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A Place Called Home — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
She spoke of loyalty and hard work, like Aytigin had been told at the border. He didn't particularly think the whole fitting in with the pack debacle was going to be easy, but he wanted to prove that he could pull his own weight. The large man smiled at her again, his ears flicking back and then forward once more. "I definitely want to make this work. I'm going to make as much of an effort as I can," he said, his voice dinkum and quiet. He truthfully had no plans on leaving. As long as the River wolves wanted him around, he would certainly stay put.

Aytigin was concerned about her saying that she wasn't sure if Lachesis would have helped her or not, but he didn't comment on it any further, since he didn't know himself what was true or not about their alpha male. He'd have to learn for himself, but he didn't think that the older man would be so cruel. Or, at least, he certainly hoped not. Then she spoke of Lorcan again, and Ayti snorted. He fixed her a much softer expression and began, "I don't know if it's welcome or not, but my opinion is that, if a man gets a woman pregnant, he should at least be decent enough to stick around to help her out. You ladies go through hell with these pregnancies; it's fair that the one who assisted should pitch in here and there."

The mocha-colored man laughed when she mentioned wanting to hear about how beautiful she was more often. "It's a good thing I came along, then. I'm pretty sure everybody likes hearing it," he told her, his hazel eyes scanning over her ebony figure and smiling when they ran along her plump belly. He was near sure that it was her pregnancy that was making her feel unattractive, and that was just silly. "Well, you'd better start feeling it again!" he encouraged, raising his eyes to meet hers. "I can certainly tell you everyday, if that'd help you. At least until Lorcan starts." And then after, more than likely.

"Lead the way, then!" he told her brightly as the two got to their paws. It wasn't a particularly dangerous or helpful thing to do; assisting a new mother to find a den. He supposed he could fight any badgers that happened to be occupying the cubbyholes and nooks that Inna would be interested in, but any wolf could do that. He padded alongside her, not close enough to touch, but still companionably close. "Why don't you tell me something about yourself?" the man prompted, eyes glancing to the side to try and catch her expression. She was smiling, which was a huge improvement from when Aytigin had first come across her. "Y'know. Something silly. Favorite color, food. Whatever." It was a nice opportunity to get to know the young woman at his side.

Maybe they really could be friends.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Aytigin had won her over at the border and not just from his way with compliments, she wasn't a fool. When it came to visitors at their borders or those who wanted to join Inna knew what to do and what to look for. She had always kept her judgements for later when she was better informed. The man sitting next to her had given her plenty of information, he had seemed friendly but willing and set on Hearthwood. A smile crossed her features as he spoke, “Then you shouldn't have a problem but I was wondering why did you choose Hearthwood of all the packs in the lore?” It was something she had been curious about bit hadn't had the chance to ask until now.

They didn't speak any more of Lachesis, her worry that he was still upset with her was always there. She knew she wouldn't know for sure how he felt until she talked to him but she was afraid to see that look in his eye again. It hurt to know she had put it there and made her feel like she had betrayed him. So she was glad that the topic turned from the pale healer but the longer that Aytigin spoke the worry that she might have given him the wrong idea surfaced. Anyway she felt he didn't have the idea about things that she needed him to have. She sighed as she realized what she would have to do and she hoped it that in the future she didn't come to regret it. As upset as she was with Lorcan in that moment she still felt she has to protect him. She knew that it could ruin the friendship she could have with the man in front of her but her children. “I don't disagree with you, the father should stick around unless the mother has her reasons to do it by herself but I fear you may have the wrong idea about me and Lorcan. He's not the father of my children,” she said the last part just as calmly as the rest doing her best to not show any indication she was lying.

Inna laid her head on her paws while he laughed knowing it was a good natured laugh. The ebony Baranski noticed he made her smile more than she had in awhile. “I'm glad you came to Hearthwood, we need more wolves like you,” Perhaps Ayti could help Alek to be happier too. “I think they would too, except maybe my mother. I think she would rather hear it from my father, she still misses him I think.” Though she hadn't really spoken to Kisla the young Baranski did worry about how her mother was coping without her father especially now. It was her turn to laugh as he told her she had better start feeling beautiful again, “I don't see how I couldn't with you around to remind me.” He brought up Lorcan once more and him telling her she was beautiful, “You might have to. I feel that Lorcan might have his mind elsewhere,” on another female he would rather be telling she was beautiful. Inna shook that thought out of her head no matter how true she believed it to be.

