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Let the ashes fall, forget about me — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Chelsie who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Mace Attaya
Not at all, Arla! <3

He tilted his head sideways to peer up at the male river wolf when he drawled. The Attaya entirely missed the subtle suggestion in Aytigin's tone, naive as he could be even in his prime, so the warm grin he extended was devoid of any uncertainty. The curl of his lips was amused, rather, and accepting. That was probably worse for the both of them than if he'd noticed the way Ayti's voice lilted at the end only to be smoothly reined back in. His gaze hastily darted away when the chocolate-brushed wolf's head came down toward his, but then his vision came back and hooked momentarily on Aytigin's warm golds and his figure visibly relaxed.

Sorry, he mumbled, straightening up marginally to a stance that was more comfortable, but nevertheless deferential. He glanced between them sheepishly and admitted, It's been a long time since I did this. He was almost four years old, he reckoned, and had joined fewer packs than that in his lifetime. For Mace, it was certainly out of the ordinary, and he preferred to overestimate the extremes he had to go to than to be too casual, but he was grateful for Inna's warm, familiar manner and for Ayti's outgoing approach to border duty. He'd always been way too serious, himself, but Mace couldn't help but to like the more eccentric man as he went on to describe himself and nudge his companion.

Well, he hummed, cranking his extremely rusty humour gears into a creaky roll, If a deplorable vagabond can get in, then hey. Saint like me? No problem. Well, it was an attempt, anyway. He said it a little more hesitantly than he ought to have if he truly believed he was a saint, and the brief downward twitch at the corner of his lips betrayed what he really thought of himself, but he tried. That was worth a few chuckles, right?

But the time for fun and jokes was over. Lachesis swept onto the scene, radiant in his white coat beside the two dark-haired river wolves, and Mace resumed his prior submission quickly. It wasn't outright demanded with the pinch of teeth on his muzzle or nape, but nevertheless, he was happy to show the proper respect. Lachesis, he said, you as well. I hope it can be more regular. He paused for a beat, then clarified, what I mean to say is I'd like to offer my services to your pack. I've been a fighter most of my life and can make a strong protector for Hearthwood River. He swallowed down his anxiety and hastily added, if you have room, I mean.

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2017, 10:03 PM by Mace.)
gorgeous set by kydnt
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Hey! Ayti actually behaved fairly well this time. xD
Except for maybe right now. I'm so sorry.
Guardian dem 3/3

The oleaginous wolf seemed to not understand the intent behind his words, and he relaxed a little at that. He didn't want to screw up by having his libido take over. Golden-hazel eyes flashed with interest at the way his advances had just been treated like an actual part of the conversation rather than something terrible. That was rather nice, as most of the time if he'd said such a thing to another man, he'd be treated as though he were disgusting. This was certainly a wonderful change of pace, and Ayti was sorely tempted to take advantage of the situation, but he decided to play nice instead.

He really didn't want to mess things up.

"Hey," he whined at Inna's critique, pretending to be hurt. "Since when did talkative become a crime?" Then Mace caught his attention once more, with an apology. Aytigin offered him a broad grin. "It's fine! Hearthwood is the first pack I've ever joined. They're all very nice around here-" except for maybe one or two wolves, "-so I doubt you have anything to be worried about." Boldly, the River male stepped over the border in an attempt to bump his side against the stranger's. "Relax a little. Everything's gonna be fine. We're all just wolves, like you." He laughed, returning to his side of the border. "You're actin' like you're meeting with royalty or something."

The raven-black male then made a joke of his own, and though it wasn't exactly heartfelt, Ayti couldn't help but snort in surprise and laugh a few, short chuckles through his nose. "A saint, are we? Well then they'll just have to let you in!" he enthused dramatically, a toothy smile following his words. He was really beginning to like this Mace guy - he hoped they had enough room for the other large man in their ranks. It'd be nice to have a male who wasn't disgusted by him around.

Though he couldn't help but wish Cotton had tried to join...

There was no time to think of that now. Lachesis had shown up, all snowy and regal and completely different than the muddled black wolves at the border. Aytigin lowered his posture a bit, tail wagging at the sight of his alpha. However, when the white wolf looked at him and inclined his head sharply, Ayti couldn't help but notice the 'you'd better have not said anything stupid,' that was clear in the nod's implication. Golden hazel eyes rolled playfully and he shook his head.

Lachesis asked the loner of his intentions - it seemed like they already knew each other - and Mace shared freely. The mocha-colored casanova thought it best to butt in at that moment, tail wagging. "I like Mace," he told the white wolf, deciding to stick up for the newcomer in the same way Inna had with his own joining. "He seems like a good fit for Hearthwood, from what I've seen so far. However," he went on, a grin beginning to form on his maw as he met the ghost's eyes, then looked back at the loner. "Let me save Lach the speech." Okay, he was pushing his luck, but there was an underlying seriousness and steadfast protectiveness in his next statement.

"Hearthwood is a home. The wolves value hard work, and the needs of the pack are of the highest priority. I've also learned that there have been a lot of wolves who've come and gone," he said slowly, glancing over at Inna as he spoke, recalling their conversation about flaky pack members. "So I don't want anyone to come in and end up hurting them. If Lachesis decides to let you in, please remember that. I haven't been here for very long, but I know that the River wolves are good, and they don't deserve someone who is just here to take advantage of their kindness." Hazel eyes met the blue of the loner's, then he smiled and cleared his throat of the emotion that had built up after talking about the only home he'd had in over two years. "But, uh, that's only if we have room in the pack." He glanced over at Lachesis in a mixture of apology - for the speech-stealing thing - and to see what his verdict was.

And possibly to make sure he wasn't about to be flogged for insubordination.

Gotta have a little actual guarding here.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The ebony Baranski was not against helping Mace to feel a little more comfortable with talking to her and Ayti. Especially since her previous conversation with the former Darkwater Rapids wolf had been so informal. She supposed the border and the fact Mace was there to ask to join did make a difference in how he should behave but she saw him as an old friend of the family. That in her eyes counted for something at least she hoped it would when Lachesis or her mother came to accept him.

A smile crossed her features at Ayti's mock hurt to what she'd said, “Just calling them how I see them,” she jested, “When it gets you into trouble.” She of course was speaking about how her mother had taken to his flirtatious behavior at his own joining. Ayti then went on to speak about Hearthwood and she let him, it seemed hd was hitting it off quite well, maybe more then we'll. She felt this was good for him to have another male friend since he was so worried about it before.

When Lachesis arrived things seemed to fall into place for Inna, like old times. Now that she knew the healer wasn't angry with her she felt more like she belonged at the border by his side. A wide smile crossed her face as he brushed his shoulder against hers in greeting. She returned his greeting with a lick to his chin, she had missed this. She let Lachesis did the speaking with Mace and was pleased he knew the dark man, she hoped this would help his chances of getting in.

The surprise came as once again Ayti spoke about Hearthwood even adding in what she had told him about the members who had come and gone so quickly. She waited to nip him hopes to get him to stop and keep himself out of trouble but she knew she had to let Lachesis take care of it. Her fiery gaze went to her alpha as she waited to see what would happen next. She did touch Lachesis shoulder with her nose which was a gesture she hoped would let him know she would like to see Mace accepted.

(This post was last modified: May 08, 2017, 04:39 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Mace @Aytigin @Inna

Truthfully, the Arctic had been hoping that Mace would seek acceptance in Hearthwood once he had finished poking around for clues to figure out where his sisters had gone. While the river pack did not house any Attaya’s he hoped that the former Darkwater wolf would decide to settle down, for Lachesis would not object to him roaming around to seek the answers he desperately craved. During their previous encounter XIX had already decided that there would be a place for the raven-coloured wolf in Hearthwood, and he knew that Kisla would not object. Their pack now swelled in size, and with one more litter on the way, it was only about to get bigger. The more capable claws and teeth the better, for they would need all the hunters they could recruit. There were lots of mouths to feed this spring.

Lachesis was not much of a fighter himself—aside from when the one-eyed dragon had challenged him for his position at the helm of Hearthwood the ghost had done well in steering clear of physical conflicts. Having a wolf in Hearthwood who was more experienced in that field would benefit them in the long run. The ghost also knew that the river pack was going to need all the protectors they could get, for the paws of puppies were notorious for wandering.

As his mouth popped open, ready to expel words off his tongue, Aytigin announced his approval of the shadow before deciding that he would save Lachesis the speech. His disapproval was evident on his pale features as his brows narrowed darkly, chartreuse gaze flitting over from the Attaya to his subordinate. The fur on the back of his neck bristled as he glanced over at his raven sidekick out of the corner of his eye, noting her silent approval of the ebony loner as she touched his shoulder. Lachesis always valued her opinions, as they seemed to meet at border interactions quite often. Under other circumstances he might consider the larger male’s words, but this display of dominance—whether it was intentional or not—did not sit well with the ghost. As his time in Hearthwood prolonged Lachesis had grown accustom to Aytigin’s presence, for he did his share and proved to be useful. It was his mouth, however, that was getting him into trouble.

Once he finished spewing words from his mouth XIX took a step toward his subordinate, teeth flashing as his tail arched high above his back. He wanted nothing more than to grab Aytigin by the neck and throw him to the ground but he did not want Mace to think their pack was even more dysfunctional than it already was. “Have you forgotten your place, Aytigin?” He growled from deep within his chest before turning to their guest, adopting a more calm expression. His smile was apologetic as his nose canted to the side, brows narrowed softly as he addressed Mace once more: “There’s been a spot for you in Hearthwood since our last meeting. I’ve just been waiting for you to return.” His words were accompanied by a slow wag of his tail, the fur on his back settling down despite the anger that still bubbled beneath his skin. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Chelsie who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Mace Attaya

The Attaya's eyes danced between the three wolves, but kept returning reverently to Lachesis. He caught himself thinking that the pale Arctic wolf wasn't what he would expect from a leader, but his points of reference were extremely limited. He couldn't remember his parents as leaders. Maksim had always been levelheaded and stern from what Mace remembered of him. The man was undeniably kind, but there was an air of seriousness around him. That same air had permeated from Olsen, the leader of the Bloodbreakers, and along with that came a ferocity born of being a warrior for years. It wasn't that Lachesis lacked the same aura, but it was muted somewhat, as if the wolf had grown into his role more than suited it from the outset.

Which, unbeknownst to Mace, was how most leaders were.

The man smiled amicably as Aytigin vouched for him, but that smile died away as the paler dark phase wolf continued. In the end, his ears were pressed back and his form was shrunken as he watched Aytigin flippantly override Lachesis' authority. Mace's eyes darted briefly over to Inna, searching for an indication that this was normal or acceptable, but the answer came in the form of Lachesis' deep growl. The Attaya pursed his lips and did his best to shrink into the background. While it didn't entirely taint his opinion of Ayti, it did temper it somewhat. Mace was, after all, a stickler for the rules, and Aytigin had just broken one.

But then, he had broken rules too. Loyalty was a pack law that Mace had never taken overly seriously before, so how could he judge the talkative wolf before him for his misstep? While he was unsure what to think now, he made a mental note to seek out Ayti later and get to the bottom of the behaviour. If nothing else, it would help him understand the pack dynamic better. While Lachesis scolded the man, he didn't outright dominate him as Mace might have expected from his previous leaders. It was a relief, and also a little unsettling. It wasn't the norm for him.

Only when Lachesis addressed him did Mace make an effort to rejoin the conversation. He cleared his throat and his tail wagged beneath him. Part of him wanted to exclaim his disbelief that Lachesis had been waiting for him to come here, what with his track record, but another part of him was simply overjoyed to be given the opportunity in spite of his past. Thank you, he breathed, it means a lot to me. And it did.

So, he said after a beat, what can I start helping with?

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2017, 11:05 PM by Mace.)
gorgeous set by kydnt
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Apparently, he'd committed some sort of taboo. He'd figured he had probably stepped a little out of line, but he wasn't sure exactly how far he'd been. It drew a response from all three other wolves in the area, and Lachesis began posturing and growling at the coffee-colored man.

