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All The Right Friends — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

He didn't feel going into the tale of how he’d met Raela was really beneficial, all the woman really needed to know was that he did know her. It was rather an embarrassing story that he would rather not recount since he should have known better. He then got down to business introducing himself and telling Jynx where he was from to start out and get going on his real reason for being at her borders. “I think it would definitely be worth the trip if only for the scenery. Though I must caution should you go up that way watch your footing on the mountain.” He felt it best to offer her that warning so no harm would come to her or any pack mates she might bring with her.

When Kajika had met Gent he would have thought he was already an alpha but he hadn't been then.  The beta wondered if they would all laugh as the story of how they met was retold but it didn't look like he would find out that day. “That is very good news for them, I'm glad to hear that they have done so well for themselves since last I saw them.  You will give them my best won't you?” He felt it would be good for them to know he didn't harbor any hard feelings toward them. Kajika caught sight of the white male as he wove through the trees behind the female. He continued to watch the man as he spoke about why he'd come, to open a line of communication between the packs.  As the white male came to stand next to Jynx she spoke of being glad to open a line of communication between the packs but wanted the names of his Alpha's. “Of course,” it was only natural that she would want to know the names of the wolves she would be communicating with, “Vespertio and Namid Vuesain.” The beta took note of the interactions of the female with the white male who had remained silent.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
Guardian Dem 2/3

As he listened from a distance he gathered that the dark stranger knew their alphas from a previous encounter. Emrys wasn't exactly sure how long his mate had been talking with their visitor. It seemed that part of their conversation regarding Gent and Raela seemed to be coming to a close.  As the dark male spoke of the real reason he'd come to the notch the healer decided that was the time to make his appearance.  He came forward to stand next to his mate announcing himself with a gentle bump which was returned by a bump to his own shoulder with her cheek. He remained quiet as they spoke and listened to the information that was offered.  Emrys learned the names of the man’s alphas and that He was from a place called Fallen Tree Cove.

The healer tried to recall if he'd heard of a pack with that name which he did. A long time ago he'd run into a wolf that had spoken of such a pack.  Emrys hadn't had the chance to make it to Fallen Tree Cove but with Jynx speaking of opening communication it was something to consider.  Once the dark pelted man had given the names of his Alphas Jynx stepped back to encourage him to speak.  With a glance to her he felt he should start by introducing himself. “I am Emrys, beta of white for Notch,” he offered with a nod to their visitor.  “I am curious, do you have a plan to get this line of communication started between the two packs?” He asked with a questioning tilt of his head. He felt that was also a good place to get the communication between the packs.

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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
Sorry for the wait, let's keep this moving!

The russet agouti was unaware that she and her dark guest had company, watching them in silent observation for the past few moments. "I will keep that in mind." She assured with a light chuckle. "Although I imagine you have quite the view up there." It saddened her to a degree to know that Kajika would not get the reunion he was hoping for with Gent and Raela today...or ever, in the future. It was a total mystery to them all, what it held. They had no control over it. But what she could do, was to try and build a positive relationship between him, and hopefully, his pack, as an extension of Raela's good faith, through herself. "Of course I will. I am sure they will be delighted to hear that you have stopped by." She dipped her head graciously, before her eyes settled on her partner again. 

Names slid off Kajika's tongue. Vesperito and Namid Vuesain. Neither were familiar, but she nonetheless filed them away for reference later. The question that Emrys posed was a valid one, and she was interested to hear what plans Kajika may have to start a pathway of communication between their packs. Bright yellow optics shifted back to hold those of her visitor with deep, genuine thoughtfulness. "Do you perhaps have any willing scouts you could send? We could find a volunteer to meet them at a halfway point." She suggested.  
(This post was last modified: May 08, 2017, 12:04 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The mountain had taken some time for him to get used to when he'd first joined Fallen Tree Cove but he had grown to love his mountain home. So telling Jynx that a visit was worth it came out easily but he felt compelled to offer the warning. He smiled as she said she would keep his advice in mind and gave a nod to her comment, “Yes it is quite the view and one that I believe I would miss if I ever had to leave.” Kajika was well aware of just how close they had come to losing their home earlier in the year. He was glad that Moonshadow had saved them. He was sad that he couldn't offer his greeting to Gent and Raela himself but he was happy to hear Jynx would pass it along, “Thank you I really appreciate it,” he told the she wolf.

Giving the name's of his Alpha's​ he felt was an important step in creating a friendship between the packs. Jynx needed to know for the times when they might talk with one another. The male who introduced himself as Emrys and he posed a question that Kajika hadn't had time to think about. “I don't have anything certain,” he admitted, “But I think I would start by telling them of this encounter to see what the thoughts are.” His gaze went back to the female, “We have a scout that I'm sure would be more than willing and if not her I would be more than happy to make the journey.” However, he thought he would like to see this through. “We can send her or I can come with news of what Namid and Vespertio are thinking?”

