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Beyond the horizon — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
In that moment that his gaze rested in the body of their lost son he wasn't a healer with the knowledge that a stillborn was possible. That it was common among new mothers. He was a father who’d just lost a child leaving him full of sorrow. The whine from his mate brought his gaze to rest on her and he realized his grief would have to wait for later. Jynx, their pups, and the pack needed him to be strong for them and he would be. He went to her licking her crown as she pressed her muzzle into his ruff, they would get through this as they always had. “Unfortunately they do,” he agreed, “I just wish it hadn't happened to you.” She'd gone through quite a range of emotions through her pregnancy but he knew she wanted to have pups of her own. “Of course, he should have both,” the new father said brushing his muzzle along his son's back. “Do you have a name and place in mind?” He was sure that whatever she picked it would be perfect for their boy.

A small movement brought his attention to the pups asleep at her side as was hers. A smile did creep across his maw at the sight of them. She spoke of how she was as he admired them before meeting her yellow gaze once more. “You need time Jynx and I want you to take as much time as you need. I can handle the pack and most importantly I will be here for you no matter what.” He placed a kiss on her cheek in hopes it would reassure her that everything would be okay. His eyes went back to their pups as he watched them sleep before asking her about names. As she spoke about giving it some thought for awhile he looked at her as she spoke the name she'd thought of for their little girl. He looked between mother and daughter before turning to Jynx with a smile, “I think it suits her perfectly​,” he said as he saw what her eyes held. Despite the tragedy of the day they still had two healthy pups. “Do you have a name picked out for our son?” He asked curious what she had for him after the name she had chosen for their daughter.

(This post was last modified: Jun 01, 2017, 08:38 AM by Emrys.)
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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

It had been quite the surprise to see Emrys emerge from the den since she thought he would be there for the entire delivery. Once he was out and said what he needed to the rest of them she watched as he went and sat at the entrance of the den. Nauja wasn't sure if this was a good or bad thing until she heard the sounds of a puppy faintly from inside the den. She then figured that Jynx just wanted some privacy at least she hoped that was the case. She'd let her gaze drop to her paws to try and guard against the drizzle but a few moments later she caught movement from the healer out of the corner of her eye. At first she thought he was heading back into the den but he didn't go in. Instead he began pacing, his nervousness was causing Nauja to feel just as nervous.

A long time seemed to pass and then more puppy sounds could be heard faintly from the den. A few moments later the alphas pale body disappeared into the den and after that there weren't any other sounds save for the muffled voices of Jynx and Emrys. Nauja wanted to know what was going on inside. She wanted to know if Jynx was okay and the pups, we're they play too. Waiting for some kind of news only made her become more nervous for mother and children. Still she remained where she sat waiting for news from within the den about how everyone was doing.

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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
To move this along and wrap it up, the posting order will be skipped.

With a sigh and tears drying in her eyes, she looked down to the body of their lost son, cradled protectively by her leg. She was grateful for Emrys' kind words and support, especially in a time like this. She knew that when the day was done, that he too would need to find a quiet place where he could mourn. Through her mind images of what their boy possibly could have looked like, once grown, flickered. Endless possibilities of what persona he would develop, how he would play with his brother and sister and mingle with his pack mates. All visions that would never come to fruition. Jynx had never entertained the idea of what came after death, or even if rebirth was a possibility. But if it was, maybe their son would find such joys in another life. Silence hung in the air while she quietly gazed at her stillborn, before a single hushed word rolled of her tongue. "Milon...it's...sweet and pure..." She breathed as she tested the flavor of the name on her tongue for the first time. "Just past the clearing on the way to the den, there's a lone fir tree...with a stretch of the river not far away. I think that would be best...it's a peaceful spot."

Once that was settled and their daughters name was decided upon, to which he happily approved, their living son was last to be named. When asked if she had picked out a name for him, she shook her head. "I haven't thought of any as of yet...no." Her yellow eyes softened, ears falling back slightly. She would have suspected that her mate would have wanted to name their son himself, especially after she had already named two of their children. And she would not deny Emrys this honor as a new father. He had just as much of a say as she did. They had created these two lives together, and would remain an equal part of their growing entire lifetimes. "But what about you? Have you thought of any? I'm sure whatever you come up with will be splendid." She managed a faint smile while giving him an encouraging lick under the chin.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
There may not have been breath in their stillborn son to let him live and grow into an adult alongside his siblings. It didn't mean he had to fade completely from their lives once he was laid to rest. Emrys had promised that he would live on and not be forgotten and in time they would move on from their loss but their son would be there always. His grief would have to wait for now he had his mate and living children to think of and be strong for. As his gaze followed that of Jynx to the lifeless body of their lost son he would need a name. Jynx supplied it giving her reason, “I think it's perfect for him,” he whispered. She then described the place she thought that Milon should be laid to rest, “It’s a beautiful place,” he agreed, “I will see to it that he is taken good care of,” he assured her with a kiss to her cheek.

