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walking in a straight line — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

How original, and condescending. But that's the thing, he was a little boy, or at the very least he was acting like one. Wah wah wah, he wasn't getting his own damn way so he threw a tantrum. Like that was going to make the situation any better. Was he really that stupid? Did he really think that Askan was going to conceit to his will, simply give up because he was one tall son of a bitch? Of course not. After all, how did that saying go? The bigger they are the harder they fall. And if he kept wagging his tongue like that the Selwyn would ensure he would fall, hard.

Of course, he had to go on and try to intimidate him, he could snap his teeth all he bloody liked, as soon as he touched him he'd regret it. There was only one wolf, one man he wanted to touch him and this River wolf-he didn't deserve the title in his opinion- certainly wasn't him. He was a poor imitation at best, all brawn and no brain. Revolting, in every sense of the word. And yet he had the nerve to look down on Askan, to repeatedly highlight the fact that yes he was shorter, all because of his stumpy legs. Well, if that's all he had going for him than he was nothing more than a waste of muscle and mass. All that strength and no idea how to use it, pathetic.

He just didn't know when or probably even how to shut up. He just wouldn't stop talking, wouldn't stop spurting his nonsense till the point that Askan actually considered just clamping his jaws around the exposed line of his throat. By looming over him like that-how petty- he was giving the Guardian a prime target right there. Did he know nothing? Did he think he could lord over him through size alone? Pft, nope. It wasn't going to happen. Askan was better, he had the experience to know that. This guy here? He was just a pretender, he was nothing.

"Hurt me? Pft. You wouldn't even know where to start. And for the record, don't tell me what to fucking do. And do you need your ears checked? Fucking listen when I talk. Run home little boy before I make you."

His lips curled back into a rumbling snarl as his tail lashed from side to side in clear annoyance. It was his call, the ball was in his court.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Run home little boy before I make you.

"Uh, no, that's not gonna happen," the younger man replied, rolling his hazel eyes and turning to leave the man. However, he started heading northward, after the rabbits that had run off. "I won't go home without food for my pack, and you can't make me." It was a fact of life - like, the snow was cold, or rabbits were delicious. Askan Selwyn would certainly be unable to force Aytigin to do anything he wanted.

Ayti may have been a poser - he certainly did not know how to use his strength as anything more than just show - but the fact of the matter was that he was strong. There was a lot of unexplored power held within his muscular build; he'd just never had to use any of it before. Not to mention, even if he had, the mocha-colored man despised fighting. His temper, while it could certainly be riled up, never lasted for very long, and eventually it just petered out into nothing. Which, of course, left Ayti looking like some kind of wimp as he held his head and tail lower than Askan's. It was much less a sign of fear or submission and much more a posture of I really don't want to fight, so please let's just drop it.

What might his new pack think of him if he got into an actual fight on his first week there? He simply couldn't do it.

So, the dark man turned away from the Rye wolf and followed the scent of the rabbits. Maybe, if he just ignored Askan, he'd go away. It'd be one less thing the River wolf had to worry about, but it would certainly not turn him away from possible new friends, acquaintances, or lovers simply because of this one bad experience.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan couldn't help but outright laugh at that. He was so ignorant, foolish, and the tone of certainty he carried in his voice wasn't doing him any favours either. After all, what gave him the right to speak like that? He might be a River wolf, but Askan knew for a fact that in terms of ranking they were not equals in the slightest. That role was reserved for a far more agreeable wolf, one who knew to be civil and when to bite his tongue. Not that the Selwyn had ever had a problem with Aleksei, but he imagined the Baranski's social skills were far superior to this poor excuse of a man.

Though to be honest, that wasn't much of a compliment now was it? Sorry Alek.

Wow. I've seen the light, you were right all along. How could I have been so blind?" He huffed in amusement and spat in his direction, hoping to get a glob of saliva in his eye. Gods his mother would have tugged at his ear for that, good thing she wasn't here."Fuck off you, twat and hope I don't see your shitty-arse around here again."

Perhaps not the most poetic way of putting it, but in his defence his words could have been much more uncouth.He could have spat profanities at him till the sun set, but rather than waste his time and energy Askan turned away with an irritated snort and headed back the way he came. At least at home he didn't have to deal with creeps and their intrusive eyes.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]