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no one is ever holy without suffering — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
There was a fire in her now too, as she glanced back and saw that Rook was bouncing after her. There had been a small bud of love for him in her before now and it made her wonder; as the weeks turned to months and they stayed close, would the bud grow even bigger until it eventually bloomed?

Yes. The more she thought about it, the more she imagined them curling around each other at night - even only sometimes - the more she felt she could fall in love with. Perhaps not as she loved Yvly but part of her would still love him greatly. And she just hoped he would give his love back to her too.

Then giddiness filled her at the thought of what may come of this night, this union. The thought that soon, there'll be pups scampering around the pack once again. It had only been a year since Veho and Oula's trio had been born yet it felt much longer to her. And an excited feeling filled when she considered it'd be her pups that would be whimpering and whining at her side.

And this time, she'd get to see them grow up, to watch the take their first steps and to hear their first words. To see them open their eyes properly and not have to leave them.  Her heart nearly burst at the thought.

Her ears flicked towards the deer as they dashed off but she ignored them. Instead, as she felt Rook draw closer to her, she turned and danced close to him before nipping lightly at his chin, placing a few steps between them before flinging her front legs up and out towards him, dancing toward him and managing to hook them over his shoulders. Her legs stayed like that for a moment, leaning her weight against him as if she was holding him there and wasn't about to let him go. But then she was off again, bounding a few steps in front of him before alowly coming to a stop as she half turned towards him again.  

Her tail swayed behind her, the appendage level with her back as she stared at Rook, as if taunting him to come after her. To come and get her.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
He gamboled over to where she stood, tail as high as he dared to wave it (for in his mind, he and Veho were nearly equal. Almost but not quite...). She danced around him as he drew closer and, as he stopped, legs splayed and tail wagging through the air, he saw her rear up and felt her forelimbs across his shoulders. He arched his body around to nudge her side playfully with his nose. A guttural growl emitted from him and she was off again, frolicking about as if there were only the two of them in whole of Relic Lore.

Rook lumbered over, easily coaxed closer by the waving of her tail. Hummingbird heartbeat aside, he quaked now from anticipation. For a moment he kept his distance, his eyes trained on her ivory legs before his eyes met her own. If she chose to caper away again, Rook had no qualms in pursuing her, but for now he was simply using the space to get to know her better. Clearly, he had never seen this side of her, and in the face of her brand of flirtation he was unmistakably taken.

A prudent nose reached out to hers as he brushed up against her side, jaws parting enough to touch his bottom incisors to her chin. Not even a partial muzzle grab as he had no true power here being Veho's second with her at the top of her ranks. His mouth shut with a soft click of his teeth and he loudly exhaled, utterly overwhelmed, waiting for her next move.

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
With her pale eyes locked on Rook, she waited to see what he would do with bated breath. Would be bound after her again or go slowly? Her blood felt like it was almost boiling beneath her skin and she wanted Rook to come closer.

And come closer he did, brushing up against her side. The muzzle grab, if it could even be called as such, she knew was nothing more then a gentle love bite at most and she returned the gesture with a gentle nip to his ear, going further to brush her nose down his neck before she paused, resting her chin on his neck as his scent wafted around her.

She knew the smell of what they would do would linger on her for the days following, know that she would begin to smell differently and eventually begin to fill out and look different. She wasn't afraid of what was to come, as this was an experience she had gone through once before and knew how to handle it. And she knew Rook would stay by her side as it happened. Deep in her heart, if Rook offered it to her and she offered it to him, she knew they would care for each other for a long time to be. And Amaryllis was fine with that.

With one last gentle nuzzle to his neck, Amaryllis again took a few steps away from Rook and after taking her eyes over him, settled back on his as her tail rose to wave about her back. It was a sign she was ready for him and so she waited to see what he would do.
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
His touch and affection was reciprocated - another pleasant surprise. Another low growl came from him followed by a whine when she pulled away. She was eyeing him again, looking him over, sizing him up. A few pants and a couple deep breaths and he took one step towards her. He waited for all of two seconds before advancing once more. His tail lowered in a curious wag before drawing still. But, then, she flagged him.

The sudden, burning need for her flared. No going back now.

He strode up to her, nuzzling her sides and dipping his head low to lavish her chin with kisses. The static between them crackled, intensified as he slowly draped his left forelimb over her shoulder; it could have been some sort of awkward "hug" of sorts, but he wasn't just about to let her go when they had already gone this far. Had he been Leader and, maybe a little more zealous and possessive, he might have gone ahead and taken what was offered. As it was, he took it slow, the pace was hers to set and he would not move until she was ready.

A soft puff of air exited his mouth as he leaned his forehead against hers. This union between the both of them would truly be something good; it just had to be. If it wasn't... well, then, he - no, they - would make them see. Grizzly Hollow would be revitalized again with the promise of something new.


Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
A huff escaped her mouth as she wagged her tail, pale eyes still on Rook as he drew closer to her. And closer he would surely come, in his own time and at his own pace. She wouldn't push him to move quicker. This time was for both of them, to get to know each other even if just somewhat and on the more..physical side of things.

But when he did, she nearly melted into the embrace he wrapped her in. his forehead rested against hers and she looked into his eyes, wondering how she had come so far since her last attempt at love. Yet here she was, content to allow Rook to embrace her with a tenderness she had never thought she’d see again.

Soon, little paws would be roaming the woods once again, and that they be hers, her and Rook’s pups filled her heart with hope for the future.

[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]