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Ties that Bind — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
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Vespertio Vuesain
Vespertio Vuesain

Wisely, the agouti woman in question hunkered down into a visual sign of respect and submission to his greater authority before immediately delving into an explanation to explain why she was here. Soon it was made apparent her name was Leotie Rhys from  a pack called Charred Ash Draw --wherever that was-- and had found herself at his doorstep in order to return the lost princess. Only slightly did the man let up on his aggressive display, the fur along his nape smoothing back into place while his head remained high and his body served as a shield for Lunette.

It took the smaller voice of his returned daughter to finally ease the father into a neutral stance, molten gold irises shifting from the icy blue of Leotie to the muddy brown of Lunette as she spoke up with a soft "She's a friend, Papa." If Lunette had claimed this woman to be her friend --she had returned his precious daughter home in one piece after all-- then there was no reason for the Vuesain to question it. An apology was in order for his brash greetings. Once more his gaze shifted to Leotie, an apologetic smile slowly tugging back the corner of his inky lips. "I apologize for my behavior in how I greeted you, Leotie. I'm Vespertio Vuesain, lead male of Fallen Tree Cove and Lunette's father."

Like a drop of a dime his demeanor lifted into that of a more friendly creature, the charcoal dusted banner behind him wagging now in kindness rather than aggression now. "I can't thank you enough for bringing my baby girl home. We've been so worried about her." His attention then shifted to the darker complexion of Kajika to include him on that statement. "Haven't we Kajika?"

Word Count: 295
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

The man that stood before her clearly asserting her dominance got nothing but respect from her. She wasn't there to start trouble just bring Lunette home and make sure she was safe in her family's arm’s. Seeing Lunette with Kajika made her think about Sven, she was hoping to be back in the draw before his next visit. The man had demanded​ to know who she was and Leotie had told him exactly that plus what she was doing at his border. It was best that she told the truth which hlshe had no reason not to.

The agouti woman was relieved when the man seemed to relax just a little after her explanation. Then the agouti man’s whole posture changed when Lunette td him she was a friend. Leotie was grateful that the girl had come to her rescue as she had become a little nervous under scrutiny by him.

Finally he introduced himself and confirmed her suspicions. “It's quite alright I completely understand having to protect what's yours. I'm happy to meet you,” she said her tail swaying slowly behind her. She let her posture relax further as she spoke. “I'm glad that I was able to bring her home.” Leotie was also glad she was able to get out of the draw for a bit and learn a little more about the land around it. “I can only imagine how worried you have been but I hope you can rest a little easier knowing that she is home safe and sound.” The agouti woman couldn't even imagine what Vespertio had gone through while Lunette was visiting her pack. Her gaze went to the dark male as the alpha brought him into the conversation.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: May 28, 2017, 02:53 AM by Leotie.)
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Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
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Lunette Vuesain

It was a one-way ticket for a guilt trip, and no possible return in sight. It bothered her to have somebody be so obviously protective of her—couldn't she take care of herself? No, she couldn't, and she knew that, but she hated that others took notice of her presence. That others cared. That they worried. It felt like they had less faith in her than she had herself, and that was quite the something. It was an echo of the lynx incident all over again. She couldn't do shit, and she was shit if she got left alone.

She'd saved Leotie from an uncomfortable experience, though. That had to be worth something, to be able to give her at least that after all she'd done for her. Lunette swallowed slightly and pressed, subtly, against Kajika. She didn't want to be here anymore. She didn't want to be in this confrontation, listening to her father say she was a worthless piece of shit, but in different words. She didn't want.. she didn't know what she wanted, and that was why she wanted to run.

And what was she supposed to say? Oh, I stayed away because I was so much happier down there—what a nice slap in the face after all the worry she'd put them through, and all the headaches she'd given them growing up. It was worse than not sticking around to personally thank Triell. Lunette pushed her jaws together, teeth pricking her gums. Yes, the useless puppy was home. Now what? She finally got her eyes onto Leotie, and plastered a shy smile on her face. "Thank you for seeing me home," she said quietly, unsure of if it was the right thing to do or not.

