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lies about rams — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr
Astrid laughed as he nudged into her, grinning as she watched his dark backside sprinting ahead. She dug her pale paws into the snow, giving chase and nipping at his heels. So intent she was on their game of tag that she didn't notice the obstacle looming up ahead. She was panting as they came to a stop, blinking and eyes flicking upwards as Mathuin spoke. "Oh!" She said simply, brown irises widening as she stepped around him, seeing the hollowed stump that stood in front of them. It was a sizable thing, half buried in shrubbery, and most peculiar was the dark opening beneath it. In fact, now that he mentioned it, she noticed that there was a strange, pungently musky odor coming from it.

Astrid looked at Mathuin at her side, her eyebrows lifted curiously. "I think so! Can you smell it?" She asked, her tail flicking a few beats behind her. "What do you think's in there? A weasel or something?" She asked as she looked back ahead, taking a few tentative steps towards the dark burrow. It was too dark to see what was inside, but as she came closer the scent indeed grew stronger. "Do you think we should look inside?" She asked. He was the expert adventurer, after all.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
The trouble with the storm inside us grew
But I still had so much to give

The teen giggled softly as she stepped around him. His green eyes watched her for a moment before looking back towards the tree. It was a strange hole but he assumed all adventures had their strangeness to them. He noticed it was dark which made it impossible to see whatever may be waiting for them.

Mathuin hadn't been thinking much about the scent until Astrid mentioned it. He lifted his nose slightly and sniffed at the air. It was kind of a gross smell. He wondered if something had frozen to death and rotted. Granted he figured that with this cold snap on top of the natural winter weather something wouldn't be rotting. "I don't know what it could be." He boldly followed after his friend despite the stench that wafted through the air. "What kind of adventurers would we be if we didn't look inside?" He nipped at Astrid's forehead before he took a bound forward. So close to the open hole it was impossible to ignore the smell. Mathuin wondered if this would be a bad idea but there was no way he was about to disappoint someone who wanted to be like him.

His front end bent down and he stuck his nose in. Next thing he knew there was some kind of angry squawking and a liquid misting his already damp fur. Mathuin yipped and immediately drew out of the hole. The Stench now littered his front end. The young male squeezed his eyes shut to stop from any crying and threw himself into the slushy snow. "THAT THING MADE ME STINK!" He bellowed out as his large form wallowed in the snow. Hopefully whatever that damned creature had been wouldn't get his friend.

[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kydnt who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astrid Vangr
Astrid smiled back at Mathuin's comment. Indeed, an adventurer would rightly go investigate. The girl watched with a mix of awe and anticipation as her newfound friend crept closer to the burrow. Here she was watching a real adventurer at work! She made sure to watch intently, surely, she would learn from the expert. Astrid saw his upper body disappear into the hole, leaving only his hindquarters exposed to the sunlight. She noticed a strange, animal sound, and then Mathuin's own voice in a shrill shriek. The girl's brown eyes widened, her mouth opening and suddenly closing as waves of the scent wafted back towards her. She quickly backed away as Mathuin barreled out as if his tail were on fire. Immediately she clamped her eyes shut against the acrid smell that oozed out of the burrow and off of Mathuin, wishing she could clamp her nose shut as well. 

"Oof! Yeah, I can smell you from here." She groaned, throwing a white paw over her nose as if it would shield her from some of the awful stench. "I think you're gonna need a bath!" It was almost funny how bad it smelled. And she really couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the boy rolling about in the snow. She laughed so hard her knees buckled, laying down on the ground with tears streaming down her face, partly from laughing and partly from the foul stench. 
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid + Mathuin
Two Pure Peanuts
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
feel free to close up with your next post or leave it here c:

He was too busy wallowing in the snow to be mad or upset about Astrid's laughter. Mathuin would slather cold mud all over his face if it meant this smell would disappear. His eyes watered out of frustration and the stinging odor the loud creature had sprayed him with. Nothing was working! Yet as if the honey-hued girl could hear his thoughts she told him he needed an bath. It was winter so that seemed dangerous and almost impossible. With the cold snap, where would he find water not frozen solid?

The large yearling got up and turned around to see her laughing in the snow. It was a hit to his ego for sure but he was glad to see she hadn't just run away. "Well now we know what our next adventure will be!" He barked with a soft smile. Mathuin dropped into a play bow and gave a few good barks to get the honey girl's attention. Without a second word, the large boy bounced off into the distance. His tail waved about like a flag for her to follow. Mathuin occasionally threw glances over his shoulders to see if she would be coming with or not.

-mathuin exit-
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts