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Dreamcatcher — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan is out at this point, you can either do another post if you like, or call it quits here. I'm fine either way XD. Can't wait for her to join WRF.

Gods above she sure was giddy. But at least now Askan could say he'd done his little bit of good for the day. He wouldn't let himself smile in front of her, but maybe when he was alone with Reyes he might just smile a little as he recounted what had happened. Just a small one to prove he wasn't a complete sour-puss.

What he didn't expect though was the stream of compliments and praise that passed from her lips. In fact, he was more than a little taken back, a little overwhelmed almost. He hadn't done that much, he'd only told her a thing or two and yet she was smiling as though he was good and nice and...It was a rare feeling to say the least, and whilst he'd never admit it aloud he really did like the positive attention. So much so that when he next spoke his words were a little softer and his gaze wasn't so sharp.

"Yeah well...No problem kid. I'll see you around, after you've spoken to the Old Man I guess." He shrugged and began to pad along on his way."Good luck and all that."

He'd done his part, it was all up to her. The sooner she got on her way, the better, right? And he wasn't gonna stop her, she was free to gallop off to the field border as soon as she pleased. Askan on the other hand had other stuff to do.

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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]