Had it only been her and Leotie, she would've invited her friend to rest a day or so, and take something from their caches before she headed down to the Draw again, but with her father present she didn't dare to presume. Instead, she just stood there, feeling lost and quite miserable.

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

For so long he'd been in a constant state of worry for Lunette that he didn't know if he could turn that off now that he had her back. He also didn't know what their time apart would mean for them. He thanked the agouti woman for bringing Lunette back to them but after that he was more concerned with the young Vuesain he held against him. They had been apart so long that he wasn't even sure he should believe that she was really there. He'd told her how he'd missed her and been worried and how much he cared but he wondered if that was all really enough.

His attention was drawn away from her when Vespertio came on the scene and questioned Leotie. He didn't know if anything he said would save the woman but it was Lunette that spoke up explaining the agouti woman at their border was a friend. That seemed to appease the alpha until he heard his name spoken causing his ears to come forward. Lunette pressed herself against him even more though it was subtle he felt it. Her father was still waiting for an answer the beta was sure.

“We've been extremely worried about her,” he agreed with the patriarch. Kajika very much thought that extremely was the word to describe it but it would do in present company. “We searched for her everyday hoping she would return to us safe and sound.” She had and now the beta couldn't wait to speak with her and find out where exactly they stood with each other.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
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Vespertio Vuesain
Vespertio doubted the agouti woman could ever imagine the worry that ate at his insides each and every night he was forced to lay his head down at night knowing that his little girl was out there somewhere while he had the luxury of remaining home to sleep amongst familiar bodies. Had he known of Lunette's thoughts, though, that she had been happier away from her home than she had ever been at home his heart would have shattered. The hot sting of a slap to the face would only be a scratch at the surface to what he would have felt. To learn his only remaining child preferred to be away from all that he struggled to build and maintain for his family a one-way ticket back toward a world of depression that would leave the man questioning if he was truly ever fit to be father. None of his other children dwelled along the cove anymore.

Kajika confirmed the worry, though, that they felt toward Lunette's disappearance and once more Vespertio shifted his attention from the ebony man embracing his returned daughter to that of Leotie. "We can't thank you enough for bringing her home. Please, allow us to repay you at least a fraction by offering you a place to rest until you feel ready to return and a meal to fill your belly." It was the least the agouti patriarch could do and even then that still felt like a bare minimum for what Leotie had done for them.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

The two men seemed very grateful and relieved to have Lunette back with them and she couldn't blame them. Though she didn't have the luxury of having any of her birth family in the lore she still had those that she did consider family. She didn't even want to think what she would do if one of them went missing. As her gaze rested on the alpha while he spoke she didn't even want to think about having a child of her own go missing. Of course she didn't know what it was even like to have her own children but if she did she didn't ever want to find out what the man before her had gone through while Lunette was in the draw.

Leotie smiled at her young friend, “It was my pleasure Lunette, I hope that we can remain friends in the future.” She liked Lunette though she didn't know her well she would like the chance to. Even though they were in different packs now maybe they could still visit each other sometimes, at least she hoped. The dark man that hadn't let Lunette go only confirmed what the alpha had said. Leotie looked between the two men as Vespertio spoke once more offering her a place to stay and some food before she returned. “It's very generous of you to offer and I think I will take you up on it until morning as I must be getting back soon.” Leotie felt it would have been impolite to turn down such an offer so she felt staying for the night would be okay. Then next morning she could start her return journey.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: Jun 23, 2017, 03:09 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
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Lunette Vuesain

She loved her Papa—that had always been true. She had always, always, loved and adored him, and found strength in his shadow, by pressing against his legs.. and in a way, she thought she always would, but between the moments—that was when it ate at her. That was when it ridiculed her for needing his shadow, his strength. And it bit her for loving him, and making him love her; wouldn't it be easier, if no one cared about her? Then she could just.. slip away, leave no hearts broken, and she'd be out of their hair.

