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Jet Lag — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Bridget who has 33 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Salix Atea
Ooc; I'm sorry for slow reply!! Past few days have been busy for me. Would you like to wrap this up? :) You can fade it after your post.

Salix was a tad jealous of the woman who seemed to
know where she was going. The man raises his lip slightly out of frustration at himself. "I've
not a clue where I'm to go"
he says honestly. Salix rolls his shoulders in a shrug. "Not even
sure how many packs be 'round here."
His head lolls before he groans "S'pose I best be careful,
ye know? Don't wan' go steppin' in the wrong areas."
The wolf rises to his feet, bringing his front
paws forward. He dips downward, stretching lazily. It was time he should be walking again. He
didn't want to keep the lady; she had somewhere to be whilst he didn't. Meanwhile his mind
begins to whir as he tries to choose a direction to walk. After a few minutes, he chooses to go
back North. Where he had entered the Lore, the land seemed a bit flat- his favorite.

"Listen, Nauja" he woofs, eyes falling upon the woman. Her strong scent still stung his nose-
he wouldn't mind getting away from that horrendous odor. "I'm not gonna keep ye. I bes'
be going. Think I'ma head North."
He walks in place for a moment to stretch his legs
out in preparation for his travels. "Perhaps we'll see each other again." He offers a friendly
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2017, 11:07 PM by Salix.)
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno
No worries and that works, fading and archiving.

Once the man finished his meal they spoke again about where they were headed, he didn't know and she could sympathize with him. “I’m sure you'll find your way, it took me a little while to find mine,” she assured.  She couldn't help him with the number of packs either.  Since she wasn't too keen on the idea of joining she hadn't kept track. “I'm sorry, I don't know how many there are either but if it's a pack you're looking for I wish you luck that you'll find the one for you.” She smiled at his comment about stepping in the wrong areas, “Yes, you should I wouldn't want to see anything happen to you.” He was a nice guy even if he was a little gruff and she would hate to see him get into trouble with a pack on accident.  She watched as he rose to his feet and stretched and she wondered where he might end up.  Nauja knew she should be going too, she needed to get back to the thicket and see Vasu.

Her ears perked as he said her name and spoke about not keeping her any longer. She nodded, “North might be a good place to start, there is at least one pack that way it might be what you're looking for,” she offered. A smile spread across her maw, “I hope so, it was nice to meet you Salix.  Take care of yourself and I wish you the best.  Maybe if we do see each other again you can tell me what a great pack you've joined.” Nauja stood up as well and shook her pelt out in preparation of the journey she had ahead of her. She nudged his cheek, “Be careful and safe journey.” She then started off in the direction she knew the thicket to be in.

(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2017, 01:14 AM by Nauja.)
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