Have you forgotten your place?

Well, crap. What was his place? He knew Lachesis called the shots, and he understood the fundamentals of pack dynamic, but he didn't know exactly how the hell that translated to himself. He wasn't positive where his place was to begin with. He understood the idea that he should be submissive and provide for the pack, but he couldn't speak? That seemed... rather stupid. It seemed like opening his mouth was almost always a mistake around here. Perhaps he'd have to change more about himself than he'd initially thought, because being himself wasn't going well for him around the River wolves.

He adjusted his posture a bit to accommodate Lachesis' dominance, though he had never taken on a dominant stance of his own in the first place. But the dark-furred wolf's shoulders rose, his head went down, and his tail tucked a bit, if only to appease his alpha. But then the white wolf turned his attention back to Mace, and Aytigin backed up to the edge of the clearing, then turned to leave before Mace asked Lachesis what to do.

{ Exit Aytigin }
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

At first the young Baranski couldn't believe Ayti was being so brazen as he spoke about Hearthwood to Mace. A moment later she shock at what he was doing wore off when she realized the seriousness of what he was doing. Then all she wanted to do was stop him and save him from himself. All he was doing was getting himself into more trouble with Lachesis but Inna knew she couldn't do any such thing. With The alpha there it wasn't her job at all to do the disciplining. She knew that was what was coming because he had stepped out rank and though it wasn't as serious as what she'd done it was still very serious all the same.

Inna had given her silent acceptance of Mace joining the pack with a touch to his shoulder which he seemed to recognize. What happened next she had and hadn't expected it all at the same time. She hadn't ever seen Lachesis in such a state before, even when he wasn't pleased with her he had still been kind to her. It was a reminder to Ayti where he belonged in the pack and that it wasn't his job to do what he had. She felt bad for her friend to be knocked down as he had, in front of not their guest as well as her.

With the remainder having been give Lachesis turned back to Mace and informed him that there was a place for him in the ranks of Hearthwood. Inna was elated by this because now he would be able to have a chance to be in her puppies lives. It also appeared that Mace was eager to start working to help the pack and start proving himself to her mother and Lachesis that they hadn't made a wrong decision. Inna wanted to congratulate him on his acceptance into Hearthwood but with what happened with Ayti she decided to remain quiet.

The Ebony Baranski had been watching the interaction between Lachesis and Mace that she almost​ didn't see the chocolate man slip off. Inna wondered if Lachesis would seek Ayti out and explain what he had done wrong. With no answer to that question in sight she turned her attention back to the interaction between the healer and Mace.

(This post was last modified: May 13, 2017, 08:46 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Mace if this works for you we can fade here and archive? <3 i'll get Mace titled & added to the ranks! 
you can throw in a closing post if you'd like (both you and @Inna) :B

Lachesis was neither an aggressive nor a dominant wolf. He had always been submissive to others—especially when he had first arrived in Lore, for he was not accustom to the world of a feral wolf. His first encounter with a wolf in these lands had resulted in a scuffle; the older female showing the stuttering, anxious ghost where his place was. Leadership and authority had never interested him. Instead, he had shied away from it, only defending his rank when it mattered and dutifully followed the rules, doing what was expected of him and striving to please those ranked higher than him. Even when Maksim had first asked him to step up in his place, temporarily, XIX had never thought once about keeping the position. He had always been a placeholder; keeping the throne warm until Maksim was able to return. It was not until the agouti’s passing that Lachesis realized he needed to step up and truly become the position that he was thrust (unwillingly) into.

So putting others in their place, while it was required of him (and expected), was not something he enjoyed doing.

He watched as the large ebony wolf dropped his shoulders, his stomach fur grazing against the ground as his lips tightened. He had not meant to be so harsh, but without it Aytigin would not know that what he did was not allowed. If he had spoken the same way without Lachesis being present it would not have mattered, but his little speech was not a requirement of his position in the pack. Overstepping his authority would not go without repercussions and while he knew that Aytigin was nothing like Kjors, the one-eyed dragon who tried to take his rank of leader away from him, Lachesis would not tolerate such behaviour.

