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Duty Bound — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Teaching Demonstration 5/3

@Cheedo's questions reminded Wraith of Odin and Kara as soon as they had hit one month of age. Everything had been why, why, why or what, what, what, how, how come, where, what? But mostly why. He smiled at the memory, reminded again of how fiercely he missed their presence. While none could replace nor would replace them in his heart, he knew he had his own to look forward to teaching as well. Until then, the agouti female was thus far a promising pupil. She caught on quickly, and though she needed reassurance, she took well to criticism and adapted quickly.

It was worrisome to him that such skills had not been taught to her as a pup. How had her previous pack raised their pups? Were they all as illiterate with their life skills or had he simply been lucky to be so well educated by his own family?

"It's easier to make the maps in your head from on top of the Monadnock," the black man murmured. "You can see so far and find landmarks. Once you've set those landmarks in their specific places in your mind, you can always refer back to them. 'Where am I in reference to this place?'" He shrugged. "Give it a try the next time you explore a new place in the lowlands. If you get lost, just give a howl and I'm sure someone will be near enough to help you out." Even if it wasn't one of Whitestone's wolves, surely their relations with the surrounding packs were not so poor that they would be unwilling to assist the quiet woman. She was just about the least threatening female he'd ever met in his life.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

In order to succeed at being a scout Cheedo knew she couldn't allow her pride keep her from seeking the answers to her questions. She also couldn't let her inner voice that told her the questions were stupid get in the way. Wraith was practiced in many things, he had to be to become a leader. She was aware that he had gained the position because Craw had left but she also knew it took more to be a good leader. So she had asked a question that was more to hear how he did things and to learn from his experience since her experience over the past two years had been survival and grieving for her lost children.

So as he spoke describing the way he made the maps in his head, she took in every bit of it and stored it away for later when she would have the chance to use it. He also gave her a suggestion of what she could do the next time she was on the Tundra.

“That is very helpful, thank you. I think I should work on making the maps in my head before I really get started earning my role. I wouldn't want to be on a mission and get lost or something before I can complete it." Cheedo really didn't want to fail at a mission because she hadn't trained herself properly. She planned to work hard and use what Wraith had told her so that she could be as good as she could as a scout. “I think after speaking with you I have a good place to start training myself for my role as well as where to start earning it. I don't feel I had that before so thank you for your time and teaching.” She felt spending a few weeks training first and then going on scouting missions was a good way for her to get into the role.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Figured it was a decent stopping point. Feel free to throw in another reply or archive. Just lemme know. <3

Wraith shook his head, disagreeing with @Cheedo's assessment. "You've already started your role. It's more of a learn-as-you-go sort of thing. Tracking the herds is another helpful thing you can do as a scout. You're not just looking out for other wolves, stragglers, loners, or other packs. It's everything. Keep your eyes peeled, pay attention, and you'll do fine." And she would be fine. Of that, Wraith was certain. While Cheedo had a lot to work on, the most she had to work on was solely within herself and gaining confidence. How long, he wondered, had the Morelli man served as her crutch? It was time she start becoming her own wolf and not some man's ego-stroking tool.

Dipping his head in acknowledgement of her thanks, Wraith smiled. "I'm happy to help, Cheedo. I may have a lot of duties, but taking the time to teach and guide my packmates is among them, so never feel like you're taking me away from something important. You are just as equally important." It was an important reminder he had to offer especially considering her current state of seeming self-deprecation. She was smart and hard working. She would go far and do well.

"Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else. You know how to find me." And with that, Wraith took his leave to continue with the rest of his duties for the day.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She tilted her head to the side a little as disagreed with her about her last statement. She wondered if she might have misunderstood something but then he went on to explain. She nodded in understanding as clarified why he was disagreeing, “I will do that too and it is something I can report back to you as often as something changes. I do see what you mean, I can train for the travel my role will require of me but there are things I can do between missions that are part of my role as well. Keeping track of the herds like you said is one of them and I think even water sources on the tundra might be another. With Summer coming and it getting hotter it will be important to keep an eye on what water is available.” Her confidence was something that needed work for this too but also making sure she kept a good eye on everything.

Cheedo was very appreciative of the time that Wraith had taken out if his day for her and she made a point to thank him for the help. He however didn't think it that big of deal to be pulled away from whatever he had been doing before she had stopped him. “I will remember that.” It was nice to know that she and the rest of her pack mates were all important to him. That he was happy to help and take the time out of his duties to do so. Knowing that gave her a different feeling than she'd ever felt. For once she did have to stand in her own instead of counting on a man to ensure her safety.

“I most certainly will come to you if I do need anything else.” She was sure she would have to go to him often and she hoped would be either news instead of asking questions.


(This post was last modified: May 21, 2017, 08:14 PM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you