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Simple things and subtleties, they always stay the same — Kingsfall 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
scouting 3/3

Askan was honestly relieved to hear that. Sure, he'd claim that he didn't care what people thought or said about him, but really that was just a big fib. He wanted-with all of his heart- to be seen as trustworthy, dependable. He wanted people to look past his flaws and praise him for his accomplishments, to see that there was so much more to him than a just a grumpy face. But of course, for the most part, they didn't even try. Like he wasn't even worth their time. The same couldn't be said for Aleksei here, even when they'd first met the wolf had given him a chance, he'd listened to what Askan had to say.That said, it wasn't as though they were friends, perhaps they could be one day, maybe? But as things stood they were just neighbours.

The Selwyn couldn't say he was surprised to learn that Inna refused to reveal the identity of her mystery man. It was probably out of some unfounded sense of loyalty to him, that she wanted to keep him safe and out of her brother's reach. Her efforts would likely be in vain though, as Aleksei seemed determined to find her lover, one way or another. None of this was their business, it seemed like a family affair, something that should be dealt with quietly and away from prying eyes. And yet, Askan wanted to help. He wanted to see this man punished. Inna had been nice enough to him, she didn't deserve to be used in such a way. She deserved better.

But who could of done this? A random loner? A pack wolf? Like Aleksei, Askan narrowed it down to the Whitestone wolves and those of the Notch. There was no proof of course, not yet anyway, but he had a hunch that Inna wouldn't hook up with a randomer. Surely it was someone she knew, someone she trusted.

"We'll back you up." He turned to Reyes, hoping that he felt the same way. "This guy needs to be taught a lesson, one he won't forget anytime soon. We're in Aleksei. Just lead the way."

(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2017, 05:24 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

…well, a smell wouldn’t help Askan and Reyes track the bastard much.  Sure, Whitestone Monadnock, that was something.  But there was more than one male wolf living there, so it didn’t give the pair much to go on once they’d left Aleksei’s company.  (As much as he liked the idea of a manhunt, the delta was well aware they couldn’t linger long – after all, they’d just taken a trip south and only just returned.  Drestig was generous, but after the botched rank challenge, the wolf wasn’t eager to push the boundaries of the alpha’s patience.)

“What did he smell like?  Particularly,” he rumbled.  The chances of actually finding the brute right at this very moment was pretty low – but if he had to guess, he’d say Askan wouldn’t mind keeping an eye out.  As far as he could tell, his partner liked roaming around just as much as he did.

With another hum, he nodded, bumping his shoulder into the beta’s side lightly.  A silent affirmation – he had to resist the urge to nibble on the man’s shoulder.  It was too public for such a display, even if it was only to agree with the statement Aleksei had laid out in the first place.  “We’re on it.”

REYES | Dead man walking.

Scout 2/3
(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2017, 05:10 PM by Reyes.)
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
What did he smell like? Aleksei's nose wrinkled at memory, jogged once more by Reyes' words. Inna had come home smelling of many unpleasant things, but he could ignore those. Whatever didn't smell like the girl he had come home to was put into the pile of “man stink”. “Of his pack, mostly, but also of dust and plants.” He would have strung on a series of easy to land insults at the end—like a child would—but he decided against it. This was serious, and he would treat it so … even if he did desperately want to say the hump-and-dump criminal smelt like piss and shit.

At the two's next choice of words, Aleksei smiled. He may not have known the wolves before him very well, but he was thankful for offered assistance. At least he now knew he wasn't just being an overly protective big brother, that this was as serious as he was making it out to be, that his anger was understandable—relatable, even. “I appreciate it,” he said, put at ease, “thank you both … but I don't have enough to drag you both out on a wild goose chase, not yet. I have to narrow it down more, I have to—I don't know, I have to be sure.” Worst case scenario, he throws a full on big boy temper tantrum at the wrong wolf and strains tensions unnecessarily. “When I find him,” because there were no ifs at this point, not in his mind, “I'll come to you, and go from there.”

Because nothing short of a miracle would give him the advantage in this situation, and what were the chances of Inna's one night lover stumbling into Aleksei's lap? Low. Would it be worth putting all his chips on for that sort of a risky bet, though?