“Alright, it's this way,” she said getting with her muzzle. Now that she was being forced to find a new den or sleep in the snow and she had someone to go with her she was eager to see what she could find. Inna wasn't sure she would settle on the first den though, she had all day to look around at her choices. Hearthwood was full of abandon dens and besides she wasn't sure she wanted to part company with Ayti just then. He made her feel better than she had and she liked the feeling. They moved through the large Sequoia trees side by side as they went in search of the den that she had mentioned. Along the way he asked her to tell him something about herself. As she gave the question some thought he clarified what he meant. It wasn’t until the had reached the den that she finally answered, it wasn't anything silly but she was proud of it. “When I was just under a year I went out on my own for a couple of months before I returned to Hearthwood with the knowledge that it was where I belonged.” Then she turned her gaze on him, “Your turn,” they could make a game out of this.

(This post was last modified: Apr 26, 2017, 01:28 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aytigin laughed in response to her question of why he'd chosen Hearthwood. "Long story short, I met @Lilya during mating season and @Lachesis stepped in. And, y'know, I liked the two of them. Despite the fact Lach seemed angry with me, he was still kind enough to just tell me off rather than attack me, and Lilya was nothing short of pleasant." He offered the black wolf a soft smile. "They were kind, and I figured their pack was probably kind. I wanted to commit to something good, and so I decided to join Hearthwood River after mating season - so I didn't step on any paws."

His brows shot up when she told him that Lorcan was not the father of her children, and his ears pressed to his skull in apology. "God, I'm sorry. That was such a dick move, to assume like that." His hazel eyes glanced to the side and he frowned deeply. "I just thought, since he was so protective of you at the border, and..." He trailed off, his posture hunching a bit in discomfort and shame as he faced her her. His eyes shot up to meet hers once again. "So... is the father in the picture at all, or are you by yourself? Because, if you are, there's no shame in that. I've known some amazing single mothers in my time - I'm certain you're strong enough to raise puppies on your own. Especially with the pack network behind you." He offered her a smirk. "I'm always available for babysitting, too, if you need a break."

The dark man would be lying if he said he wasn't overjoyed that Inna was taking his compliments well, and seemed to accept him entirely for who he was. "Thank you for being so kind to me," he told her in response, casting his eyes to his paws. "It's not often that I find someone who wants to be my friend. Mostly, women just want to - well, y'know - with me, or they hate me. And men almost always hate me." Oh, lord, don't cry, he told himself inwardly when his eyes began to burn, and he squeezed them shut before continuing, "I'm glad I can be myself around you. So... thank you. For giving me the chance." He didn't bring up her father, or her mother, as he didn't want to pry, but he touched his nose to her cheek lightly before pulling back.

He got up to follow her, glad that she hadn't chased him off and instead had accepted his offer to help. He was nearly desperate to be around his packmates, but he wasn't comfortable enough with almost anyone else just yet. Lachesis had been reluctant to let him in, and Ayti was fairly certain Lorcan despised him. Lilya and Kisla were pregnant, as well, and likely were busy. And he didn't even know Aleksei or Lekalta. His entire life was just up in the air, and though he rarely showed it or expressed any genuine emotion, he was feeling very nervous and uneasy about the whole ordeal. He wanted to do well, and he wanted to be of use, but he was afraid he wasn't going to get the chance to prove himself. It seemed that more than one member of the pack was predisposed to dislike him.

