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Communication Breakdown — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika knew he had been wrong in suggesting that no one had gone to look for the girls, surely as soon as it had been noticed they were missing something would've been done. Despite his reservations towards Tagg and his relationship with Moonshadow he felt that the Tawny man would have tried to find her at least. Being Lunette's father he was sure Vespertio would have searched to the ends of the earth for her if he could. His own panic at the girls being missing had gotten the better of him for a  moment. He turned to Vespertio as he informed him that he hadn't found anything to go off outside the territory. “Do we know how long they have been missing exactly?” He asked the patriarch, that information could help or it couldn't but Kajika felt it was worth knowing.

Vespertio also offered information about where he had gone to look for the girls to no avail as did Tagg and again he hadn't found anything. “That's both good and had.  I mean obviously we haven't found them but at least we know they are not in those two places so we know where we need to look still.” It was disappointing news but the beta had to stay positive and keep telling himself they would find them. “No there isn't,” he agreed with Tagg when he stayed there wasn't a use in him getting lost too, “The last thing we need is for anyone else to get lost.”  with Tagg asking permission for them to go looking further out Kajika wasn't surprised that Vespertio had said yes, anything to find the girls. “Thank you and I think if Tagg and I haven't found anything in a week we will return to check in see if anything has changed and to update you on anything we might find,” he said before shifting his gaze to the tawny man, “Sound like a good plan?”

(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2017, 02:40 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
This will be Vesper's exit from the scene

"A week at least since Moonshadow has been missing, even longer with Lunette but I can't say for sure." A pang of guilt coursed through the agouti father's chest at the lack of knowledge he could provide Kajika with regarding his own daughter's disappearance. He should have paid more attention to her whereabouts. Kept a closer eye on his precious child. Something that he was keen on changing about himself once both girls were returned to him. Already he had failed Neha when she was around this age when the depression of Anthem's death consumed him, but there was no such logical excuse to use this time around. He needed to step up his game as a father.

So it was settled as the lakeside patriarch listened to their ebony second conjure up an idea to search for a weeks time, intent on returning with whatever information they had or hadn't managed to gather during their brief absence from the pack. Nodding silently his molten gold gaze shifted from Kajika to Tagg before glancing over a charcoal dusted shoulder back toward the heart of the territory momentarily. "Be safe and leave the moment you two are ready. I should go inform Namid before she worries more than she already has over the girls being gone." Another nod was then offered to the men. "Please. Bring them back home." With that Vespertio dismissed himself from the others, paws adjusting to begin his search for his wife and inform her of what was being done to find their missing family. Hopefully, their mission would be a successful one.

Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! This is also Tagg's exit.


Word Count: 253

Once  permission was given, Tagg saw hope.  He looked to his friend, glad he had returned in time for them to go out looking.  As Kajika laid out his plan, the veteran just nodded.  It sounded acceptable, and would keep them from aimlessly wandering about for an unknown length of time. He knew it would be hard to return even after a week if they failed to find Moonshadow.  He just hoped she hadn’t gone too far, and that nothing had happened.

But he needed to prepare himself for the worst.  His life didn’t seem to be shadowed by the luck that held others.  He seemed to be cursed to lose everyone he ever cared about.  When he had given up his chance to inherit a pack, he’d wondered if he’d made the right choice. But after meeting and falling in love with Moon, he’d thought everything was going to turn out okay. It was better to be a subordinate with a mate you loved than an alpha with one you’d been assigned, right?

He’d thought so.  But if he lost her, Tagg didn’t know if he would be able to stay in this territory without constantly being reminded of everything he’d lost.  He loved Fallen Tree Cove.  He loved Moon. He just couldn’t see himself here without her.

“I’m ready to go whenever you are.” He said to the beta, nodding to bid Vespertio farewell as their leader left them. It was time to find Moon. It was time to bring her home.

"Speech"  Thought

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[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika felt that what information Vespertio had to offer was valuable since it gave some idea of how far the girls could have traveled. He nodded to the patriarch, “We now have some idea how far they could have gotten, so that will be helpful in the search for them.  I'm sure we will find them and bring them home.” He wanted to be upset that more wasn't known about Lunette's disappearance but he knew the little she wolf.  He didn't feel that it would be right to be angry with Vespertio for not knowing how long it had been since she'd disappeared.  Since she was often by herself she could have easily slipped off and no one would have known.  Kajika felt guilty, that maybe it was his fault that Lunette was missing.  He should have just taken her with him and then she wouldn't be missing now, more than anything he hoped she was okay. The beta couldn't wait to find her and bring her home, to see her again.  He'd missed her during his journey north.

He'd formed a plan on how they would handle any information they gathered and had permission to go and look for the girls.  Vespertio seemed to approve of the plan and so all that was left to do was go look for the girls.  He tried to push down any doubts he had about finding them but it was hard when there weren't any scents or signs to follow.  “We will return safely and be leaving soon.  Please tell Namid that we will do everything thing we can to find them.” He gave the alpha a nod when he told them to bring the girls home.  He didn't want to make any promises because he didn't know what they would find if anything.  Kajika turned to Tagg who stated he was ready to go, “Let's get going now, no point in waiting for morning when they could be getting further away.” That said he turned to head for the borders sure that Tagg was right behind him. 

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