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2017, 01:55 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
Guardian Dem 3/3

When Emrys had arrived his mate and their visitor seemed to be having a conversation on a more personal matter. So he'd stayed back allowing them to finish up but his presence there all the same in case Jynx needed him. However, their visitor seemed pretty harmless so the healer stayed in quiet observation until the topic of why the dark male was really there. As it turned out he was there to form a relationship between his pack and their pack which Emrys was pleased to hear. It would go in line with what he envisioned for the future.

Once he'd stepped up to stand next to his mate and it was his turn to speak Emrys not only introduced himself but also posed a question. While Fallen Tree Cove was a few days journey which wasn't exactly ideal it still wouldn't hurt to have them as friends. So Emrys listened as the cove wolf described his plan of action before sparing a glance to his mate. “That sounds like a good start. Would it be easier for us to do as Jynx suggested, send a volunteer or would for you or your scout to come here to the notch?” Finding this out was important so they would know what to do on their end.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin

As she stood by the side of Emrys, listening patiently to what Kajika had to say, the cogs in her head were turning. Here at their borders, he had already gone out of his way, far from home to introduce himself. Spring was around the corner, and with the potential of pups, who knows how busy either pack would be raising a litter for a few months. No, the longer she thought about it, the more it made sense to not beat around the bush by sending out scouts from their own packs during a potentially busier time of year.

Shaking her head with a soft sigh, she offered first Kajika, then her Arctic companion an apologetic smile. "Not to steer this in a different direction, but I think a wiser option could be to meet with your alphas later in the year. Summer, perhaps?" Her brows shot up gently to see what the dark male thought of this proposal. It was more direct and to the point. The leaders from both packs would be able to meet at a less busy time (hopefully) and get a feel for one another right then and there. "You know how spring can be...and I'm not yet sure what it has planned for the Notch. I would hate for either of us to send a scout during a time of year where they may be needed on the home front." There was of course, no pressure on behalf of Fallen Tree Cove. Jynx had already made it clear that she at least, was willing to go out of the way, later in months to come, to meet with Kajika's Alpha's personally. With an inquiring look towards Emrys, she double checked to make sure this would sit well with him. And if it did, all the three of them had to do, was agree on a location. 
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

With Kajika's visit he'd learned of a pack on the mountain and even more than that communication between the two packs might be possible. Maybe it would he the start of his hope for the future starting with the cove. He and Jynx were both willing to speak the the cove wolf’s alpha's all they needed was a to set a plan in action for how that might happen. Luckily the dark man had thought about it and came up with a plan. Which seemed like a good plan but then his mate had a different idea on how things should take place.

Along with Kajika he listened to what Jynx proposed they do, a more direct way of starting the communication. He couldn't argue with the, the sooner they were able to meet with Kajika's alphas the better in his opinion. He noticed the look that she gave him and he gave her a small no if his approval. “I will have to agree with Jynx a more direct option seems to be a better plan,” he said watching the cove wolf who also seemed to agree. “We could meet somewhere in the middle where it's more convenient for all of us, the Ghastly Woods is nearly equal distance from both of our packs. Let's say the third week of July?” He felt that it would give the pups that both packs may have plenty to grow and be out and about and not need their mother's constant presence.

Emrys looked between his mate and Kajika the dark man agreed with a nod. Then Emrys bid the dark man goodbye with the promise that the cove alphas would be informed of the plan. Emrys with a touch to Jynx shoulder with his nose turned to disappear among the fir’s that made up their home.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Last post!

Pleasantly satisfied by her mates approval of her suggestion, her eyes fell on Kajika, their guest. He too, agreed with the compromise. Emrys proposed a time and location for this get together Fallen Tree Coves leaders. Ghastly Woods...not too far from either of their homes. And July...soon enough that their discussion wouldn't be forgotten, but late enough so that the pups would be older and not so dependent on their parents. She appreciated the stretch of time between now and the summer. It would give both packs time to prepare, and Kajika's alphas time to digest and further consider the proposal.

With a nod of conclusion, she offered who she hoped would be more than just a one time acquaintance a small smile. "It's settled then. We shall meet again in Ghastly Woods, come summer." She looked forward to seeing Kajika again, and curious to meet the Vuesains. Yet as any well groomed leader should be, the russet female would maintain a small measure of caution until the day finally arrived. She would not make assumptions, nor put her trust out in the open so easily. True character of a wolf could be either tricky to read, or incredibly simple, were you perceptive enough. The Notch had been hurt enough by it's share or traitors and deserters this year. They would not make such a mistake again. "Thank you for your time, Kajika." Were her last warm words before she turned to follow at Emrys' side, vanishing back into the heart of their home.