She told him of her escapade out of Hearthwood River, and then pressed him for a fact about himself. He supposed he should've seen it coming, but he wasn't afraid to share about himself with the younger wolf, for some reason. "Okay. When I was a yearling, I left my mom and ended up with a group of gypsy wolves. We moved around a lot, never stayed in one place. Not really a pack, but the closest I've ever had, other than the River." He nudged her shoulder expectantly, a smile on his lips. "You next."
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna smiled a flash of White visible just below her lip as he told his story of how he'd come to decide on making Hearthwood River his home. “Not exactly the best time to have run into them but you made it away unscathed so that's good for you. I can't imagine Lachesis being anything but kind. Even when I think he's angry with me he is still kind.” He spoke of how kind they had been and thought the pack would be kind too, “I think you've made a good choice especially to join after mating season and once they see you plan to stick around you'll be trusted more. It's just we have had so many come and go that it's hard trust that new members will stay.” She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before letting her smile widen a little, “I have a good feeling about you and don't worry about those boys they will get over it soon enough I think.”

She hated every moment that the lie slipped from her mouth as she told Ayti that Lorcan wasn't the father of her children. If he ever found out the truth she believed whatever friendship they could form would be over. She shook her head, “It's fine really I can see where you might get that idea.” Inna knew that this is what she had to do to protect Lorcan so he could be there for his children. If Ayti said something to Alek it would be very bad for the tawny healer, she couldn't let that happen. She nodded as he explained why he had come to that conclusion, “Lorcan and I are good friends and he had agreeded to help me which is why he was so protective but we have since had a falling out.” It was the best way she could describe what had happened and since she didn't know if they would resolve whatever had happened between them she left it at that.

Inna shook her head as he asked about the father of her pups as a frown crossed her dark features. It was soon replaced with a smile as he told her he was sure she could handle being a single mother. “The father and I stayed together long enough for this to happen but parted ways, he doesn't know and I don't know where to find him.” More lies spouted from her mouth as she continued to try and cover for Lorcan. “Thank you for your kind words sometimes I worry that I won't be strong enough to raise them on my own. I worry about the support the pack will offer,” she admitted as her gaze fell to her paws for a moment before she let it meet his again, “I might have to take you up on that offer to babysit some time,” she added with a small smile.

The smile didn't leave her maw as he thanked her, “You don't have to thank my Ayti. You haven't given me any reason to not be kind to you.” He spoke about how others have been to him which brought a frown to her inky lips at the thought that no one had ever given him a real chance. He seemed very sweet and kind it there and there was certainly more to the dark wolf then others seemed to have given him credit for. ”Of course I want to be your friend who wouldn't want a friend who will listen to them and talk things out,” she stated allowing a brow to raise, “And added bonus gets to hear how beautiful she is.” The last part was to hopefully make him smile but she meant every word which felt nice after all the lies. “I thought you deserved the chance so you don't have to thank me, really.”

Once Inna was up she led Aytigin in the direction of the den she had been eyeing for her birthing den. She didn't feel completely right going about it without Lorcan and wanted to wait for him but the pups were coming and there were certain things she had to do. Inna knew she couldn't continue staying outside of a den at night, it wasn't good for the pups. Even if she didn't use it as a birthing den maybe it would work for her to stay at night until it Lorcan could help her or she had to do it herself.

In an effort to get to know each other better he'd asked her to share something about herself. She chose the time that she had left the pack with permission to find herself. She'd been nearly a year old by then and felt it was time she ventured away from Hearthwood. Inna had eventually returned knowing she belonged with the pack. It was soon his turn and he shared about his time with a gypsy pack. “I've never heard of gypsy wolves, what are they like? Didn't you miss not having a place to call home?” That was the biggest reason she had returned besides missing her family so much.

(This post was last modified: May 03, 2017, 07:37 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aside from @Cottongrass, Inna was the best wolf in the world. Paws-down. But she was wonderful in a different way - whereas Cotton had made the massive male's stomach crawl with butterflies, the raven girl beside him brought him peace and comfort. Made him think that his decision to stay with Hearthwood River was a good one. When he had met the majority of the pack at the border, he had felt quite uncertain about it. It seemed as though everything he said or did was wrong - at least to the men - and that he couldn't promise them enough. The massive wolf was worried he'd promised too much, in fact; he wasn't a good hunter, and he couldn't fight well at all. He wasn't positive of what he could do to help them, so perhaps he would just do a bit of everything until he found his footing.

