gone, that he hoped his children would succeed himself and Raela and continue the lineage. There were no illusions about this being a given, however, and certainly not a right that the growing litter would merely inherit. Aleris, Lucia and @Ryker all knew that everything they wanted, they would need to work for like any other wolf. If leadership was their ambition, they would have to work their way up the ranks and claim it. Should any one of Emrys and Jynx's children prove more worthy, Gent would have no qualms about it.

Just as had led his decision now, the ultimate importance was that the Notch thrived.

"My children are aware they must earn what they desire. Your litter will be just as precious to this pack as mine, a part of our legacy and they will want for nothing. I appreciate your consideration, but it is unnecessary. The pack as a whole takes precedence, not my name or our blood."

If his father could hear him now, he would weep with shame, but no longer did Gent give a damn about the teachings of his childhood. He was not the same wolf he had been when he'd first entered Relic Lore, and that was owed mostly to his wife.

"Raela is improving, actually. You're both more than welcome to visit with her. I'm sure you, want time to discuss this privately, but I'll be returning to her now. You should meet with us later."
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
A feeling of warmth blossomed in her chest while her canary yellow eyes regarded her leader fondly. Each time she thought about Gent and Raela, she was reminded of how lucky she was. Whenever she spent time with them, in their presence, she knew she had made a wise choice in becoming a part of their pack. But they were more than that to her...they were family. Soon her both her blood and that of Emrys' would flow through that of their future children. A first for each of them. They would each be able to proudly proclaim that their lineage would live on. Not to be forgotten or denied a chance of continuity like some other, less fortunate wolves. Jynx was looking back down the road of her past and to where it led her now. And she couldn't have been more proud of her self-transformation.

She was flattered...touched when Gent affirmed that her children would be treated as equals in comparison to his own. He had a point; each next potential leader of the Notch had to work for the right if they wanted to inherit such a position. It would hardly be considered fair game if one parents offspring was favored over another simply because of their bloodline. Such equality divided among wolves here was fine example of the democracy of the Notch. She smiled warmly. "Of course. Unity is what holds us together." She affirmed with a proud but non arrogant tip of her chin. She was not in the least bit surprised that Emrys had chimed in about Raela as well. Nor was she surprised at his offer to check up on her personally. Sparing the white healer an amicable glance, she was filled with warm thoughts again. That was just like him. Always on call, always willing to put everything else aside to help a comrade in need. That's what she loved about him. The update Gent delivered made her eyes widen a fraction, a renewed smile growing. Raela was doing better. "That's...such a relief. I've been worried about her for the past couple of weeks." Before he could step away to dismiss himself and return back to Raela, she stepped forward. Pressing her nose against a shoulder to gain his attention. "Please...send her our best wishes. And our gratitude." Later in the evening, she would stop by the den for a check in on her friend. Their heartfelt discussion was over and out of the way, with an end result that she had never seen coming.

Jynx fade

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
Emrys was grateful for the opportunity to start his family with Jynx that Gent was giving them but it was bittersweet. It was because Raela was sick and it was in her best interest to not have children that he and Jynx were getting this chance. His gaze rested on his mate and couldn't imagine anything happening to her, to go through what the dark Alpha was going through with his mate. The thought of it made him even more thankful that he had chosen to follow in his mother's footsteps. It had already been hard on him when she'd injured her ankle, the worry he'd felt over her recovery and how well her ankle would heal. He didn't want to think about if she acquired and illness with an uncertain outcome. His heart went out to the man standing before him and the position he was in. Again Gent had shown his generosity to the healer which only served to remind him that he had made the right decision in joining the notch. In all his life he would never had expected to find a pack with leaders such as he had found.

It warmed his heart to hear the words slip from Gents lips regarding the place his children would hold within the pack. That they wouldn't be looked down upon because they were not born of Gent and Raela’s lineage. They would have the same opportunities as Gents children as long as they worked for it. It was more than Emrys could ask for, his children having a chance to have something to work toward. The healer agreed with his mate about the unity of the pack and how it worked together. “We will teach our children how important it is to work hard for the pack to help ensure the unity Jynx speaks of,” he added to what his mate had said. It would be a lesson he felt would serve them well on their path through life. The pack and its survival was important to he and Jynx which something he planned to instill in his children. The news of Raela’s improving condition was good news indeed. He was happy for Gent that things seemed to be looking up for him where his mate was concerned. “I'm happy to hear she's improving, I have been worried about her as well. The both of you actually as I can't imagine her illness has been easy on you either.” He again thought of what he would be going through if his mate were ill. Then Jynx stepped forward to get Gents attention before he disappeared giving him a message to give to Raela, Emrys stood and moved to stand next to Jynx, “Also that we are happy to hear she’s getting better.” Until Gent asked for his help he would respect his friends wishes but the healer would visit his female lead in an unprofessional capacity to offer his support. He felt knowing her subordinates were there alongside her mate would do her good. With such a heavy discussion with such an unexpected outcome it was time for both he and Jynx to process what had happened.

(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2017, 02:42 PM by Emrys.)
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