Their attention was soon brought to their remaining children and they too needed names. Once again Jynx gave the name that she wished for their daughter to have which Emrys was more than happy with. Arwyn seemed perfect for the pale ball of fluff nestled against her mother. What of their other son? Emrys inquired about a name for him but Jynx didn't have one for him. The new father watched as the little boy tried to make himself comfortable against his mother and sister. His gaze flickered to his mate as she suggested that he give the boy a name. Emrys hadn't thought that the choice would be up to him as he thought the mother's always picked the names of their children. Once again he rested his eyes on the grey fur if his son, “I have given it some thought,” he said quietly, “Something to go along with mine and my mother's names,” he added before looking back to Jynx, “Elyan, it's a good strong name and one I think will serve him well?” There had been a few others that he'd considered but he like the one he spoke the best and hoped Jynx also liked it.

(This post was last modified: Jun 15, 2017, 03:29 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
Last post here.

She was comforted, knowing without a doubt that Emrys would see to it that little Milon would be laid to rest with care. Fighting back fresh tears again, she closed her eyes as his kiss reached her cheek. "We won't forget him. I'll visit the spot as often as I can..." She said quietly, unsure of how much free time she would actually have with the months to come. Their paws would be full with two lively, growing youngsters to look after. Her body ached all over, her muscles sore from the sheer exertion of the task she had been put through for the very first time. A deep, overwhelming tiredness began to take over her. She yearned to lay her head down, to fall into a deep and long slumber with her children. But even more so, she wanted to hear the name their surviving gray coated son would carry.

And Emrys bestowed it like a jeweled crown. Elyan Myrddin. A perfect blend of his own first name and his mothers. She let out a long, but proud exhale. "It's perfect..." Her eyes met his again comfortably. She thought it was quite noble of him to name his firstborn son after both he and his mother, who she would never have the pleasure of knowing. "I'm sure your mother would be honored to know her grandson is partially named after her. It's quite the gesture." Her eyes fell down to rest on the gray and ivory balls of fluff nestled at her belly. Arwyn and Elyan Myrddin. The names of the children they had dreamed of, had hoped for. And now they were here, ready to take on the world. With Gent, Raela and their daughters gone, she could rest easy in knowing the Notch, the pack they had all worked so hard to build, would indeed have a future. With a soft hum of content, gold eyes falling shut, she rested her head over the pale furred neck of her husband. Sleep took her instantly, as it did her children, comforted by her warmth and the gentle beat of her heart. And there the new family would stay, well into the late hours of morning.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
Their stillborn son would not go to his finally resting place without a name, Milon. It would be a name that would would live on in his heart, his mate, and his living children. When the time came he would collect his lost son in his jaws and carry him to the place that they'd agreed would be the perfect resting spot. Once there he would dig the tiny but deep grave and place Milon gently into it. Once his son was laid to rest he would stay awhile longer taking his time to say goodbye before returning to Jynx and their remaining children. “No, we won't and they will know about him to so he can live on for them too. I to will visit him as often as I can so that he will know he is not forgotten.” With inheriting the pack and their litter of pups they would be busy but he vowed to himself that he would make the time to visit his son. He knew his mate had to be tired after what she'd gone through and he knew she needed his support. He laid down next to her but before she could rest there was one last thing that they needed to do, give their living son a name.

Jynx had wanted him to do this which he did giving him a name that was in honor of his mother and himself. It was a name that his son could be proud of and he hoped that his mother would approve. He was pleased when Jynx approved of their son's name, “I'm glad that you like it,” he said brushing his muzzle under her chin before a smile crossed his maw at his mates next words. “I think you are right she would be very honored and maybe a little surprised,” he said, “And maybe one day he will be a healer like her.” It was only a thought of course but he knew his mother would be pleased that there was another healer in the family. As he lay there next to his mate watching his children sleep the thought that it couldn't possibly be real. It soon drifted away as Jynx hum reached his ears and he felt her rest her head over his neck. He had everything he'd dreamed of and though it was at the cost of a son he was content as long as Milon was never forgotten. He closed his eyes and joined his mate in slumber.


(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2017, 10:13 PM by Emrys.)
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