A soft snort escaped him as he thought back to the day he'd met the alpha and the woman. "As you can probably tell, I'm... pretty straightforward with my intentions. Lilya didn't seem to mind it, at the time, but it really pissed Lachesis off." He laughed softly. "Of course, he had every right to be. But to his credit, he was still nice. Most guys probably would've been pretty mean, but he just told me that we should meet again at a better time." Hazel eyes turned to look at her seriously. "I do plan on sticking around. I wouldn't dare make a commitment to something so serious and then just turn my back on it. I'm sorry you've had so many wolves do that," he told her genuinely, dipping his head. "I hope you're right, too. But whether they like me or not, I intend on sticking around and helping out."

Well... Aytigin couldn't blame a guy for being enraptured by the scent of a female in heat, and if the female reciprocated... the dark wolf didn't know a male alive that wouldn't jump on the opportunity. "I guess, if he doesn't know, you can't really blame him," he reasoned, shrugging his shoulders. "But you really shouldn't worry about not having help. If Lachesis still accepted me into the pack after I put the moves on Lilya, he certainly wouldn't let you go without care." Lachesis wasn't a bad wolf, and only truly bad wolves would allow a young mother to care for her pups all on her own.

She told him he didn't have to thank her, that she wanted to be his friend. It sent his tail wagging again and he offered her a gentle smile. "I want to be your friend, too," he replied softly, glancing at his paws for a second. It'd been a while since he'd had a friend, and the prospect had him feeling like an excited puppy again. Then she mentioned the part about him calling her beautiful and he let out a surprised snort of laughter. "Well, at least you know I'm honest, then," he returned with a wink and a flourish of a mock bow, his head dipping at her paws before he brought it back up, a smile on his face. "But really, though. I won't disappoint you."

"Oh, the gypsies." He probably should've known she'd want more information there. It wasn't as though gypsies were common - even less so in the Lore, it seemed. "Well, they were really open... about everything. I mean, they'd give birth out in the middle of the open and let everyone watch. Pup-raising was kind of a group project, and we shared everything. Food, life stories, beliefs, mates, time. Nothing really belonged to one wolf," he tried to explain, smiling slightly as he recalled his time with the odd wolves. It had been a highlight of his life; something he'd never forget experiencing. "It was like we were all connected with each other and with everything we came into contact with. It never really bothered me that we never had a home," he told her with a smile. "It was more the idea that home was the earth itself. It was really hard for me to leave them, but I had to." He twitched his nose, recalling the presence of a specific man that he'd forever despise.

He chased those thoughts away swiftly as he walked alongside his companion. "So, where's this den at?" he asked, eager to change the subject.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

From the first day she'd met Ayti she had liked him and not just for the compliments that he gave her as nice as they were. She felt he would fit into the river pack nicely and he seemed to genuinely want to be a part of the pack and help it. Now that she'd really had a chance to talk to him she was only further convinced he was good for the pack and she wanted to have a friendship with him. He had been nothing but kind to her and showed a true concern for her well being. Inna didn't want Ayti to ever feel like he had to leave Hearthwood, she would miss him if he ever did go.

As he told his story of how he'd decided to join Hearthwood which Inna imagined it might have been a little bit comical to see. If Lilya was anything like she’d been during her heat and Lachesis who she could never imagine him being mean to anyone. “Yes, you are very good at making yourself clear,” she said raising a brow “And I'm sure Lilya didn't mind,” which was nothing against the second, Inna doubted she would have minded either. “It's a good thing Lachesis told you to come back at another time but that does sound like him,” she agreed as she remembered when he had found out about her. He was not happy with her by any means but he wasn't mean to her either. She couldn't help the smile that crossed her face when he said he wasn't going anywhere. “I am glad to hear that and I'm sure my mother would be too.” Like her mother Inna didn't like to see wolves join their ranks only to see them leave a short time later. So it was good news to know he planned to stick around, “I can't speak for the other new member as I have yet to meet him but give Lorcan some time he's not a bad guy. As for my brother, I'm not really sure what to tell you about him we aren't exactly speaking right now I guess. Don't give up and give it time,” she told him trying to be encouraging.

Inna hoped that when the time came for her to tell Ayti the truth about Lorcan being the father to her pups he could understand why she lied. She hoped that everyone would be able to understand. Alek she feared never would but she would have to deal with h when the time came. She nodded in agreement, “No you can't and maybe one day I will get to see him again and can tell him but for now I think we will be okay.” Her thoughts returned to Lorcan and once again she found herself hoping he would come to his senses. “I want to believe you Ayti about Lachesis but I worry I may have crossed a line I can't come back from.” Looked down at her paws and let a sigh leave her before she looked back up to the large male, “I broke pack law when I became pregnant. I betrayed Lachesis and my mother,” she admitted quietly. While she doubted Lachesis would allow something horrible to happen and he would probably be there if she truly needed him she didn't want to bother him unnecessarily.

Ayti was a wolf she felt she got along well with and just this conversation alone she felt they could be really good friends. So when he said he wanted to be her friend too she was elated with her tail thumping the ground under it. “I'm glad, I think we will he really good friends.” He was a wolf that didn't hold back and she supposed that was what she liked about him most. “That is true and I find honesty and important trait to have,” she stated of course feeling a little sick inside not due to her pregnancy but the fact she had liked to him. She hoped one day she could tell him the truth and that he wouldn't hate her for it. “I'm glad to know that. I would like to avoid another disappointment if I can.” She had already been disappointed by Lorcan and everyone else she wasn't sure she could take anymore at that point.

She was interested in the gypsy wolves that he spoke of that he spoke of and how their lifestyle worked since she'd never heard of it before. She listened intently as he described how they shared everything and how pups were born in the open. “It sounds like an amazing way to life and the bonds between members of the pack seem so strong for them to trust each other with everything including their pups,” commented Inna, “I can see why it would seem that home was the earth itself. Home is where your family is and if their bonds or so tight then their home can be anywhere.” At least that was how she understood it which could be because she hadn't felt at home until she'd been back with her family. “Why do you have to leave?”

As for the den Inna had been keeping them on a path that she knew would lead straight to the den that he was looking into. So when he asked He was easily able to answer as she looked around for the landmarks she'd committed to memory. “It should be right around here,” she told as she took a couple more steps and then looked around a tree that was butted up against a rock. “Yes, it's right here,” she stated gesturing for him to come and see. The opening lay beneath the boulder the tree was against and dug underneath was the den. The entrance was large enough for a large male wolf like Ayti to pass easily into, “What do you think?”

(This post was last modified: May 07, 2017, 02:13 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
"I still need to apologize to Lilya for being so... so me," he told the raven with a small smile. "Regardless of if she'd minded or not, it still wasn't kind to take advantage of a lady who's so overwhelmed with heat that she can't think straight. Could've resulted in some pups she would have rather had with someone else and ruined her life." His tail swept across the ground and he laughed a bit. "It's a testament to Lachesis' character that he didn't rip my nose from my face on sight. He must be quite the kind wolf, because he clearly liked Lilya."

He chuckled when she defended Lorcan, and nodded his head. "I'm going to give them all time. They'll definitely need time to get used to me, after all." A grin split his features and he shrugged one shoulder. "If there's anything I'm known for, it's being persistent. I'm hoping that they'll all eventually just see I'm not going away and will kind of just tolerate my being here, y'know? It seems to be working with you," he pointed out, tipping his head and offering her a smile.

She went on to explain that she might get to explain to the man she'd bred with that he'd impregnated her, and Ayti wrinkled his nose in a smirk. "Right. And if he's a dick about it, then just let me know and I'll beat 'im up for you." He winked at the end of his sentence, showing that he was halfway joking. He wasn't much of a fighter, after all, so he didn't know how much help he could be in that kind of situation.

Lachesis was brought back up, and Inna's mother, and Aytigin shook his head. "There's no way you went too far. I haven't had the best experiences with parents - or with older figures in my life..." which was an understatement because his father abandoned him, his mother abused him, and any older female figures he'd been around had eventually wanted his services more than his actual presence, - "...but I know that your mother and Lachesis would not abandon you. Why would they have let you back into the pack if they were just going to let you and your children go without food and shelter?" He tried the logic card, hoping she'd see some sense in it.

"Honesty can be a blessing or a curse," Aytigin remarked with a short sigh through his nose. "People say they want the truth, but then get angry at you for telling the truth." Not all of his personality was his true self, but he wasn't quite sure how to express himself the right way. His overconfident, cocky, IDGAF persona guised a scarred, caring, loyal wolf within. He wasn't willing to face that one just yet. But bits and pieces of it were starting to slip out in this conversation - what was this girl doing to him? "I'll do my best for you, Inna. I'm not perfect, but I will definitely try to be as close as possible for you." It was a heavy promise for having just met her, but Aytigin had hardly met anyone that he felt this connected to, or had accepted him entirely. He'd move a mountain for her, if she asked.

Thinking of the gypsies brought back a plethora of good and bad emotions. He could recall the faces of his old friends by memoriter, their scents engraved into his senses. He missed them deeply, and smiled when Inna talked about what a good way to live it was. "It definitely suited me," he remarked with a grin, his tail wagging slowly behind him. Then she asked why he had had to leave them, and the wagging stopped abruptly. He remembered that bastard, as well - too vividly. He was shaking his head before he could decide whether he wanted to share or not. Instead, he took a deep breath and set his tail waving again, giving her a smile. "Destiny called me to you," he said suavely, bending his head down to tap his nose to her cheek. He pulled away with a grin. "I'd rather talk about you, though. Tell me something else, please?" It was a question rather than a demand - he truly did not want to approach the topic of his father so early on in their relationship.

Maybe later.

She showed him the den and he narrowed his eyes before nodding in approval. "If I can fit, anyone can, so someone as small as you is bound to be nice and comfy in there," he told her confidently, a smile tugging on his lips. "But really, the question should be what you think of it. Do you think you'll be comfortable here?"

Sorry, long wait and long post <3
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The Ebony Baranski listened as he continued on with his story about how he'd meet Lachesis and Lilya. “I'm sure she would appreciate at that and it could carry you in good favor with her. It most certainly is not an easy time for us females.” Perhaps if it had been she wouldn't be in the mess she was in either Lorcan. As he spoke about Lilya having pups with him she thought it wouldn't be the same situation. The punishment for that might have been much worse for Lilya considering she wasn't Kisla's family. Inna smiled as Aytigin spoke of Lachesis and his character, “He is a very kind wolf and I think it would be hard to make him so furious that he would rip your nose off.” However, she did agree that their leader liked Lilya if not more.

Inna believed that all Ayti needed was a little time for the others to get used to him. It was a tricky thing bringing new wolves into the pack when their personalities could be so different. “Good, I don't really want to see you leave Hearthwood especially after you've worked so hard here.” He spoke of his persistence and waiting until everyone tolerated him which made Inna frown, “I think at first they will tolerate you but as time passes they will grow to do more than just that. After all I am not just tolerating you.” And she wasn't, she actually enjoyed his company.

The lying about Lorcan was something she wasn't comfortable with but it was necessary so she had become better at it. As she spoke of maybe telling the father of her children that he had them Ayti offered to beat him up if he didn't take the news well. “I will remember that should he act poorly about the news,” she said with a laugh. Still she wouldn't expect anything from the father if he didn't want to help her if it was someone other than Lorcan.

She finally came out with it and told Ayti that she'd broken pack law when she had conceived the children she now carried inside of her. He didn't think she'd gone too far even pointing out that why would they have let her stay if they were going to let her go without. Inna let her gaze drop to her paws as she thought about this, “I suppose so they just all seem very angry with me. I don't think they're wrong to be mad but I do miss them and hope they can forgive me someday,” she said looking back up at Ayti. She would understand if it took her family some time she just hoped that one day things would be better especially for her children.

Inna nodded in agreement to what he said next about honesty, “It can be both. I think they get mad when they don't want to face the truth because it's not what they want to hear when they thought the truth was something else.” When she had to face the truth about herself she knew she had gotten angry at first not wanting to believe it but when she realized it was true she had accepted it and was now trying to make up for it. Make the bad parts about her better, she needed to for her children so that they would grow up better than her. She reached out and licked his cheek as he declared he would try to be as close to perfect for her as he could. “You don't have to be perfect Ayti, I'm not perfect so I can't expect that from you. Just be yourself okay, you deserve at let's one friend you can do that with.” It was very kind of him to say such things and Inna was glad they had the chance to have this conversation.

As they made their way through the trees In a had become very interested in hearing about the gypsy way of life that he spoke of. She thought it sounded quite nice, home wasn't in where you rested your paws at night but in the wolves you rested with. She loved Hearthwood but it hadn't been the land that had brought her home but her family. She had missed them terribly during her soul searching adventure and she hadn't left home like that since. “Well I hope this life will suit you too.” She had been curious as to what had caused him to leave but it seemed he wasn't quite ready to share that as he changed the subject. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as he spoke of destiny calling him to her. “You have quite the way with words,” she commented before he was asking for more details about her. “I would like to after my pups are born to continue my training as scout,” she admitted, “But I am not sure that I will be able to for a while yet even after.” Inna wasn't sure what would happen after her pups were born so she couldn't know if it would even be possible to continue her training.

They had finally reached the place that she thought would make a nice den for her but she asked his opinion. A smile crossed her dark maw at his comments about her fitting comfortably in the den. He then asked her if she thought she could be comfortable, Inna nodded. ”I think so, it's quiet and out of the way. Inside it looks plenty big enough,” she said thoughtfully before moving toward the entrance and peering inside as she had done one other time.

~Table by Jacqueline

No worries!
(This post was last modified: May 25, 2017, 02:21 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Last post from Ayti; feel free to either archive it now or fade with your next post <3

The conversation he'd had with Inna had gone far more smoothly than Aytigin could've ever imagined. He felt so much better about his decision to join the River wolves, and felt a sort of peace in his chest that hadn't been there before. She'd accepted him fully for who he was, and he'd spend the rest of his life trying to shower her with gratitude. She was a rare type of wolf; a once-in-a-lifetime find, and Aytigin hoped she understood that. She'd reassured him, and done her best to make him feel welcomed and wanted like no one else in the pack had so far.

He felt like he understood her on a deeper level now. She'd run away from home as a yearling, but had been called back by her family. She wasn't perfect, and she'd made mistakes, but that was okay because who hadn't? She wanted to be a scout. She had a crush on Lorcan. The father of her children was currently missing out on a beautiful life here in the River, and Ayti was willing to help in any way he could to fill in those gaps that the missing father had left.

The chocolate-furred man was all-too familiar with absent fathers.

Aytigin would have stayed with her all day, if he could, but he feared that it would seem to the others that he was just slacking off on his job. After all, it didn't take a whole lot of effort to walk a pregnant lady to her den. So, regretfully, after he'd made sure the den was to her liking, he took a step back. "Inna, it has been a pleasure to become your friend, and I hope we can spend a lot more time together in the future." Creepy, but he figured it conveyed at least some of what he was feeling. "I have to go take care of some stuff, but you can call me whenever you need me, alright?" he asked, dropping a quick kiss to her cheek and giving her a smile before turning to leave.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Short post from me.  Fading and archiving.

Inna was more than glad that she'd been able to talk to Ayti without everyone else around. She didn't think that he would have been so friendly open with her had they not been alone. Most importantly she felt like she had made a good friend in the chocolate colored wolf. Though she expected nothing from him she felt like he was really on her side and that was important. He also seemed more than willing to help her and since Lorcan had walked away from her it was nice to know she had someone else she could count on.

They had reached the den that she'd wanted to show him and got his opinion on if he thought it would be a good fit for her. She was pleased when. He said that it was all a matter of if it was comfortable to her. She knew that he couldn't stay with her all day so it wasn't that much of a surprise when he said he had to go. She smiled, “Me too Ayti, please don't be a stranger and since you know where my new den is I hope you come to visit.” She nodded as he told her to call if she needed anything, “I will, see you later.” Then she felt the heat rise in her cheeks when he kissed her in the cheek. She then watched him go before slipping into the den for some rest which she really needed after the trek through the forest.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2017, 12:44 PM by Inna.)
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