As the dark wolf slunk away, not another word falling from his tongue, the ghost made a mental note to seek him out later. To figure out what had possessed Aytigin to speak the way he had. Perhaps, like Lachesis in the beginning, he did not understand pack dynamics. The pale leader was a reasonable wolf and, for the most part, a patient one. The talkative wolf was pulling his weight in the pack; he just needed to learn what lines not to cross.

Inna was also silent and almost appeared to be in shock by Lachesis’ reaction. The thought amused him but his features remained still, his chartreuse gaze focused on the Attaya before him. “Well,” he started, flashing his raven sidekick a small grin as he glanced at her quickly, “with three mother’s this spring we can always use more food. We could go for a hunt and when we return I’m sure Inna wouldn’t mind showing you around the dens.” The Baranski was always eager to greet newcomers and welcome them to Hearthwood. She was, after all, the daughter of a river legacy. He motioned with his nose for the dark wolf to follow him along the tree line—despite all the snow that still polluted the Lore prey was beginning to return, surely they would find something to bring back to the mothers.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Chelsie who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Mace Attaya
Works perfectly, thank ya!

Mace watched in silence as Aytigin submitted and then slunk away. There would be time to seek out the cowed subordinate later, but for now, the Attaya thought it important that the man have time to sit with his mistake and work it out in his head. As much as he liked Aytigin from first impressions, he was a man who generally respected his superiors and put pack order at the forefront of his priorities. He would not condemn Aytigin for a mistake, but nor would he condone a repeat of it by seeking the man out to comfort him immediately.

So his attention remained with Lachesis and Inna, and he smiled his agreement when the colourless first suggested a hunt. He was surprised to hear of three litters, but it didn't show on his face nor did he say anything of it. The Bloodbreakers frequently had more than that as a result of the lawless life they led, and having partaken of it at some point, Mace could hardly judge the situation of Hearthwood River. Besides, from the smell of the place, it was a sizable pack more than capable of dealing with so many pups.

He fell in line behind Lachesis, motioning for Inna to take the lead ahead of him if she wished to. Even if he thought it unlikely for the pregnant she-wolf to participate in the hunt, he sought to acknowledge her superiority by remaining behind her. Let us hunt, then, he said, following the Hearthwood wolves as they sought out worthwhile prey for the mothers and to-be-mothers of the pack.

gorgeous set by kydnt
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Fading and archiving

It was a hard thing to be dominated over as Ayti had been as she had found out mere weeks ago when her mother had found out what she'd done. It was another hard lesson to learn your place in the pack when you were as outspoken as the chocolate man. Still she felt it a necessary lesson not only got Ayti but perhaps Lachesis as well as she'd never seen him assert his dominance in such a way. Once she caught her friend leaving she watch him go for a moment thinking she should make sure he was okay later. Perhaps she could tell him of her experience and it could help to raise his spirits a little.

She was also very interested in seeing how the interaction between Mace and Lachesis went as she could learn something she might need one day. Despite her swollen size she didn't see any reason why she couldn't observe, it wasn't a strenuous affair after all. She was very pleased when the dark man was accepted into the Hearthwood ranks where she felt he would serve well. His ties to her father making it that more appropriate that he join Hearthwood and help to protect its legacy.

Lachesis suggested the two males take part in a hunt which Inna knew she would not be able to participate. Her days of hunting had come to an end when she'd returned to her home after meeting Mace. Now she took from the caches with plans to bring more food in once she was able. The pale healer also suggested when they had finished their hunt she could show Mace around. “I would be more than happy to give Mace a tour once you've finished your hunt,” she said to the alpha with a glance to the dark man. “I should return to my den before Lorcan has my hide for not resting,” she said with a small laugh, “Please come find me when you finished Mace and I can give you that tour. I'm happy you've joined us and I think you will fit in just fine,” she offered with a smile. Then taking Mace's invitation she fell in behind Lachesis walking with the men until they came to a place in the treeline where she finally disappeared among the Sequoia’s the return to her den.

(This post was last modified: May 17, 2017, 08:29 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.