“Ah! You know, speaking of sisters.” Aleksei focused on Askan for a moment, tilting his head in genuine curiosity. “Did yours end up finding you?” She'd been lovely company, a genuine ray of sunshine in a shitty, cloudy sky, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't hopeful that he'd see her again … er, safe at her sibling's side, that is. Aleksei, world's biggest hypocrite! “She came through here, a few months back or so, and I pointed her in your pack's direction.”
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

It was simply a matter of time and whenever Aleksei needed their help, the Rye wolves would give it. Not to better pack relations or anything political like that, but simply because it was what good honest men should do. They all agreed that family was important and that to take advantage of anyone's sister was a heinous crime. One that deserved a punishment so severe that they'd never even think of looking at her again, let alone even doing it once more.

"Good." Askan nodded, glad they'd sorted it out. Or rather, that they'd sort it out together.

Askan figured they were about done here, he liked Aleksei well enough but even so he wasn't the sort he'd have a long conversation with.  It seemed as though the River wolf had something on his mind though. Sisters, or more accurately Askan's sister. Everly. The mere thought of her was enough to make Askan groan aloud. What had she done now? It was always the same with her, she was always up to something, being a pain in someones ass was her forte. And unfortunately for Askan, it was usually his butt that was hurting.

Aleksei on the other hand...It was difficult to tell whether he was just being polite, but he sure seemed fond of her. For whatever reason. Everly had briefly mentioned running into someone but really Askan hadn't thought much of it.

"Yeah she did." He sighed and would have rubbed at his temples if he could."She's doing just fine. Sent her home before the season rolled in." The last thing he wanted to do was chase her around when she was like that. Not to mention he never wanted her here in the first place...But at the very least she could tell their parents he was alive and well."Before that...Well she's a pain...Thanks for letting her know though, I guess. Mentioned you, didn't know it was you at the time, just said you were a 'handsome fella'. " He shrugged. At this point in his life he was used to his sister and all the nonsense she entailed.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Dust, plants, and Whitestone Monadnock. That really wasn’t much to go on, but Reyes figured it would have to do; at the very least, it would rule loners out. Ultimately, there couldn’t be that many male wolves up further in the lowlands, right? It was mostly a matter of finding one of those suckers outside of pack bounds and asking the right questions if the scents matched up.

“Glad to help,” Reyes rumbled, the noise emanating deep in his chest. Normally, he would not be so quick to offer assistance. Normally, he didn’t consider himself much of a pack wolf. But this man was Askan’s friend, and this pack alliance was something his mate had helped created, and so – well, it was worth just a bit more in the swarthy male’s mind. He might be inveterated in his aggressively asocial behavior, but he was not totally set in his ways.

He wasn’t that old. Not yet, anyways.

He had little to offer by way of Askan’s sister – other than tuck it away to inquire later – before he bumped into his beta’s hip gently. It seemed like their business here was wrapping up so…perhaps they could go? Being this social was utterly exhausting.

REYES | Dead man walking.

Scout 3/3 
Also, feels like we're wrapping up the thread, perhaps?
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Guardian Demonstration 3/3
Askan confirmed that his sister had found him, and promptly been sent back home. That was a relief—she'd gotten to see her brother at least one last time(?) before leaving the Lore. Not to mention, he'd been brought up as a handsome fella. A little ego boost never hurt! Were he a peacock, he might have spread his tail feathers and strutted home. Still, Aleksei felt a twinge of disappointment in his chest. He'd have liked to have played the part of her escort one more time. Simply put, he had a weak spot for cheerful girls, and it seemed that it would eternally be the case. They made a nice contrast to his constant sourness.

The conversation wound down, and Aleksei took that as his signal that it was time for the Rye wolves to head home. At least, that was what they seemed to be getting at, by the way Reyes bumped hips with Askan. “Well, it was a pleasure speaking to you both. I'll pass on your messages to my superiors. Should you have need of anything else, you and your pack mates would be welcome at Hearthwood River's borders, I'm sure.” A warm smile and a nod as way of saying goodbye was offered before the two swarthy males strode off, side by side.

He remained, watched them as they disappeared into the shadows of Kingsfall, before lifting his leg to strengthen the scent markers once more. With a shake of his pelt, Aleksei trotted off to finish his rounds before seeking out his leaders and passing on the news, both bad and good.
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying