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but the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair — The Wildwood 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys
Hunting post 5/?

As the pig tried to move forward with her attached by her teeth to it's hind leg Leotie tried pulling back.  To slow the animal by adding she hoped more weight than what she weighed, to tire the creature more quickly.  She felt ending this as quickly as possible was in the best interest of both of them.  There would be less chance of one or both of them becoming injured in the struggle they were currently having. All the while that she and Zerxes kept their hold on the the pig it's squeals rang in her ears but she kept her grip. They were being drug forward by the creature, Leotie still did not relinquish her hold not when she didn't know what would happen if she did.

She could feel that animals slowing until it wasn't and it began the fight with more force.  The animal had to know that it's life was going to come to an end even if it was just her and Zerxes to bring it down. Even though it's renewed fight Leotie put everything she had into keeping her grip on the muscle of it's hind leg.  Then something happened, she didn't know what but she felt it couldn't be good. The smart thing would have been to let go but she couldn't let the pig get away when it could provide so much for the pack. Leotie could see the animals head turn in her direction, the only thing that made sense was Zerxes had lost his grip. Which made it even more important for her to keep her own grip.

Her eyes widened as she saw the animals tusk came closer and closer to her face, she couldn't left the fear of what could happen in.  Then as if luck was on her side she saw Zerxes grab the pigs face pulling it away from the agouti woman. Its attention was now on her hunting companion, Leotie realized the danger that he was in as the creature turned its head.  Despite whatever feeling she might have toward Zerxes he was her packmate and she could not deny what he had done for her to put him in his current position.  Leotie finally let go of the hold she had leaving deep puncture marks running with blood in the pigs flank.  With its head turned trying to get at Zerxes it's neck was left exposed which gave Leotie an opening, she didn't hesitate before grabbing the place just behind the pigs ear and pulling.  She hoped it would take the animal's head far enough away from the man long enough that he could get away without getting hurt.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: Apr 06, 2017, 12:46 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
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Zerxes Zamora
Hunting post 6/?

Again, @Leotie proved herself to be a capable hunter. Thankfully, she understood the gravity of the situation he was currently trapped in and leapt to his aid without him having to call attention to it. He felt the very moment her jaws connected with the exposed tough hide of the boar's neck because it jerked its head around as if to start in on attacking her. But Zerxes canine was hooked within its orbit so when the animal swung around with such strength, it carried the wolf with it until he was slung free.

Sliding in the mud, Zerxes had a moment to admire the scene. The pig's eye hung from its socket. Or what was left of it. Blood drained from the wound he'd left on its shoulder as well as the one she had left behind on its haunches. And now it drenched the woman's fur as she remained latched on to the boar's neck.

No sense letting her have all the fun on her own! Picking himself off the ground, the masked Draw wolf raced straight forward and grabbed the boar by the snout to keep it from further attempting to attack his packmate. With a surge of his own strength, Z ripped his head to the side, forcing the animal to go down onto its side. Its belly was completely bared for further attack and, taking his chances, the wolf let go of the boar's face and leaped over its head and Leotie to viciously tear open its abdomen. By the time the Draw man had opened up a hole large enough for his snout to shove in and grab hold of bowels, the boar's legs were only paddling weakly.

The male pulled back with triumph and a high-flagging tail as he tugged intestines out to spill over the forest floor. Gore coated his chest and dripped from his chin in a macabre celebration of their success. After crunching a few bites of intestines and swallowing them down, Z pulled back and licked his lips languidly before looking to his hunting partner. "Not bad," he complimented, tail wagging.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Hunting post 6/?

What Zerxes had done, keeping the pig from attacking her would not be forgotten and she returned the favor.  When he got into a dangerous situation Leotie acted getting a grip on the animal just behind it's ear and pulling.  She felt it's head move in her direction away from her packmate giving him the chance he needed to escape. She could feel the blood from the wound she had created on it's next running down her jaw and onto the creamy fur of her neck.  There wasn't time to worry about it as she saw Zerxes slide through the mud out of the corner of her eye.  Inside she smiled glad she'd been able to repay him for making sure she didn't get gored.

With the amount of blood the creature was losing Leotie could feel the animal start to weaken just as she had in other animals she’d taken down.  It was getting close, the fight was almost over and they would be the victors.  It wasn't completely over though, work still needed to be done, Leotie held her grip. The agouti woman tried to use the grip she had to control the pig to keep it from charging Zerxes as he recovered from being slung from the animal's face.

In the surge of a moment a lot seemed to happen as the head was jerked away from her and then the animal had fallen to it's side.  The work of Zerxes no doubt and with the animal now on it's side there wasn't any hope for it.  The fight was clearly over as it's legs weakly paddled through the air, it still hadn't given up.  Leotie maintained her grip until after Zerxes had lept over not only the head but her as well. Upon landing Leotie watched as the tawny man ripped a hole into the abdomen. Then Leotie let go of the boar's neck and moved to help her partner as the legs continued to paddle before they finally ceased movement altogether.

Her tail swayed behind her triumphantly was she watched the insides be pulled out of the animal.  Zerxes was covered in blood among other things and which brought Leotie's attention to her blood soaked coat.  That didn't matter as he spilled the intestines on to the forest floor Leotie like him took a moment to enjoy their spoils.  Usually she ate after feeding the pack but this time was different.  A fight like that could only end one way, his compliment was rewarded with a smile, “Thank you, you didn't do too bad yourself.”

~Table by Switch
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Licking the remnants of his messy victory snack from his face, Z's grin was all charm. "We make a pretty good team. Pretty soon, we'll be taking on that one-antlered buck you mentioned and not batting an eyelash." Since the pair couldn't exactly mire themselves in their prey's remains all day, the masked male lifted his voice to the sky and called upon the pack to let them know of the feast. All he knew was that he was not dragging this carcass back to them. If they wanted some, they could damn well get it themselves. He'd feign soreness if it was asked of him as well, though he supposed if it was an order, he couldn't rightly refuse.

"Thanks for saving my neck in there. Boars are nasty adversaries. You did well for your first time. What do you think of them?" he asked, speaking of the hunt as well as the taste. He had promised they tasted the best, hadn't he? Z found himself wondering if she agreed, if she had the same palate as himself. Dipping his head, he slurped up another shredded length of intestine as his vibrant green eyes watched her with curiosity.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

They were both a sight covered in more than just remnants of their struggle and eventual kill. A smile did form across her maw as he spoke. “We did didn't we,” she agreed, “I think if we can handle one if these he might not be as hard as I thought,” she said gesturing to the lifeless body with her nose. The question was what to do next? After the fight with the pig Leotie didn't particularly feel like dragging the carcass back to the pack.  Zerxes took care of that too by calling for the rest if the pack.  They could come and feast and when it was done what was left they could all share in carrying it back to the caches. The task would be made much easier that way and perhaps she and Zerxes wouldn't have to considering they had done the work to bring the creature down.

“It's I who should be thanking you,” she told, “You saved mine as well and I won't forget it. It was the least I could do.” She couldn't help but feel a little pride creep up as he complimented her on doing well her first time. “They are very nasty indeed, thank you I was a little nervous at first but I realized they aren't much different than anything else.  You just have to avoid the particular danger they pose.” She knew he was also asking about the taste of them as well.  The question being did she think they were the best meat she had tasted? It was something she had to consider because it was something she'd never tasted, it's newness alone made it better but there was something else about it that she felt also made it better. “I do think it is the best meat that I've have the opportunity to taste,” she stated just before she moved to take a bit more for herself.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: Apr 06, 2017, 03:43 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

It wasn't a cure, Z could tell. Distrust was still present, but his life-saving actions had done a whole hell of a lot today. He couldn't have planned it all better if he wanted to. Luck was on his side this time. It may not be the next time, but as least he'd made progress. Working on @Leotie's trust was one step closer to earning the trust of the rest of the pack. He wondered if she would tell the others of what happened or rise to his defense should Kerberos make an ass of himself.

At the very least, it would give @Treyah more to backup her own defenses of him. He'd be sure to regale the tale to her in great detail that night. Maybe a few exaggerations on how big it was and just how close Leotie had come to losing her face without his help to add some spice.

When finally the woman concurred with his appraisal that boar meat was among the finest, Zerxes gave her his best, most charming grin. <b"You bet your ass it is,"</b> he guffawed. Moving in along her side, the masked male stuffed his face back into the boar's belly to drag out more of its innards. Bits of spleen and liver were lapped up sloppily and with great gusto. If the rest of the pack wanted any, they'd better hurry before the pair of them ate all the best parts.