Cursed things she could never say, poison on her tongue. Her relationship to everything was complex. She hated what she needed, because she needed it. She hated what she loved, because she loved it.

She'd rather be a block of ice, a thing which neither loved nor needed, and was neither loved nor needed in return.

The easy life.

Kind of sounds like death, huh? But in death, there is no Kajika to press against, no black fur to get lost in. No fathers to worry. No reasons. Part of it was sweet, part of it was sour, but in the end, she just wasn't good enough for death and dying. It was cheap. She didn't deserve it.

She kept her eyes on Leotie, that shy smile coasting occasionally along her jaw and across her eyes, and a small nod at the other female's words. She liked Leotie. Leotie was one of those things that were just hers, something she had stumbled upon, and somehow kept without destroying, at least for a few weeks. Her ears flicked back, then forth, and she glanced at her Papa when she offered Leotie to stay a little while. It ignited a joy in her, that for once, her instinct to invite Leotie herself had been right! Behind her, her tail swayed a little.

Could she.. did she.. dare?

She steeled herself. She pressed her nose against Kajika's cheek, a kind of silent I'll see you later and tell you everything, I promise, and took a few hesitant steps towards Leotie. As she passed her Papa, she nudged the corner of his mouth with her nose, and gave his cheek a small lick, before turning to her new friend. "Come on," she said, her voice sweet, but to anyone who knew her, steeped in uncertainty. "Let's go to one of the caches." She hoped Leotie would follow, and then she'd set off to track down a much-earned meal.

[ Lunette out <3 Feel free to wrap up and archive. ]

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

Worried probably wasn't the word to describe what he'd felt when he found out Lunette had gone missing. Frantic was probably a better description but he if course couldn't say that in present company. He worried that if Vespertio found out how he truly felt about Lunette the alpha would skin him alive. It was best if he played the concerned friend or teacher, whatever it was he was supposed to be to her in front of the others. He didn't particularly like keeping the secret especially from Moonshadow and it wasn't that he didn't trust her. It was just he liked having that as just his when everything else was shared because that was what packs did.

The conversation went on between Vespertio and Leotie Kajika keeping listening but more focused in Lunette. He'd not seen her in months and if this was the last time they were together then he wanted it to count. However he did catch the offer that was extended to the agouti female for bringing Lunette home to them and her acceptance.

He felt the press of Lunettes nose against his cheek an action that he understood perfectly. His return gesture was to brush his muzzle against her before she pulled away her attention going to Leotie and leading her to one of the caches. They would talk later and perhaps he had been a little ahead of himself thinking that Lunette had changed so much things would be different. He watched the young Vuesain disappear into the heart of the territory. “I should get back to my duties,” he stated to the patriarch and their guest, “It was good to meet you Leotie and in case I don't see you before you leave I hope you enjoy your stay.” With that the beta gave a nod to her and a dip of his head to Vespertio before he too disappeared into the forest.

Kajika exit

(This post was last modified: Jul 29, 2017, 12:43 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
It was decided and accepted then that Leotie would be staying at least the night with the Cove wolves providing her with a well nights rest and food to fuel her for the trek home. Nodding with a grateful smile upon his white furred lips Vespertio watched as his returned daughter stepped up to the plate in order to show the agouti woman around these parts and guide her to a cache able to fill her stomach, the duo slipping into the confines of the forest until just the men were left to stand amongst themselves. Blind to any signs that something was blossoming between his loyal second and youngest daughter. 

Alas, Kajika too took this as a cue to draw the meeting of sorts to an end, informing the patriarch of his intentions about returning to his duties before he too slipped like a ghost into the treeline behind them. Dipping his head in farewell, it wasn't long before the Vuesain took his leave as well and sought out the presence of his wife in order to relay the information that at their missing daughter was now home safe and sound and to expect an extra mouth around the dinner table for tonight. Already he felt the weight upon his shoulders lessen just a fraction, but a fraction was more than enough to appease the typically stressed male for the time being. In the end, today was a good day.
